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Brain-Linked Monkeys Form Superorganism, Deftly Control Robotic Arm

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And there was me criticising it for being a silly implausible method, wrong again.

But what happens when they disagree?

The dominant monkeys mind takes control, it won't work as well during this time, but the arm then beats the other monkeys back into submission.

Or do you mean the Jaegers?
Yes technology never gets cheaper, that's why we only have multimillion dollar computers

Yeah you're right, medical insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies will be falling over themselves to make sure every poor person will be able to have access to brain controlled prosthetics and anti-rejection drugs for pennies a month


And all of this will be for naught because only the rich will be able to afford it in the field of prosthetics, and linking people together for anything more than social media to, say, build infrastructure is still going to involve endless bureaucracy and be limited by public bid law

I don't think this research does what you think it does.
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