Yeah, I had a stroke in 2017, and one of the first signs something was up was the (thank God) temporary aphasia. It's super weird, because your brain is functioning properly (at least in my case, I haven't done much research) so you're THINKING correctly, but your brain sticks It's hand in the hat and just pulls out whatever is there. Certain things I said were complete bullshit, but the majority of the things I said were tangentially related to what I was TRYING to say, so my brain was just kind of...lost? Like right neighborhood, but it had to go door to door to find the address. Examples:
I initially realized how fucked up I was and texted my ex fiancee at like 3 in the morning asking her to bring me some Tylenol and take me to the hospital. I thought I had succinctly relayed this, but the actual text said something along the lines of "I need drugs, take me to academia," which is similar, I guess. Doctors go to college, otc pills are drugs, etc.
As I was trying to get a handle on my speech, the nurses suggested one of my friends or family would point to an object, and I'd say the name of it. There was a painting of a school of fish in the stroke ward (the fish were in water, not the stroke ward, but the painting was there. Thought that needed clarified, would have been much more quirky the other way around, though) and I exclaimed, "Those are shits!" Now, obviously it wasn't a painting of dukes, but shit and fish are super similar in spelling, so my brain was like "Yeah, close enough!"
Last example, and it's a simple one: I'd get asked yes or no questions when I was first admitted. And the questions were like "Are you a male?" "Is your birthday correct on your license?" Etc. Obvious yes answers. And my ass would be like "NOPE!"
So yeah, on a more permanent basis, this shit would be absolutely career wrecking, especially if it's in a later stage. Hope he has as good a support system as the publicity indicates. Strength and resilience on them all. For my part it's mostly gone. Sometimes in longer rants, I'll miss a word in a sentence (when typing) and sometimes that changes the entire meaning of the sentence and it sucks. But speech is ace now. McClane has my sword.