It'll still be available when I'll want to play it, why would I buy it now?Umm why not just get it now and then when the 2nd ep. is out, you play it?
It's $20 on, cheaper than Steam atm.
It'll still be available when I'll want to play it, why would I buy it now?
Any reviews yet?
So between 6hours-14.5hours?
Will be picking it up for the Vita whenever it comes out.
First review by German magazine GamersGlobal: 8/10 (they call it a score trend because it's only the first half of the game, they'll update the score once the second episode is out)Any reviews yet?
The first half of Broken Sword 5 is a on overly promising and atmospheric opener. The story is thrilling, the dialogues are very amusing and the graphics are gorgeous, despite a few minor flaws. Most notably George and Nico regained old top form again and have about the same amount of participation in the game again. If the second half kept this level and brought the story to a complete conclusion, this could become the best game in the series. But it won't hurt if the puzzles get more challenging.
Hi all,
As a special thank you for your kind pledges and your dedication to Broken Sword, we are sending all our backers a compendium of additional digital rewards to celebrate the release of the beta version of Broken Sword - the Serpent's Curse this evening. The pack contains:
Concept Art
Opening Music
English Voice Outtakes
Please download your digital pack from your rewards panel.
We hope you enjoy this little taster of what is yet to come.
Best wishes,
The Revolution Team.
Is it bad that this is like one of my most anticipated games of the year? Dumb question. So, is this episodic? If so, is there any way to buy the entire season? I gave enough hints to my family to just buy me steam gift cards for Christmas this year, so I can't wait. I'll be LTTP, but, hell yeah, a new Broken Sword game sounds awesome. Do they have the original voice actors for this?
Not bad at all for an adventure game.It's actually 8% of the whole game. 3 out of 20 scenes. So it's at least 11 hours for the whole game I'd guess.
Very glad to know.I was kinda worried that they would not make an extra effect like they always do because of low budget compared to other kickstarter projects.But if you take your time and click every hotspot 2-3 times to listen to really all lines and talk to each character countless times to hear everything, you need easily over two hours for the Beta (it took me 2h15m). You have to know, for each hotspot they have recorded at least 2 different lines.
Yes!If the second half kept this level and brought the story to a complete conclusion, this could become the best game in the series. But it won't hurt if the puzzles get more challenging.
Is it bad that this is like one of my most anticipated games of the year? Dumb question. So, is this episodic? If so, is there any way to buy the entire season? I gave enough hints to my family to just buy me steam gift cards for Christmas this year, so I can't wait. I'll be LTTP, but, hell yeah, a new Broken Sword game sounds awesome. Do they have the original voice actors for this?
EDIT: Oh and backers, check your backer panel, lots of digital rewards have been added now!
Nico seemingly has a different voice actress every game.
they said on twitter it will make it to vita before xmas and ps4 not long after.
also saidports of the first 4 will be coming to ps4 next year.
greatness awaits
doube dip if all on vita as well as ps4.
i can not link on vita. but it was a resonse to my question. they also asked what double dipping was lol. just search @revbot @djwallett for response.
"hopefully next year for ps4 and shortly aftr dec the 4th for vita.
"maybe next year but bs5 should be certain though" on aiking for all bs games.
they said on twitter it will make it to vita before xmas and ps4 not long after.
also saidports of the first 4 will be coming to ps4 next year.
greatness awaits
doube dip if all on vita as well as ps4.
they said on twitter it will make it to vita before xmas and ps4 not long after.
also saidports of the first 4 will be coming to ps4 next year.
greatness awaits
doube dip if all on vita as well as ps4.
i can not link on vita. but it was a resonse to my question. they also asked what double dipping was lol. just search @revbot @djwallett for response.
"hopefully next year for ps4 and shortly aftr dec the 4th for vita.
"maybe next year but bs5 should be certain though" on aiking for all bs games.
Can anyone find the tweet? Because I can't.
If they port the directors cut to the ps4 I hope they fix the initial george dialogue
If they port the directors cut to the ps4 I hope they fix the initial george dialogue
Woah, woah, hold it, that's a bold statement you make there.also saidports of the first 4 will be coming to ps4 next year.
Is there a demo, or trial run of BS5 I can access?
About BS 3&4, well 3 is highly unlikely, but would be possible (they used the RenderWare engine for this game). BS4 is pretty much a given that it won't come to PS4 because they don't have the source code for this game. It was developed by an external studio (Sumo Digital) back then.
Edit: Just saw that he clarified his statement. We need to choose indeed. Now someone needs to tell me how I get my save file from the Steam beta to the GoG game.
Don't worry, they should work without a problem. Savegames are stored on Windows in your Documents folder and I'm pretty sure the GOG version uses the same directory.Edit: Just saw that he clarified his statement. We need to choose indeed. Now someone needs to tell me how I get my save file from the Steam beta to the GoG game.
You're right. They've stated numerous times that it's very difficult to port the 3D games to other platforms and that it's probably not worth the effort.No RenderWare support for PS4 though since it became a 'dead' engine sometime after EA bought Criterion. If they had the means to port BS3, then I would have thought they'd release it on Mac, iPhone and Android already?
They carry over, confirmed by Tony.I don't think beta save files carry over into the full game though.
They are aware of this and will most likely release a real Demo for everyone some time after the release....That's a bit of a joke...why deny all those who could be "sitting on the fence" as it were as to whether or not they would want to buy it, it could have at least been a "timed demo"...early access for backers and the rest can get to try it out as well..
The resolution will be 720p to ensure that the game works on as wide a range of hardware as possible we do plan to offer a free downloadable pack with 1080p resolution assets soon.
For those worried that the game is only in 720p, from the newest developer diary: