JareBear: Remastered
I wasn’t sure if this is belonged in politics or off-topic, forgive me if I chose poorly
first part is podcast, second part is Q&A
I was really fascinated with Bret’s story and the whole Evergreen catastrophe back when it all went down and have tried to listen to him as much as possible since then, especially his JRE appearances
I haven’t watched both these videos in entirety yet but I would imagine there are people just as interested as I am in hearing them reflect on that dumpster fire of a systemic breakdown/embarrassment they had to endure.
Check out his Dark Horse Podcast if you get a chance
first part is podcast, second part is Q&A
I was really fascinated with Bret’s story and the whole Evergreen catastrophe back when it all went down and have tried to listen to him as much as possible since then, especially his JRE appearances
I haven’t watched both these videos in entirety yet but I would imagine there are people just as interested as I am in hearing them reflect on that dumpster fire of a systemic breakdown/embarrassment they had to endure.
Check out his Dark Horse Podcast if you get a chance