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[This isn't big news, but it's local for me. I know the judge (work with the judge's son) who let him off the hook.]
October 18, 2004 - 5:15PM
STURGIS (NEWS 3) - A Sturgis police officer who was arrested on drunk driving charges in August will not serve jail time and will keep his job.
After a plea bargain, Nicholas Dale Allen was sentenced Monday on charges of impaire driving. No one was seriously hurt when Allen rolled his vehicle on August 21st. At the time, Allen's blood alcohol level was 0.13 percent.
During sentencing Monday, the judge said Allen's punishment at work would outweigh what the court would do. "There's no need for probation, said Judge Jeffrey Middleton. Your department is going to be on you much more closely, much more strictly than our probation department would be."
Allen will have to pay $595 in fines.
October 18, 2004 - 5:15PM
STURGIS (NEWS 3) - A Sturgis police officer who was arrested on drunk driving charges in August will not serve jail time and will keep his job.
After a plea bargain, Nicholas Dale Allen was sentenced Monday on charges of impaire driving. No one was seriously hurt when Allen rolled his vehicle on August 21st. At the time, Allen's blood alcohol level was 0.13 percent.
During sentencing Monday, the judge said Allen's punishment at work would outweigh what the court would do. "There's no need for probation, said Judge Jeffrey Middleton. Your department is going to be on you much more closely, much more strictly than our probation department would be."
Allen will have to pay $595 in fines.