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Bush: When your talking about europe, we're really talking about France"

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Lol, seeing as how normally when the Bush admin has to make any sort of speech about Iraq they only do it at a military academy, bible college or inside an army base (somewhere they can guarantee a rapturous response and validation) I bet they start trying to figure out how to only give interviews with people who already agree with them 100% too.

Bush was asked whether he was satisfied with the level of political, economic and military support coming from European nations in Iraq.

"First of all, most of Europe supported the decision in Iraq. Really what you're talking about is France, isn't it? And they didn't agree with my decision. They did vote for the U.N. Security (news - web sites) Council resolution. ... We just had a difference of opinion about whether, when you say something, you mean it."
Desperate fib or willful self-delusion? You be the the judge! But I bet the next person to interview him has some euro polling numbers with them. ;P


This usually doesn't happen to me but I cannot help myself from HATING Bush with passion. I mean, everytime I see that stupid ass face of him with that wet kitten expression on his face it makes me wanna punch him.

I often am a centered person, and truthfully this is like the first time I feel like this for ANYONE.

Please, please, pretty-please don't vote this guy!!!!!!!!!!!!


GAF's Bob Woodward
I saw this interview last night, and it was quite funny. Bush came off very badly. He looked very tense, nervous, and on-edge. He was quite condescending towards the reporter - she kept trying to keep him on point, and he didn't like that one bit. I guess he wasn't used to that from the American media.

He also basically said, that if the Irish people don't understand his policies, then they just don't understand America anymore. That was a real WTF?!? moment for me.


GAF's Bob Woodward
If anyone wants to watch it, it's online at http://www.rte.ie/news/2004/0624/primetime/primetime56_1c.smil (real player required). Oh, and he didn't *quite* say what I said he did above, but it came off like that (to me, anyway ;)).

Also, the interviewer was obviously nervous too..but she still showed up badly imo. They should have sent one of their more experienced people to rip him to shreds. Oh, and he had her questions for 3 days beforehand..he could have done a lot better given that.


Bush wouldn't sit down without being able to screen the questions. The guy's a fucking idiot, no ifs ands or buts about it. I notice even the White House PR department has stopped trying to spin Bush as a smart guy.

In any case, if Bush wanted to be taken seriously with that comment, maybe he could explain why every country he visits now has to mobilize a small army for his protection. I don't remember Clinton requiring a total lockdown everywhere he went. It's like Wolfowitz trying to play down the state of disorder in Iraq, meanwhile he commutes with his entourage of Marines. Denial is not just a river in Egypt. PEACE.


keep your strippers out of my American football
After reading this and looking at that ad, I have a feeling Bush is going to get destroyed in the debates.
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