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Bruce Willis Diagnosed With Dementia


Gold Member

After Bruce Willis’ family announced in March 2022 that the 67-year old actor had been diagnosed with aphasia and would retire from acting, his condition has now progressed into frontotemporal dementia.

His family posted a statement on Thursday about Willis’ latest diagnosis.

“Since we announced Bruce’s diagnosis of aphasia in spring 2022, Bruce’s condition has progressed and we now have a more specific diagnosis: frontotemporal dementia (known as FTD). Unfortunately, challenges with communication are just one symptom of the disease Bruce faces. While this is painful, it is a relief to finally have a clear diagnosis,” his family wrote in a statement on the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration’s website.

Rumer Willis also shared the news, along with a photo of her father, on Instagram.



“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Man that is the worst thing I can imagine. Just completely losing everything that makes you who you are and not even really being able to know it's happening. Worse yet everyone around you who loves you seeing it happen and not being able to do anything about it.


Really sucks. Not that surprising after his aphasia problem was made public- it would be really weird to just develop that without some underlying issue.

Anyway best to him and his family. I hope he remains as comfortable as possible e


It's really hard watching people with this disease spiral downward. The only thing you can do to coop with it with loved ones is just laughing at the crazy shit they end up doing otherwise it will drag you done a lot more. Lost a few close family members and we took care of two of them for awhile


Horrible illness. My 94 year old gran could go from being quick witted, cracking jokes and sharp as a button to immediately not knowing anyone in the family. Fortunately I was protected from the severity of her illness, but the impact that it had on the family even after she passed was lifelong.



My mother has dementia. I live and care for her, and it is an unspeakably cruel disease in so many ways. It is truly horrific to watch someone you love progressively lose their minds and become nothing but a physical shell that is the only distinguishing feature of who they once were. It robs you of the memory of who you knew that person to be. My mother can barely even complete a sentence, because she cannot retain a train of thought necessary to remember what she’s even talking about.

My deepest sympathies to Bruce and his family. Robin Williams ended his life before the ravages of dementia could take hold, and if anyone has any experience with it, they would understand that his act was one of courage and dignity. If it befalls me, which is possible because it has genetic links, I will follow his lead. Having watched my mother, there’s no way I’m going out like that. Never.

The disease is unfathomably cruel, so much so that death is a mercy to not only those afflicted, but those who are witness to it.
Man, it really blows to hear what's happened and happening to Bruce... He had such a presence on the silver screen with the Die Hard movies, and even though his other films were hit-or-miss, he was undeniably a draw like Arnold or Sylvester. They don't make men and action stars like they used to anymore.

My heart goes out to him, and to his family. I've had and have a few relatives with dementia, and during my short visits I've seen moments where the person lapses in memory or becomes incoherent. I can only imagine the pain and difficulty of being in the role of long-term care, and I wonder whether it's something I will experience day...

My mother has dementia. I live and care for her, and it is an unspeakably cruel disease in so many ways. It is truly horrific to watch someone you love progressively lose their minds and become nothing but a physical shell that is the only distinguishing feature of who they once were. It robs you of the memory of who you knew that person to be. My mother can barely even complete a sentence, because she cannot retain a train of thought necessary to remember what she’s even talking about.

My deepest sympathies to Bruce and his family. Robin Williams ended his life before the ravages of dementia could take hold, and if anyone has any experience with it, they would understand that his act was one of courage and dignity. If it befalls me, which is possible because it has genetic links, I will follow his lead. Having watched my mother, there’s no way I’m going out like that. Never.

The disease is unfathomably cruel, so much so that death is a mercy to not only those afflicted, but those who are witness to it.
Best wishes to you and your family.


Why are they posting it for the whole world to see and read?

Ryan Reynolds Reaction GIF

Making your father/husband/etc. died with the whole world watching? I will never understand emotional voyeurism of the current generation.

Dr. Suchong

Gold Member
Why are they posting it for the whole world to see and read?

Ryan Reynolds Reaction GIF

Making your father/husband/etc. died with the whole world watching? I will never understand emotional voyeurism of the current generation.
I'd imagine it's by extension our need to reach out to someone, anyone, to just talk about something that is deeply troubling and upsetting.
Why are they posting it for the whole world to see and read?

Ryan Reynolds Reaction GIF

Making your father/husband/etc. died with the whole world watching? I will never understand emotional voyeurism of the current generation.

What definition of "voyeurism" are you using? Also, even though dementia, Alzheimer's, and other memory-related diseases are sad and can radically transform a person, that doesn't mean they're dead.

I'm sure that Willis's family is not going against his wishes by informing his fans and the wider public about his conditions. Some celebrities (such as Chadwick Boseman, Norm MacDonald) choose the opposite strategy of not disclosing their personal health or conditions, and that's fine too. It's a personal decision, and again, I'm sure Willis and his family have agreed on when/how to disclose his conditions.


Awful condition. That's no way to live. My dad always told me to have him euthanised if he ever got it and I fully support that.

My mum has told me the same thing. 'I don't want to be a vegetable '.

Long ago she was a nurse, so saw a lot and is well aware of that 'little extra dose of morphine' some patients get. Or, at least that's what used to happen at least.


Gold Member
I think he is an awesome movie star. I make a point of watching all of his films He is very charismatic, charming, amusing and very gripping to watch in action sequences.

Unfortunately even legends are not immortal in reality. I hope modern medicine can help him positively and his family in his later years.


Gold Member
This might be a controversial opinion (and I apologize if someone takes offense to it), but I am of the opinion that dementia is worse than cancer. I know people who have had (and died from) cancer, and it's terrible. But with dementia you lose almost everything that makes up who you are. Memories are lost or confused. Personality shifts happen. Your loved ones have to go through the pain of having lost you when you're still here. It is, in my opinion, the single worst ailment. I do not wish dementia (or cancer!) on anyone. I hope Bruce's dementia isn't severe, for both his sake and his family's sake.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Peter Falk had this before he passed away. He wouldn't even recognize himself in an episode of Columbo. Really sad and my condolences to Bruce Willis and his family and loved ones.


This might be a controversial opinion (and I apologize if someone takes offense to it), but I am of the opinion that dementia is worse than cancer. I know people who have had (and died from) cancer, and it's terrible. But with dementia you lose almost everything that makes up who you are. Memories are lost or confused. Personality shifts happen. Your loved ones have to go through the pain of having lost you when you're still here. It is, in my opinion, the single worst ailment. I do not wish dementia (or cancer!) on anyone. I hope Bruce's dementia isn't severe, for both his sake and his family's sake.
I've got a controversial opinion.

We should allow euthanasia for anyone over the age of 75.

Aging is the worst ailment on the planet. Beyond this age, you're a walking corpse.

Quality > Quantity.
Last edited:


Pretty sad news. Was watching 12 Monkeys the other day and people forget how he did the "everyman" action hero so perfectly. There will never be another as good as him.


Reseterror Resettler
I've got a controversial opinion.

We should allow euthanasia for anyone over the age of 75.

Aging is the worst ailment on the planet. Beyond this age, you're a walking corpse.

Quality > Quantity.

I mean, you've also got to account for genetics, the elements, chemical exposure, diet, etc. I've seen 35 year Olds that look 47 and 80 year Olds that look 50, I mean it definitely varies.

And if you let the government get a single toe in the doorway of making decisions about people's actual continued existence...I think that opens up a rabbit hole with some potentially scary ends.


I've got a controversial opinion.

We should allow euthanasia for anyone over the age of 75.

Aging is the worst ailment on the planet. Beyond this age, you're a walking corpse.

Quality > Quantity.

Remove the age limit, seen enough friends go through just nasty stuff. Give everyone the option!
He was doing a bunch of low budget movies the past few years. Red Letter Media did a pretty funny video about them awhile back, but even they were suspecting that his health was probably deteriorating. Very sad news, man is a legend.


Neo Member

I roasted him for doing all those shit movies.

But in the end, I think he was just trying to get as much money for his family before he couldn't anymore.

Shit. I really like him too.
Never thought about it this way before - but you might be right.

My own 74 mum also has early onset- and her short term memory is busted. She still recognises me , and I would absolutely crumble the day she stops knowing who I am
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