All he had to do was release his documents stating his weapons were destroyed and he didn't
The U.N inspectors in the country AT THE TIME went wherever they wanted and had received a ton of documents a few weeks before the declaration of war. The spin in the U.S at the time WASN'T that the inspectors weren't able to do what they wanted, the spin was that 'oh there's a lot of sand, them eyerackis have fancy super mobile biological labs, inspection teams aren't effective, Hans Blix is European, probably gay etc.' to go back and pretend that the U.N inspectors didn't have the run of the place is dishonest to the extreme. Note I'm not saying it was full cooperation, but the inspectors weren't being denied access to any place.
Straw man?
Please, if you think that everyone here is trying to see the whole picture your kidding yourself. I brought up WMDs because it was the main selling point and its the first thing out of people's mouths when they are trying to denonce it. The faulty intelligence is part of the WMD argument.
Nuts to that. There were a huge number of reasons why the war was being opposed and for you to even IMPLY that WMD was the only one is a huge freaking Straw man.
And I'd put faulty intelligence seperate from the WMD argument because the Bush administration CHERRY PICKED the faulty intelligence to make the case that Iraq had WMD s for the war, that Iraq had links to Al-Qaeda.
When we went to war with Iraq no one was saying they were responsible for 9/11.
Oh give me a break. Have you not seen the polls a few months ago where tons of Americans were convinced that Saddam was connected to 9/11.
This absolute bull did not appear out of thin air, it was the Bush administration's heavy heavy spin in this direction that cemented it in the minds of so many Americans who don't really bother to maybe get a second opinion from a non US news organisaition. SEVENTY PERCENT.
They were saying that if this mission was a success it would be a major victory to help fight terror which is a 100% correct.
See? SEE? You think Iraq was connected to terror before the war! What the hell? The only thing even remotely connecting Saddam to the terror network was him giving money to the families of suicide bombers and THAT IS A FREAKING PR STUNT. Especially in light of interviews with the man himself that show he was willing to exchange toning down his Pro-Palestenian rhetoric in excahnge for peace. Why the HECK do you think Saddam was connected to terror? And if you don't think he was connected to terror then why the hell was invading Iraq a major victory? Iraq was never a staging point for terrorists, they have that in Afghanistan (STILL), and Pakistan, they were never a source of funds, that's Saudi Arabia, there were few if ANY Iraqis invovled in terrorists organistaions (dominated by Saudis and Egyptians). So what the hell? Al-Qaeda higher ups and operatives are being apprehened by Pakistan, nowhere CLOSE to Iraq
Plus Al-Qaeda recruitment is UP thanks to the war on Iraq.
One effect has almost certainly been the recruiting of potential terrorists linked to al Qaeda, one of its branches or similar organisations. The International Institute of Strategic Studies, not an alarmist or extreme organisation, believes al Qaeda now has 18,000 potential terrorists in 60 countries and that recruiting has been accelerated by Iraq. If the institute is right, the invasion of Iraq, justified publicly as part of the "war on terror," has actually produced more terrorists.
Link to story that I got from the IIS website,2763,1331362,00.html
I love the looting argument. We cant even stop looting during a simple sporting event. You expect them to do it under all the chaos of war? The only way they could have prevented is by force in which people would get hurt. Then you would say look they hurt civilians" Its a lose- lose situation. I'd much rather see property damage than people getting killed.
A large force, a large show of troops would have kept people obeying the law. PLUS it turns out that the looting was the exact time when a lot of the Iraqis lost their faith with the Americans. And *THAT* has been one of the biggest obstacles the U.S has faced since then and *THAT* is why the looting is one of their biggest blunders.
I don't know how John Kerry would have done, or Al Gore (the person who might have been president at the time), but I'm certain that Al Gore wouldn't have bought Rumsfelds stupid idea of a small precise force to invade as opposed to Colin Powell (and the other actual GENERALS) who wanted a massive amount of troops to carry out the operation. Hell even Paul BREMER criticised the initial lack of troops.
I'll even address the why didn't we finish Afghanistan, first. Because, it had no chance of becoming a self sustaining nation in the next 10 years. Due to its oil and infrastructure, Iraq can.
Nuts to that, you don't need much to become a self sustaining nation. Poor Ahmed Karzai is screamint out for more money and more troops, and nobody (INCLUDING the Americans) is responding.
Its just as bad to say no WMD = unjustified war and Bush is a evil man.