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Bruce Willis Stepping Away From Acting


Gold Member
Dudes gonna die, that's your take.

Stay classy.
I’m not sure you have a frame of reference here. There are these scummy direct to video producers who have been making “Bruce Willis” movies where he’s not really in the movie. They just CG his head on someone else and then promote the movie like he’s in it.


I’m not sure you have a frame of reference here. There are these scummy direct to video producers who have been making “Bruce Willis” movies where he’s not really in the movie. They just CG his head on someone else and then promote the movie like he’s in it.

You not read the OP or just ignoring it?



Die Hard, Last Boy Scout, Pulp fiction, Striking Distance, The Fifth Element, The Jackal, Mecury Rising, Armageddon, ... During my childhood, these movies were used by tv channels as gap-filler in their schedule, especially between 22h-02h.

Burning Blade

Gold Member
Wonder if it’s expressive or receptive aphasia? Truly a horrible diagnosis either way. I hope his years going forward are comfortable and filled with the love of the people closest to him.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I wasn‘t a big fan of Willis‘ movies in the past years because he always seemed like he doesn‘t even care anyone but it‘s super sad to hear what he‘s dealing with. Wish him the best and his old flicks will always remain classics.
I feel like Bruce Willis is an actor who earned his end of career coast. Die Hard, The 5th Element, Looper, The Whole 9 Yards. The man has carried amazing movies on his shoulders. I think fans knew what they were going to get after the most recent Die Hard movie, and anyone who watched his movies did it mostly to support him rather than because they expected something great.

Scotty W

Damn. This sucks. I wonder how he got it? COVID related?

I agree it sucks, but I don’t think it is covid related. I remember watching the behind the scenes from his Doraemon commercial a few years ago and being struck at how blank he was.


By some accounts the guy could be a real jerk, but he’s still responsible for the single greatest performance in an action movie of all time, and a selection of mainstream work any actor would be proud of. I hope he finds a measure of peace and tranquility in whatever he’s going through.

Yippee Ki-yay, mother fucker.


Bruce Willis having Aphasia is a disability, and it is good Bruce is taking the time off, it is well deserved.
Pinkett Smith having Alopecia is not a disability, it is just losing your damn hair, and Bruce Willis lost it many years ago.
Honestly, Hollywood is fucked, when determining what is more impacting. The Wakandas have bald heads anyways, and being called G.I. Jane is a show of strength misconstrued by Will Smith.




I don't think he was exploited, I was under the impression that he wanted to save the money.

I kinda don't buy the whole "he wanted to make a heap of money before stopping" reasoning behind all those godawful movies. Bruce Willis has been a multimillionaire for many years. I can well believe that someone would exploit a mentally ill man with a famous face for their own gain. I really hope not, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Edit: Ugh. Here's the full story.


From reading it, it looks like people really didn't have Bruce's best interests at heart.
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I don't think his family would allow him to be exploited. He always seemed close to Demi and his daughters, so I think they'd put a stop to it if he was being made to work.


Yeah, I think it would be rare to simply develop aphasia out of nowhere. I suppose not impossible but more likely a stroke or dementia I would guess


Yeah, I think it would be rare to simply develop aphasia out of nowhere. I suppose not impossible but more likely a stroke or dementia I would guess
My wife says she’s never seen anyone who has aphasia that didn’t have a stroke or traumatic brain injury. Also, she read something about Bruce having other cognitive difficulties, which don’t tend to go hand in hand with aphasia.

In any case, wish him and his family the best, it’s a shit hand to be dealt.


My wife says she’s never seen anyone who has aphasia that didn’t have a stroke or traumatic brain injury.

He was apparently hit in the head by a "hot shell casing" (ie, shell from a blank) while filming Tears of the Sun back in 2002. Some people theorize it might have been the onset.

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Reseterror Resettler

Yeah, I had a stroke in 2017, and one of the first signs something was up was the (thank God) temporary aphasia. It's super weird, because your brain is functioning properly (at least in my case, I haven't done much research) so you're THINKING correctly, but your brain sticks It's hand in the hat and just pulls out whatever is there. Certain things I said were complete bullshit, but the majority of the things I said were tangentially related to what I was TRYING to say, so my brain was just kind of...lost? Like right neighborhood, but it had to go door to door to find the address. Examples:

I initially realized how fucked up I was and texted my ex fiancee at like 3 in the morning asking her to bring me some Tylenol and take me to the hospital. I thought I had succinctly relayed this, but the actual text said something along the lines of "I need drugs, take me to academia," which is similar, I guess. Doctors go to college, otc pills are drugs, etc.

As I was trying to get a handle on my speech, the nurses suggested one of my friends or family would point to an object, and I'd say the name of it. There was a painting of a school of fish in the stroke ward (the fish were in water, not the stroke ward, but the painting was there. Thought that needed clarified, would have been much more quirky the other way around, though) and I exclaimed, "Those are shits!" Now, obviously it wasn't a painting of dukes, but shit and fish are super similar in spelling, so my brain was like "Yeah, close enough!"

Last example, and it's a simple one: I'd get asked yes or no questions when I was first admitted. And the questions were like "Are you a male?" "Is your birthday correct on your license?" Etc. Obvious yes answers. And my ass would be like "NOPE!"

So yeah, on a more permanent basis, this shit would be absolutely career wrecking, especially if it's in a later stage. Hope he has as good a support system as the publicity indicates. Strength and resilience on them all. For my part it's mostly gone. Sometimes in longer rants, I'll miss a word in a sentence (when typing) and sometimes that changes the entire meaning of the sentence and it sucks. But speech is ace now. McClane has my sword.
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