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Bush is all good with me!

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Look at those thighes. All good with me.


Yeah, I think Bush's daughters could do a better job of president than daddy.

(And yeah, I've read about some of their stupid stunts--I guess idiocy runs in the family; still doesn't change my opinion above.)
Tekky said:
Yeah, I think Bush's daughters could do a better job of president than daddy.

(And yeah, I've read about some of their stupid stunts--I guess idiocy runs in the family; still doesn't change my opinion above.)

stupid stunts?

if what they did were "stupid stunts" then my underage drinking career would be classified as satanic and evil..


LuckyBrand said:
stupid stunts?

if what they did were "stupid stunts" then my underage drinking career would be classified as satanic and evil..

it is :b

what stunts did she pull off again?
Call me crazy, but the first one kinda looks like Kate Beckinsale in that pic.

I am a bit woozy right now so don't mind me if I'm like way way off.
I'd hit them both, i don't care, I'll also hit condi rice with a bag over her mug.

yes yes yes I'm a sick bastard, i won't dispute that
Drensch said:
I'd like to punch their chads.

Speaking of punching chads, I was doing that earlier today and suffered from THE WORST CHARLEYHORSE OF MY LIFE on my left calf! I went from pure pleasure to pure pain in the middle of vote submission.

Yes, I got laughed at.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
JeffDowns said:
those bitches are ugly as hell. pie faced hoes.
I don't know what stupidity you have in your brain, but must you call women "bitches" and "hoes" instead of just calling them "women" or by their NAMES ? Oh my, they're walking with Bush, they must be sluts !!! Get a life...


Looking for Pants
She and Cheny's daughter should go at it. That'd be fun.

As long as its not Clinton or Kerry's daughter... ugggg....

Maybe they should bring in Bush's Niece Lauren:

NetMapel said:
I don't know what stupidity you have in your brain, but must you call women "bitches" and "hoes" instead of just calling them "women" or by their NAMES ? Oh my, they're walking with Bush, they must be sluts !!! Get a life...

Yeah i must? Does that bother you? You're on an internet message board discussing this...so after you get your life, I'll work on acquiring mine. Thank you very much. Oh and yeah, FUCK that bitch.
evil solrac v3.0 said:
one of them wants to work in harlem. close enough for me that i'd go and pound her positions....

I think she said specifically that she wanted to teach Black and Hispanic kids in Harlem. I find that to be so pompous sounding.


^^^ I'm guessing solrac = Carlos, and I'm guessing he's Hispanic, and so if she said that, his chances have increased 10 fold.


Well in comparison to the Kerry daughters they are. But that's my point. John Kerry and his wife are both hideos. George W and his wife aren't that attractive either. How can the Bush daughters be so much hotter than the Kerry daughters? It's not natural.
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