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Bret hart responds to Ric Flair

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Let me try and doing a bit of fisking on this highly laughable and bitter rant by bret hart.

Yes, I did make some unflattering comments about Flair and Hogan back
in the early 90’s. I then rethought what I’d said and in the interest of doing
business with them, for the greater good of the business, I made a sincere
effort to apologize to both of them, publicly and privately. They each shook
my hand and told me not to worry about it and that it wasn’t an issue, but when
I got to WCW I was never given any kind of a chance and whether either one
or both of them was behind it I’ll probably never know, other than hearsay.

Let me answer, who was the leader of the NWO when you got a big fat contract when you came to WCW? Hogan, Flair in WCW has always been treated like a broken red-headed stepchildren only used to save some lame ass angle they couldn't figure a way out of. Hogan pulled strings up till he finally left in the dying days of WCW and screwed you.

Wrestling wasn’t just a job for me, it was the only way of life I knew long before
either Hogan or Flair laced up a pair of boots and took their first wrestling
lesson to see what it was like.

Flair wasn't born with a dad in wrestling but he was Wisconsin high school state amateur champion and started in 72 professionally. So he didn't approach this as a job like Brock Lesnar.

Self promotion was an intricate key to any
wrestler making it in the business. He convinced a legion of fans that he
was the best in the business - and there’s nothing wrong with that. He even
convinced himself. But his peers, the guys who worked with him night after
night, know better. How could any fan know what kind of a worker Ric Flair
really is without actually working with him?

Flair wasn't a draw around the world because he was such a great con man as to convince so many he was great when he really sucked. The fact he can get good to great matches with people like Luger, Sting, El Gigante, Ron Garvin is evidence enough of his ability in the ring to tell a story with a damn broomstick that the fans were not turned off, add to that his charisma and personality. World Class draw, something Bret hart was not.

Bret hart career did not take off in a meaningful way till 1992 as a singles wrestler, by that time Flair had already put his place in the wrestling world as a legend who's career was a draw for countless promotions in America, Canada, Europe, Japan, West Indies.
Flair says that I believed my own press and convinced myself that I’m the best there is.

so its not true?

When I boast about being the best there is, it is because of three reasons.

oh it is true then.

The first and most important is that I never injured any
wrestler in any way despite my physical style. This is something in which I
take a lot of pride and I don’t know of anyone, who worked a schedule on par
with mine for as long as I did, who can truthfully make that same claim. The
second reason is that in the fourteenyears I was with the WWF, often wrestling
three hundred times per year, I missed but one match - and that was due to a
canceled flight. Again, I don’t think there is anyone who worked that schedule
who can truthfully make that claim. Everyone on the road worked hard but I
was proud to be counted among the handful of guys with an exceptionally
dedicated work ethic. The third reason is that throughout my career I never once
refused to put over a fellow wrestler - except at Survivor Series ‘97.

So not injuring( lie, he injured Bad News Brown), almost never missed a show, which means nothing and you never refused to put anyone over? Flair has put over people that should be labeled as crimes against humanity. You refused to put ANYONE over in an entire freaking country because you were worried about your damn ego and title as "CANADIAN HERO!"

Vince told me
that I could leave any way I liked, not to mention the fact that I had
contractual creative control for my last thirty days. The idea for him to beat me in
Canada was solely conceived to ruin me as a commodity in my home country where
WCW had big plans for me. Not to mention that when Shawn Michaels mocked
fornicating with the Canadian flag in the middle of the ring it went beyond
being personal to me, my fans, and my country!

Nice to see he is not buying into his own publicity.

From what little I did see of the NWA my impression was that
their TV show at that time was poorly produced and made the wrestlers come
off as second rate. Despite that, I’d been lead to believe, like everyone
else, that Ric Flair was the best in the business. I always wondered, if he was
the best why wasn’t he in the big league WWF? His popularity at that time
was largely concentrated in the deep south. I appreciated his compliment and
hoped I might have the chance to work with this legend some day.

BWAH HA HA HA HA HA Flair was making money hand over fist for the NWA and himself all over the world, he had just come off his great series with Ricky Steamboat and Funk and this fool is coming up well why wasn't he in the WWF till now? That's how he thought? geez.

Eventually, Flair showed up in the WWF with the WCW belt and I was
somewhat surprised when he shamelessly crapped all over the history of the
territory that made him by not giving them their belt back.

Considering what Jim Herd wanted to do to him, damn right he should have crapped all over WCW, they wanted to give him a pay cut, make Luger top star I believe and cut him out of booking. He took the belt with him because it was his belt made for him, WCW had to buy the belt from him. oh I think Herd wanted to make him a gladiator or something.

To this day I don’t
know what would make him hurt his fellow wrestlers and their struggling company
like that. I admit I don’t know all the facts on this so I won’t comment
any further about it, and Ric should have done the same with me.

Bullshit, the story was known within wrestling circles, and to whine that since he doesn't know, Flair should not talk about his wrestling ability is also bullshit.

Flair was trumpeted into the WWF with great fan fare and at last, one
night in New Haven, I was thrilled to defend the IC belt against this great
legend in an unscheduled dark match that was taped for Coliseum video. I knew
more about ring psychology and real wrestling at the ripe age of nine than Ric
Flair knew in his entire lifetime yet out of respect I let him lead the match

This is so idiotic, hart ego is out of control.

Ric has never been able to do
anything but his one routine match, which consists of cartoon high spots
borrowed from Jackie Fargo and midget wrestlers, along with an assortment of tired
old ripped off Buddy Rogers high spots. My dad always called Flair a
“routine man” - because he did the exact same routine every night, every where,
and was forever stuck with it.

Hi, Mr Five moves of Doom and headlocks galore in the ironman match with HBK. Go get some tapes from Mid-Atlantic,Japan, steamboat matches, Funk, Dusty, and on and on and on. Most of the time Flair had little to work with so he had to "dumb" it down. Whats your excuse?

I can tell you first hand that Ric Flair was not a great worker at
all. Yes, he did hilarious interviews but, to my taste, I never thought a
world champion was supposed to be hilariously amusing. Granted, Flair was
entertaining to watch - and there’s nothing wrong with that.

yeah, all Flair did was comic interviews, I still remember more interviews from the horsemen days, him screaming at a blank monitor furious about something Dusty on tape had said earlier to hype up a match. Your most memorable interview was "who're you to doubt el dandy"
If all Flair did was "hilarious" interview, he would be a curtain jerker who did nothing else in his career.

In fact, much like
Hogan, Flair’s magnetism and charisma distracted from and offset his limited
ability in the ring. The single greatest contribution that Flair ever gave to
pro wrestling was the wooo from his silly chops. First off, chops hurt - and in
my opinion they look like crap.

BRET "ICETRAIN" HART! Flair's charisma enchanced his wrestling ability in the ring, thats why he was a freaking draw all over the world while at the same time you were being dragged around Japan with Dynamite Kid being his towel boy learning the business.

and WOOOOOOOOOOOO! will live on long after both of you are dead, and in wrestling when you can do something so great that people WOOOOOO during a match after a chop is a testiment to how admired Flair is. The only legacy you got is you got screwed in a match.

For Flair to demean Randy Savage and Mick Foley is outrageous! In my
opinion, as someone who has worked with all three of them (and everybody else
from that era too) Ric Flair couldn't even lace up Randy and Mick’s boots!

Foley is a great promo and a stuntman, Savage average wrestling talent, okay promo, Flair is heads above both of them in the ability to tell a story and wrestle in the ring and carrying an opponent without having to crash thru a table.

So what if
Randy wanted to put in an even greater effort by designing a great match in
excessive detail? That is a quality, not a flaw, and Flair is too lost in time
to grasp it.

considering it was to make him look good, yeah it was a flaw.

Sure Flair could call a match, the exact same one over and over,
talking and telegraphing every move!

5 moves yapping about something like this? Flair would raise to the level of his opponent, But would dumb it down when he had too.. Plus what is Bret bitching about? EVERY wrestler has his signature moves in the ring.

For Ric Flair to say that I wasn’t a draw is just plain ridiculous. I’m
very sure that I sold enough tickets throughout my career. Who is he kidding?
Everyone knows that most of the time WCW wrestlers worked in front of empty
chairs in empty arenas. All one has to do is watch Flair’s DVD to see the
empty seats and the exact same match with every opponent, whatever their shape or
size. After Vince made him redo his SNME match his days were numbered in
the WWF because he clearly wasn’t what he was cracked up to be.

Bret time on the road and/or the kick to the head must have blanked out on the fact Mid atlantic and crockett kicked ass and Flair has more than enough times worked full houses world over. Flair is also right in saying Bret was not a draw on the same level he was, Austin vs Bret(Austin) HBK vs Bret(HBK) Bret by himself was not a draw when put up against superstar draws like Austin/Rock/Inoki... people who could carry a promotion on their back.

When I finally went to Vince he scolded
me and told me that I was his champion and from here on in to take charge of
my matches - and that Flair wasn’t as good as he was cracked up to be! I was
trying to respect Ric at the time but since he was heading back to WCW I
had no choice but to take control. Ric apologized to me saying he was having
problems at home but today he’s telling some bullshit story about Charles
Barkley and the Ultimate Warrior.

I think Warrior did injury Flair, something about his equilibrium and I have a hard time believing Vince said anything of that nature to Bret especially back then

If anything, Flair was
not only notorious for sucking up to the office but generally took liberties
with his opponents who had been convinced that he was going to make them. If
you watch Flair’s matches you’ll see that he usually made himself at the
expense of his opponents , something I was famous for not doing.

YEAH! Ask Sting, Luger, terry Taylor, kerry von Erich, ron garvin, dusty, Nikita Koloff, Sid Vicious.. ALWAYS SHOWED THEM UP!.
What an idiot.

That’s all the
endorsement I’ll ever need! That’s all I need to say about it.
Far above and beyond anything else Flair said, it is his comment about
how I exploited my loving brother Owen’s death that is unforgivable.

That was mean..its true.. but mean of Flair.

Foley , Savage and Bret Hart have been doing just fine outside of the
world of wrestling. What else has Ric Flair got? I’d like to punch Ric Flair
right in the nose - but I’d probably have to kick somebody in the ass to do
it! In the infamous words of Dick Cheney, go f**k yourself Ric and be glad
that someone like me doesn’t shove your head squarely up your ass someday.

oy, what a whiny bitter man.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
The backbiting is more interesting than the in ring stuff these days...


Bret Hart said:
I’d like to punch Ric Flair
right in the nose - but I’d probably have to kick somebody in the ass to do
it! In the infamous words of Dick Cheney, go f**k yourself Ric and be glad
that someone like me doesn’t shove your head squarely up your ass someday.

Hot damn!


Maybe it's because I'm Canadian, maybe it's because when I was really young Stampede Wrestling was my intro to the genre, but whatever the reason I will *always* believe Bret and his version of events over anyone else period. Sure, I know he's self-serving as everyone is in his business and has his own agenda, but he's the only guy who could write about wanting to uphold the "old school ways" and make me believe it 100%.


Yeah, everything Hart says seems to have a good chance of being true based on things I've heard about Flair from other sources. I especially agree with Bret about Flair's in-ring work. I've gotten tired of seeing him wrestle lately because it's always the same chops, back-body drops, getting thrown off the top turnbuckle and cartoony flops in every match. I haven't seen much of Flair in his prime, so I thought that this is just a sign of him being past his prime. I didn't know that he ALWAYS wrestled this way.

Bret Hart has no problem tooting his own horn, but I've always believed that he was a trustworthy source. And I do think he's the best wrestler ever.


bret is a victim of his own hype. i know he cares for the sport and what he said might or might not be true but im tired of his bitter ass. its sad to see how he diminished. WWF was really about to take off but his principles refused to let him to stay with this new adult oriented style and that was fine. but then to demand to win in his country no matter what? when leaving the company?

sure vince screwed bret, but bret screwed himself also.
Ric has never been able to do
anything but his one routine match, which consists of cartoon high spots
borrowed from Jackie Fargo and midget wrestlers, along with an assortment of tired
old ripped off Buddy Rogers high spots. My dad always called Flair a
“routine man” - because he did the exact same routine every night, every where,
and was forever stuck with it.
Absolutely true.
Like it or not "Ripclawe", but Bret Hart shits all over Ric Flair!
Bret Hart is tbe better wrestler. No doubt about it.

oy, what a whiny bitter man.
You mean Ric Flair? True!
I remember Ric Flair crying like a baby when Mick Foley smacked him in his book.

Bret was always the better wrestler.
At the end: The greatest Wrestler of all time..... the MAN who MADE WRESTLING what it is today, is HULK HOGAN!
So "In the infamous words of Dick Cheney, go f**k yourself Ric and be glad
that someone like me doesn’t shove your head squarely up your ass someday"

calder said:
Maybe it's because I'm Canadian, maybe it's because when I was really young Stampede Wrestling was my intro to the genre, but whatever the reason I will *always* believe Bret and his version of events over anyone else period. Sure, I know he's self-serving as everyone is in his business and has his own agenda, but he's the only guy who could write about wanting to uphold the "old school ways" and make me believe it 100%.
i'm not even canadian and i can see that bret is definitely a better wrestler than flair...
and how can anyone call out bret on a limited moveset then trumpet flair?

that's inconceivable
effzee said:
but then to demand to win in his country no matter what? when leaving the company?
1) Bret was leaving the company because Vince couldn't afford to pay him anymore.

2) There was much more to it than simply demanding to win in his country, and you know it. Or maybe I shouldn't assume that you do.


as far as i know it was 2 things that made bret leave. vince couldnt afford the huge contract bret signed as the wwf wasnt making much profit back then. 2ndly the wwf, with the increase of popularity of steve austin and babes like sunny and sable, was increasingly moving towards a more adult show. bret was strictly against that and voiced his opinion on it many times. in the end the decision was made to let him go to wcw, they could pay him what he wanted, and at the time were still more family oriented. bret had creative control and he and shawn decided to put this differences aside an work a great match to end his wwf career. now the planned finish was bret was to win but i dont remember what was supposed to happen next. bret was prolly going to forfeit the belt so there could be a new champ the next night on raw but vince worried bret might show up on nitro the next night with the title belt and god knows what bichoff would have done. vince went back on his word and shawn was in the screwing also.

but u cant lay all blame on vince. his company was dying at the time. he was desperate and knew bret would never want to lose in his own country, which is why i always get mad at bret. he is a man of honor and loves the sport and i commend him for it but it was stubborness about not losing in his country to micheals, especially micheals, that really irked me.


Hogan isn't a wrestler. The man couldn't wrestle himself out of a box.

What he is is a personality. He's got the ability to draw the fans around him, regardless of how poorly he performs.

evil ways

Both Bret & Flair are completely full of themselves, they have huge egos, but I have to agree, Ric Flair, for the most of his heel career has wrestled the exact same match against every opponent, same spots, same bumps, to the point where you can say exactly what's gonna happen to him. Even his great matches with Ricky Steamboat looked like a choreographed rerun.

That doesn't mean I don't like the man or believe he's a legend, cause he is.

evil ways

ManDudeChild said:
Well I don't follow all this wrestling stuff, haven't in sometime, but didn't Ric Flare sexually harass some flight attendants?

Yeah, he supposedly groped/felt up and exposed himself to a female flight attendant a year or 2 ago, during a WWE Tour.
I love both Flair and Bret, but definitely more Bret for his ability and for his ability to work the crowd. He is the best there is, the best was, and the best there ever will be.

However, I don't think it's fair to knock Ric cause he knocked him. It's just more fuel to add to Ric's bigger than life attitude, and I have no problem with it. It's the bravado and pagentry that Flair will be remembered for, not his technical merit. Hart also had the advantage of learning from a great wrestler, who happened to be his father, and being what was considered in his time as innovative.

This is just a dumb "feud."



Flair's cool and all, but he went down a few pegs in my book with the Owen thing. I wouldn't say "mean, but true", because I don't think it is true.


LinesInTheSand said:
Uh, you just spent a lot of time responding to a wrestler who doesn't read this message board. Holy shit get a life.

You're asking Mr Headline Man to get a life?

evil ways said:
Both Bret & Flair are completely full of themselves, they have huge egos, but I have to agree, Ric Flair, for the most of his heel career has wrestled the exact same match against every opponent, same spots, same bumps, to the point where you can say exactly what's gonna happen to him. Even his great matches with Ricky Steamboat looked like a choreographed rerun.

That doesn't mean I don't like the man or believe he's a legend, cause he is.

Agreed 100%.

BTW, didn't Flair call HHH one of the top five wrestlers of all time? That alone calls his credibility into question.

Anyway, Bret > all...fuck the dumb shit.


I like both Flair and Hart...and I agree with Hart in this article. He gives Flair credit where his credit is due...Flair is awesome on the mic. Bret admits that Flair is quite entertaining on the mic.

Bret can afford to belittle Flair's wrestling abilities, because Bret is the better wrestler. All of his criticization is valid IMO, and it's not cruel (like Flair's criticization of Bret exploiting his brother's death). It's not like Bret said, "Boy the Flair needs to start wearing a bra" or anything like that. If this were anyone else, they'd probably take shots at Flair's aging body, but Bret kept it to wrestling.

If Michael Jordon criticized another basketball player...I'd take his words seriously. Especially if he doesn't go for any low blows and is talking about the game...and keeping the discussion relevant to the sport. Personally, I consider Bret Hart the Michael Jordon of wrestling. Feel free to disagree, but if you tell me that Flair should be considered the MJ of wrestling...you're on crack.
bjork said:

Flair's cool and all, but he went down a few pegs in my book with the Owen thing. I wouldn't say "mean, but true", because I don't think it is true.

What is the owen thing? A while back I read a Flair interview where he made a message regarding Owen that I found to be cryptic. It was something like "the Hart family knows how I feel about Owen." But I never understood what he meant by it. When I google I get so many hits that it makes narrowing down the situation very difficult.


Junior Ace
LinesInTheSand said:
Uh, you just spent a lot of time responding to a wrestler who doesn't read this message board. Holy shit get a life.

What he said. I liked reading the Bret quotes from your post, but then I'd have to see your whining below each one.
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