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Boxing Discussion

Easy explanation: it's bleacher report first off, anyone can write that. Second, anyone from Mayweather's camp can claim knowledge over anything. Look at tonight, the guy is a PR machine. He went on some weird rant about protecting his health before this fight and about Pacquaio not doing anything for the American people. Someone that's a "source" could be in Mayweather's camp and make whatever the fuck they want up.

Teddy Atlas is not in Mayweather's camp. He also works for ESPN, where this was first reported, not Bleacher Report.
Agree with much of that rage post. Still Pacquiao himself has done or at least been accused of a lot of dodgy stuff. Not saying any of it is on par with beating a woman, just strange how it's hardly ever mentioned.


My Member!
Teddy Atlas is not in Mayweather's camp. He also works for ESPN, where this was first reported, not Bleacher Report.

The source "close to the situation" could be someone from Mayweather's camp claiming anything, is my point. I don't believe anything coming from either camp, and if you do, you're a tool falling for the PR scheme.


Teddy Atlas is not in Mayweather's camp. He also works for ESPN, where this was first reported, not Bleacher Report.

Thanks, I know who he is. Here is the direct quote from him:

"From sources that told me, they said that people in the Pacquiao camp sent a couple of e-mails to the Mayweather camp a few weeks ago, about 2-3 weeks ago," Atlas said. "And the first e-mail was 'What would the penalty be if our guy tested positive?' and the second e-mail was 'If he did test positive, could we keep this a secret for the benefit of boxing?'"


he's Virgin Tight™
Damn, fight was good. Sad to see Cotto lose but he definitely missed the truck on those first rounds. They were essential


My Member!
Natural weren't you cheering on Bernard Hopkins during his last fight?

I know Hopkins past, but at least when he got out of jail he turned his life around out of it.

This is the third or fourth domestic violence type case against Floyd and had gotten suspended sentences before, and finally one caught up to him enough for him to get time.

Baby Milo

LOL, you serious?

Plus it was in 2009. No one cares about that now, no one cares about Cotto anymore, and no one cares about this fight.

If Mayweather-Pacquaio aren't going to fight, I would like to see Mayweather move way up in weight and fight underweight against Hopkins fighting at a lower weight. I wonder if an underweight Mayweather could beat a 47 year old man heavier than him.

I know Hopkins past, but at least when he got out of jail he turned his life around out of it.

This is the third or fourth domestic violence type case against Floyd and had gotten suspended sentences before, and finally one caught up to him enough for him to get time.

He's a scumbag that's good at boxing though. Now you are just arguing the varying degrees of scumbagness. Just seems kind of silly to me to get this salty over people being fans of Floyd even though he's got domestic violence charges hanging over his head, while you root on Bernard "My Boxing Career Got Off To A Late Start Because I Was Busy Robbing People and Going To Prison For It' Hopkins.


My Member!

I didn't say should dumbass, how about reading what I wrote.

Saying "I would like to see" as a novelty what would happens doesn't mean should, but yeah, keep making up shit. I would also like to see a prime Ali vs. a prime Tyson but I guess that would somehow mean to you "OMG he would also like to see Ali in his wheelchair get beat up by a washed up Tyson."


My Member!
He's a scumbag that's good at boxing though. Now you are just arguing the varying degrees of scumbagness. Just seems kind of silly to me to get this salty over people being fans of Floyd even though he's got domestic violence charges hanging over his head, while you root on Bernard "My Boxing Career Got Off To A Late Start Because I Was Busy Robbing People and Going To Prison For It' Hopkins.

The first difference is, Hopkins has kept his life clean and out of trouble since then and turned it around.

The second difference is, I know a showman and I know a bullshitter when I see one. Hopkins is definitely a bullshitter who knows how to play the game, say outrageous shit to either play the villian or get the fight he wants (or doesn't want.) He knows the game, knows the craft, and knows how to play it to his advantage.

I wouldn't sit here and defend the crazy shit Hopkins claims like some of you do with Mayweather. Mayweather says the same crazy ass shit to get what he wants - the difference is, some sheep actually believe this shit. Why would you believe anything this mother fucker has to say, much less support it?

After every fight from either Pacquaio or Mayweather it's the same damn routine. One side says "OMG MAYWEATHER WOULD TEAR HIM UP AND SINCE MAYWEATHER SAID FOR A FACT PACQUAIO TOOK ROIDS I BELIEVE HIM, THIS IS ALL PACQUAIO'S FAULT!"

You really buy that shit? Give me a fucking break. It's two scumbag sides, both playing the PR train, playing everyone over this to make their side look better.
The first difference is, Hopkins has kept his life clean and out of trouble since then and turned it around.

The second difference is, I know a showman and I know a bullshitter when I see one. Hopkins is definitely a bullshitter who knows how to play the game, say outrageous shit to either play the villian or get the fight he wants (or doesn't want.) He knows the game, knows the craft, and knows how to play it to his advantage.

I wouldn't sit here and defend the crazy shit Hopkins claims like some of you do with Mayweather. Mayweather says the same crazy ass shit to get what he wants - the difference is, some sheep actually believe this shit. Why would you believe anything this mother fucker has to say, much less support it?

After every fight from either Pacquaio or Mayweather it's the same damn routine. One side says "OMG MAYWEATHER WOULD TEAR HIM UP AND SINCE MAYWEATHER SAID FOR A FACT PACQUAIO TOOK ROIDS I BELIEVE HIM, THIS IS ALL PACQUAIO'S FAULT!"

You really buy that shit? Give me a fucking break. It's two scumbag sides, both playing the PR train, playing everyone over this to make their side look better.

You know Hopkins has kept his nose clean or has he just gotten better at hiding it? I've just stopped pretending that I know what any of these athletes/actors/musicians are doing behind closed doors so why even care? I think Floyd is probably a shitty person. If he was my neighbor, or my cousin or my coworker I'd probably hate his guts. But he's not my neighbor or my cousin or my coworker. My relationship with him extends as far as the couple of hours I spend watching his fights, and fighting is something he does beautifully. That's all I care about. These guys aren't going to date my sister or have me over for dinner so I really don't' give a shit about what kind of person they are.


Yeah holding up this Teddy Atlas "my sources heard from Mayweather's maid's brother's uncle" rumor as some ironclad shit is pretty hilarious. Teddy is a goddamn moron prone to spouting any old nonsense that pops into his head. Hearing him say stupid shit on ESPN2 has left me gobsmacked more than a few times.

Mayweather/Pacquiao is going to happen, and anyone thinking it will be a cakewalk for Floyd (or Pac, for that matter) is a fucking idiot who should be ignored. Cotto just gave Floyd about all he could handle and Cotto doesn't have half the speed or accuracy of Pac.

Props to Floyd for tonight's performance, though. Dude fought brilliantly. I had it closer to 7-5 for May, rather than 9-3 or 10-2 (lolwtf), but he definitely outclassed Cotto. His defense is just insane, and unfortunately for Cotto he isn't quick and precise enough to break that defense down with a ton of jabs and straights.

Was cool to see Floyd make peace with Merchant and be cool post-fight, even if that is probably due to him going to sit down in 3 weeks and wanting people to think positively of him when the news hits that he is going in. I bet that time locked up will clear his head and maybe provide an epiphany or two, and he will come out ready to get that Pac fight made for real.

I would pay infinite monies, or chop off a goddamn finger if it meant I could see Miss Jackson and Mrs. Cotto getting it in and then smashing them both. GOLFHAM.


My Member!
You know Hopkins has kept his nose clean or has he just gotten better at hiding it? I've just stopped pretending that I know what any of these athletes/actors/musicians are doing behind closed doors so why even care? I think Floyd is probably a shitty person. If he was my neighbor, or my cousin or my coworker I'd probably hate his guts. But he's not my neighbor or my cousin or my coworker. My relationship with him extends as far as the couple of hours I spend watching his fights, and fighting is something he does beautifully. That's all I care about. These guys aren't going to date my sister or have me over for dinner so I really don't' give a shit about what kind of person they are.

I'll agree that a fan of someone in the field of competition has a hard time factoring in everything they do, because they only see them competing. But that's fine - if someone wants to say Mayweather would do this or that or likes the way they fight, that's one thing.

I still don't get the point of where you jump from "I like how this guy fights" to "I like how this guy fights so I believe everything he says and support what he says."

I don't see how anyone can watch what this guy says and does and how he lives his life to make that jump. Yeah, I can see how anyone with success can have fans, but that doesn't mean jumping to believing what the prick has to say and thinking you know with certainty that he's in the right and it's all someone elses fault why a fight didn't happen.

He's a great fighter, but nothing he's ever said or done or the way he's conducted himself in his own life has EVER indicated ANYTHING he says or does is credible. If you think this is solely a Pacquaio/Arum issue and this is a one way thing, you're drinking the kool aid of a man based completely on liking how they compete and nothing else. If you or anyone else are going to do that, at least admit it.
I'll agree that a fan of someone in the field of competition has a hard time factoring in everything they do, because they only see them competing. But that's fine - if someone wants to say Mayweather would do this or that or likes the way they fight, that's one thing.

I still don't get the point of where you jump from "I like how this guy fights" to "I like how this guy fights so I believe everything he says and support what he says."

I don't see how anyone can watch what this guy says and does and how he lives his life to make that jump. Yeah, I can see how anyone with success can have fans, but that doesn't mean jumping to believing what the prick has to say and thinking you know with certainty that he's in the right and it's all someone elses fault why a fight didn't happen.

He's a great fighter, but nothing he's ever said or done or the way he's conducted himself in his own life has EVER indicated ANYTHING he says or does is credible. If you think this is solely a Pacquaio/Arum issue and this is a one way thing, you're drinking the kool aid of a man based completely on liking how they compete and nothing else. If you or anyone else are going to do that, at least admit it.

I can only speak for myself, but I have always said both sides are full of shit when it comes to the Paq/Mayweather thing. In fact I've always thought both sides were in on it, and had an unwritten agreement to just keep leading people on for years and years to milk as many big fights as they can out of the whole thing. From my experience, you see a lot more Manny fans thinking he's completely innocent in the matter than Floyd fans saying the same thing about their fighter. Stans are stans though and there's enough of them on both sides to prevent one from using them as some sort of indictment on the fighter himself.
You know Hopkins has kept his nose clean or has he just gotten better at hiding it? I've just stopped pretending that I know what any of these athletes/actors/musicians are doing behind closed doors so why even care? I think Floyd is probably a shitty person. If he was my neighbor, or my cousin or my coworker I'd probably hate his guts. But he's not my neighbor or my cousin or my coworker. My relationship with him extends as far as the couple of hours I spend watching his fights, and fighting is something he does beautifully. That's all I care about. These guys aren't going to date my sister or have me over for dinner so I really don't' give a shit about what kind of person they are.

Another guy that gets it. All I care about is what a boxer does inside the ring; all that other stuff is irrelevant. I don't have to like a guy's personality in order to enjoy pure boxing skills on display. Everyone has skeletons in their closet, and the media will always have an agenda no matter what; there has to be Good vs Evil. Floyd and Cotto where both warriors in the ring tonight, and gave a good show; that's what's important to me. Raging about Floyd's past, while glossing over Hopkins, just sounds like sour grapes.

I absolutely hate Nate and Nick Diaz, but I will always enjoy a Nick Diaz fight, because the dude brings it every time. I don't have to eat lunch with the guy.
I thought it was a great fight as mayweather capitalised on cotto running out of gas from the 9th onwards. Seeing this fight will only show the potential of what fighting against pacquiao will be like.

Mayweathers personal issues may get the better of him though which will be a damn shame. I think it was great courage by cotto but he just wasnt good enough in the end. I don't know if mayweather will fight like that against pacquiao though as pacquiao is more accurate, faster and powerful but Mayweathers defence is superb. I just didn't like the extensive arm holding he was doing. cotto should have been forearming that hold away but let mayweather do it all night.

The pacquiao fight will be strung along for a couple more years if people keep paying to watch both guys fight other cans. Both camps are happy that it is like this. Do not blame just the fighters. It is the promoters doing this on purpose for a longer payday.
The only thing Cotto had going for him all night was the jab, yet he abandons it for a strategy that wore him down more than it did Mayweather. His work against the ropes looked exciting for the crowd, but he never really hit Floyd flush. That jab of his busted Floyd's nose, and him giving Floyd movement and letting him come to him threw Floyd off for a round. Cotto should have stuck to that strategy; his left is his power hand, and he always had nice timing with the jab. Would have made things more interesting I think.

Not one of Floyd's best performances; I've seen him much sharper, but he's never looked outstanding fighting at the heavier weight.


[Checks in to see if folks are saying the same old shit about Pac/Mayweather]

[Leaves satisfied]

Also -- anyone who thinks this is about anything other than money is blowing out their arse. Pac wants 50/50, Mayweather's ego won't allow it.

Both of them should fight for free. Boxing needs this fight more than anything.


My Member!
I can only speak for myself, but I have always said both sides are full of shit when it comes to the Paq/Mayweather thing. In fact I've always thought both sides were in on it, and had an unwritten agreement to just keep leading people on for years and years to milk as many big fights as they can out of the whole thing. From my experience, you see a lot more Manny fans thinking he's completely innocent in the matter than Floyd fans saying the same thing about their fighter. Stans are stans though and there's enough of them on both sides to prevent one from using them as some sort of indictment on the fighter himself.

I don't understand this backing Mayweather roid stuff though. This stuff was never an issue, for anyone, until Mayweather brought it up. When has anyone in any sport actually refused to compete against someone because of not strict enough testing? Personally, I think it's ridiculous to claim anyone is on roids based on a guy who's basically moved up weights to do nothing more than collect belts in small weight increments with almost all after he turned 20 between super bantamweight and welterweight - which is all of an 18 pound difference from 122 to 140. Something no one even bats an eye at if it happens in MMA.

I have no clue what Arum's stance is or was, he claims any testing range is fine now, Mayweather says he's a liar, Arum said it wasn't fine before and had all kinds of varied ranges, Mayweather was fine with NSAC testing the rest of his career - prior to Pacquaio becoming a major contender. You can't believe any of it, from anyone.

All I know is this: it wasn't an issue, in anything until Mayweather brought it up. Maybe you're right and it was all planned from both sides, but guess what? Mayweather fans like yourself are hunting down crazy heresay to prove his point because he said it, and that's the only reason, because HE said it.

If you didn't buy into his bullshit, you wouldn't be trying to prove what he said. Actually NO ONE would be doing it with regards to Pacquaio if he didn't bring it up.

So while you and others say both sides are full of shit, you're still beating the drum that Mayweather started, all because you're a fan of his ring work. You can't have it both ways, you can't discount the person and then buy into and defend what he says as that person.
I don't understand this backing Mayweather roid stuff though. This stuff was never an issue, for anyone, until Mayweather brought it up. When has anyone in any sport actually refused to compete against someone because of not strict enough testing? Personally, I think it's ridiculous to claim anyone is on roids based on a guy who's basically moved up weights to do nothing more than collect belts in small weight increments with almost all after he turned 20 between super bantamweight and welterweight - which is all of an 18 pound difference from 122 to 140. Something no one even bats an eye at if it happens in MMA.

I have no clue what Arum's stance is or was, he claims any testing range is fine now, Mayweather says he's a liar, Arum said it wasn't fine before and had all kinds of varied ranges, Mayweather was fine with NSAC testing the rest of his career - prior to Pacquaio becoming a major contender. You can't believe any of it, from anyone.

All I know is this: it wasn't an issue, in anything until Mayweather brought it up. Maybe you're right and it was all planned from both sides, but guess what? Mayweather fans like yourself are hunting down crazy heresay to prove his point because he said it, and that's the only reason, because HE said it.

If you didn't buy into his bullshit, you wouldn't be trying to prove what he said. Actually NO ONE would be doing it with regards to Pacquaio if he didn't bring it up.

So while you and others say both sides are full of shit, you're still beating the drum that Mayweather started, all because you're a fan of his ring work. You can't have it both ways, you can't discount the person and then buy into and defend what he says as that person.

So people can't be fans of Mayweather just because they like how he fights? Is every Mayweather fan a rabid fanboy who worships everything that "Money" says and does? Why are you trying so hard to convince people they should hate everything about the man as much as you do? Lol, it's not that serious.


My Member!
So people can't be fans of Mayweather just because they like how he fights? Is every Mayweather fan a rabid fanboy who worships everything that "Money" says and does? Why are you trying so hard to convince people they should hate everything about the man as much as you do? Lol, it's not that serious.

You didn't read a line of what I wrote. My question was, just because you like how he fights, why should you believe the bullshit he says and defend it? Just because you're a fan?


i used to not like mayweather. thought he was overly cocky, talked too much and showed off excessively. the way his fans blindly showed love and dismissed other great fighters held me back from becoming a fan. but, after watching mayweather actually fight inside the ring and not caring about his person life or his fans, i started seeing some real talent and skill. the dude obviously knows what he's doing during his matches.

the cotto/mayweather fight was pretty good. i was hoping to see a knockout since the opportunity was present a few times during the match. both fighters did well, so mayweather earned that win.

can't wait for manny/floyd!
I just don't understand how people can be so hypocritical. No one didn't bat an eye when Roy tested positive for PEDs after he dismantled Hall (even though Hall himself tested positive) because roids or not, Roy would have beat Hall anyways.

Fernando Vargas tested positive for roids after his match with Oscar De La Hoya and he still got TKO'd. Everyone knew Vargas was juicing, but it didn't matter because he didn't have the necessary skills to beat ODLH.

Look how much bigger Vargas was against ODLH in their fight and still, scrawny little ODLH put Vargas in dreamland.

It seems like Mayweather fans use the PEDs accusations in case if he lost against Manny, they have something to fall back on.
I just don't understand how people can be so hypocritical. No one didn't bat an eye when Roy tested positive for PEDs after he dismantled Hall (even though Hall himself tested positive) because roids or not, Roy would have beat Hall anyways.

Fernando Vargas tested positive for roids after his match with Oscar De La Hoya and he still got TKO'd. Everyone knew Vargas was juicing, but it didn't matter because he didn't have the necessary skills to beat ODLH.

Look how much bigger Vargas was against ODLH in their fight and still, scrawny little ODLH put Vargas in dreamland.

It seems like Mayweather fans use the PEDs accusations in case if he lost against Manny, they have something to fall back on.

I did not know that about Roy. Mayweather fans just want a "Role Model" that they want to emulate (if you count flashing wads of cash and hanging with Curtis a positive emulation).


This is why boxing is dying.

PBF is dodging like crazy.

If he(floyd) knows he's the better fighter, regardless the fact that pacman is shooting up or not, he should beat him.. right? Then why the fuck isn't he fighting him? Because he's scared he will lose. He's admitting that he might lose. Some reason people have some sort of disconnect with that fact. It's like they can't put the two together.

This whole e-mail fiasco is just bullshit. These two camps go through years of dodging suddenly now they get these random emails asking about drug testing? I call bullshit. Looks like PBF is gearing up his PR machine to discredit pacman some more.
This is why boxing is dying.

PBF is dodging like crazy.

If he(floyd) knows he's the better fighter, regardless the fact that pacman is shooting up or not, he should beat him.. right? Then why the fuck isn't he fighting him? Because he's scared he will lose. He's admitting that he might lose. Some reason people have some sort of disconnect with that fact. It's like they can't put the two together.

This whole e-mail fiasco is just bullshit. These two camps go through years of dodging suddenly now they get these random emails asking about drug testing? I call bullshit. Looks like PBF is gearing up his PR machine to discredit pacman some more.

Alex Ariza, who is Manny's personal training coach, and is predominately seen on 24/7 shows helping Manny train for fights, had this to say:

I think that's the fight that everybody wants to see. Here's the thing, Dana White is 100% absolutely correct. Bob Arum is a greedy pig. Now I see. That's exactly why Dana White has been so successful and Bob Arum sees him as such a threat, because he puts the ights together that the people want to see. It's about putting the best fights on. That's why people love the UFC so much, because the fights are so competitive. Even though he had the biggest fight with Nick Diaz and they went back and forth at each other, Dana did the right thing by the sport and he still put him and BJ Penn together and made them fight. Arum hates Floyd Mayweather, can't stand him, doesn't want to see him make a dollar, can't stand Golden Boy, doesn't want to do business with them, but instead of doing what's best for the sport, what's best or the fans, and what's best for the fighters because they'll get the payday of a lifetime, no, it's all about him. "I don't like him, so f**k him!" I mean, right or wrong? Unless you can tell me and convince me otherwise, because I'm thoroughly convinced and believe that Floyd really does want to have this fight. I think he really wants to have this fight. As far as he knows, he's right. He's right. Bob is the one interfering and f**king s**t up.

That's just FLoyd's PR team though, right? Arum and Manny's camp are completely in the clear.
Frank Warren will officially announce David Haye v Derek Chisora later today.

The fight will take place at Upton Park on July 14 and be sanctioned by the Luxembourg Boxing Association.
Frank Warren will officially announce David Haye v Derek Chisora later today.

The fight will take place at Upton Park on July 14 and be sanctioned by the Luxembourg Boxing Association.

Luxembourg Boxing Association? :lol

Haye should be embarrassed that he's coming out of retirement for Chisora.
Luxembourg Boxing Association? :lol

Haye should be embarrassed that he's coming out of retirement for Chisora.

It's an easy sell as people are still high on Chisora for his showings against Helenius (he got robbed) and Vitali (he seems to be getting props for at least coming to fight). Add in the press conference shenanigans and the fight promotes itself.

Haye KO 6.
Damn, just heard about Peterson's failed drug test. Fight must surely be off then, 11 days away. What happens with the belt? Wonder where Khan goes from here.
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