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British Newspaper take it a step further.



The Dail Mail is a right wing trash newspaper. Its mainly purchased by the blue rinse brigade (its an UK saying). Basicially the paper has latched onto yesterdays story which is perfect for the readers its targeting and made a sensation out of it. Funny how Videogames have replaced the death of 60 Iraqi's on the front page!
The Mail ran an identical campaign in the 80s against 'Video Nasties'. They can probably just reprint the same articles after a quick find-and-replace.


Daily Mail's always been shit. Blaming violence on Manhunt is ridiculous. I reckon their right wing coverage of Iraqi conflict is more to blame.
Izzy said:
Daily Mail's always been shit. Blaming violence on Manhunt is ridiculous. I reckon their right wing coverage of Iraqi conflict is more to blame.

That magazine actually isn't just blaming Manhunt. They're asking for a ban on it, Soldier of Fortune, Hitman, GTA3 and even DOOM3 which hasn't even been released yet. Although i'm sure none of those company publishers will complain, all this is doing is giving each of them free hype that they might have not gotten in the first place.


What a bunch of hysteric feckers. I hope Manhunt will be back in UKs Top 10 soon thanx to them :) ...unless all other shops ban the game.
The Mail is the biggest piece of shit ever. Even The S*n is better.

If we're banning those games, we HAVE to ban cars, knives, films, lawnmowers, alcohol & cigarettes. All are potentially pervasive influences.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
TheDrowningMan said:
The Mail is the biggest piece of shit ever. Even The S*n is better.

If we're banning those games, we HAVE to ban cars, knives, films, lawnmowers, alcohol & cigarettes. All are potentially pervasive influences.

All completely true.

Daily Mail = joke among Brit 'proper' journos. God knows who reads that shite. I'm yet to meet a Mail reader.


And even i am moderately surprised
i really do advise people to read the letters section of the Mail.

"Disabled people! Who do they think they are ? We should take special treatment away from these so called "disabled" and give them to some one who needs them like farmers. I mean, they get discounted cars don't they? It seems they just like to complain..."

Really REALLY funny stuff.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
DCharlie said:
i really do advise people to read the letters section of the Mail.

"Disabled people! Who do they think they are ? We should take special treatment away from these so called "disabled" and give them to some one who needs them like farmers. I mean, they get discounted cars don't they? It seems they just like to complain..."

Really REALLY funny stuff.

That is actually really really funny. I could swear that's the letters page from Viz.


Banstick Emeritus
boutrosinit said:
That is actually really really funny. I could swear that's the letters page from Viz.
Another Viz fan! I have 5 of their compilations from the late 80's - early 90's. Great, great stuff. :D


Street Fighter IV World Champion
bishoptl said:
Another Viz fan! I have 5 of their compilations from the late 80's - early 90's. Great, great stuff. :D

You are a man of taste. They just did an aniversary special! £5 and a hundred or so pages. I haven' found a copy yet :(


Heh--a British friend of mine just loaned me a stack of Viz back-issues. "You don't think you'll like these," he said, "but you will." They're like Mad Magazine, except funny.
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