Blackace said:
I think this shows how Snoop's career has hit rock bottom much more than Brit's....
Hit Rock Bottom? His last album went platinum, he has the 213 album coming out at the end of the Summer, he is starring in Soul Plane. His career is definitely has not hit "rock bottom". Whether we like Soul Plane or not, it is going to turn a profit and he stars in it.
What this shows is that Britney is trying her best to do a Madonna and re-invent herself. Yet, the way she is going about it is all wrong. Madonna would just come out with something totally different. Not riding on the coattails of another established artist to change her image. I am not hating on Snoop for this. Hey, if Brit called me asking me to do a song with her, paying well and I get to hit it a few times, I would say hell yes.