Reads like a strategic advance to the rear: when their pseudo-pandering attempt wasn't profitable, they've shifted back to what actually works: making things people want to watch, instead of things that just represent a single, specific perspective. It'll be interesting to see how they weather the storm until the first round of projects created under this new guideline actually hits their service. And then, does this guideline actually allow better movies to be made?
Of course, it's really worth noting: they needed to spell this out. Which means, they know they have a contingent of employees who act on the belief that Netflix should only make things that they personally believe. And if Netflix needs an official guideline on this item, it means there's enough of them that it's a problem, which in turn would make it very likely that such individuals would be present at Amazon, HBO, Disney, and Hulu.. So... does this mean media companies actually have been overtaken by people who honestly believe that literally all media their companies produce really should only represent their specific personal beliefs? That feels... kind of not good? Maybe I'm reading too much in to this.