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BREAKING NEWS!!!11 ( Kameo )


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Poona said:
I'm still trying to figure out if her sidekick, Meepo the purple dragon has been killed off, given a new form or we just haven't been seeing him in the new media anymore.

in the gamespot dev interview (link several posts up), there is a brief clip of her as a fire brbeathing dragon. i can only assume thats Meepo



You're missing the point of Microsoft purchasing Rare. Rare was purchased because there was no market for the kinds of games it makes on the Xbox. The Xbox is purchased by older players with tons of disposable income and hardcore gamers. It has failed to hit the young and casual markets. In order for the next Xbox to be successful and knock Sony off the block, Microsoft is going to have to attract players from all age groups. Rare wasn't purchased on the idea that it would sell two million copies of Kameo, Conker, and Grabbed by the Ghoulies. It was purchased so that when the Xbox 2 launches it will have more than just a handful of first-person shooters and a smattering of GTA clones available. It's a long-term strategy that Microsoft knows it won't see the fruits of for quite some time. Is Kameo going to bomb? Probably. Will that have anything to do with its quality? Probably not. It's a smart move, if you ask me. The next Xbox will never be the top dog with the same software library the current Xbox has.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Launch the Xenon with Banjo-Kazooie and PDZero and I'll buy one. I wouldn't be surprised if that is indeed their plan too. We know PDZero is still around and seeing as they're not going to be able to get Halo 3 ready for launch, it'll be the perfect replacement, and there's no way the Banjo team is making another Ghoulies game. Combined with that original Rare/MS video prominently featuring Banjo, I#m sure there's a game on track for launch or not long after.


satterfield said:
You're missing the point of Microsoft purchasing Rare.
not really, i was more not addressing it. i've talked to shane kim and heard him say "RARE MAY SUCK NOW BUT OMG XBOX 2", too. it makes sense that if you can't hire talent, you buy something that appears to be it to the untrained eye. if xbox 2 is designed to appeal to a wider audience, buying rare may prove to have been a very good move, although it was so prohibitively expensive i have trouble accepting even that.

if i wanted them to be making hella awesome xbox 2 games, i wouldn't let them put more staff onto kameo. i'd have them use those people to make ... hella awesome xbox 2 games!

satterfield said:
Rare wasn't purchased on the idea that it would sell two million copies of Kameo, Conker, and Grabbed by the Ghoulies.
yeah, and they sure as fuck aren't -- i don't think i ever thought or implied that -- so why spend so much money on pumping up these mediocre games trying to bring them up to a certain standard? just release shitty kameo as a shitty game; it'll bomb just as hard but cost way less to do it. it seems to me that microsoft is ignoring your entire argument, really. after all, ken lobb and ed fries honestly thought GBTG was a great game.

satterfield said:
Is Kameo going to bomb? Probably. Will that have anything to do with its quality? Probably not.
never said it would have anything to do with its eventual quality. then again, i am unconvinced kameo has much going for it either, even after seeing the latest build. at least they took out those incredibly painful baby-monster-capturing bits. jesus.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
ferricide said:
it seems to me that microsoft is ignoring your entire argument, really. after all, ken lobb and ed fries honestly thought GBTG was a great game.

god damnit, i liked GBTG :(
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