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Bloodborne Level Design Was Impacted by the PlayStation 4 Hardware Limitations, New Video Details
FromSoftware had to tweak Bloodborne's level design due to the PlayStation 4 hardware limitations, a new video detailed
Interestingly enough, the changes to progression made in this area in Bloodborne's final version were essentially dictated by the PlayStation 4 hardware limitations, as the fast traversal through the hallway into Oedon Chapel didn't allow the console to load assets properly, resulting in performance issues, visual glitches, and very slow loading. As such, progression towards Oedon Chapel was slowed down with the introduction of the Underground Library just two months before the final build was submitted. In one of its iterations, the location also featured additional messages that revealed new information on the game's lore.
Very interested analysis. Lance McDonald 's work goes really deep.
Imagine that Miyazaki harnesses the ssd speed in current hardware, and pull off a boss battle where the set pieces flash from lava to glacier to cloudy to cosmos, how dope would that be.