Team Top Hat
Buying two club nintendo platinum codes. Would like donkey kong country for my niece and nephew. $10 each.
Please understand I'm in no way upset with this post, just trying to provide some info. I know it can be hard to see someone's tone from a post online
I have never commented on people's posts about me before but it seems to be happening a lot more lately. Mostly out of confusion about what I'm doing(or "hustling" others) or my post was too long(Awry108, helped me fix it, thanks man!)
Your welcome to call it a hustle if you want but I really don't get a ton out of this. I was already an elite plus customer before I offered to share my GCU with others, so while it does count towards my total I was hitting Elite Plus on my own.
As far as RZ points go, a typical purchase for a new game is $47.99 before tax, I get double points for every purchase, so 94 points for one game. It takes 250 points to get one $5 certificate, so at least 3 new games for one $5 certificate. You may have missed the post a few weeks ago where I used $25 of my own certificates to give 5 people a $5 discount on their next game(which would have taken 13 or 14 new games to get to that amount).
The $10-$20 is only one per account and I was pre ordering all of their bonus offer games on my own anyway.
I don't accept tips, send all DLC to buyers with pre orders and eat the difference if I'm sending games to an international buyer and prices ends up being higher when I go to the post office. Lastly, I have given several members who didn't pay via gift their fees back so they could have as much savings as possible on their purchase.
As many people who use my service would tell you I go above and beyond to make sure everyone is happy.
If this was 3-4 yrs ago I would be right there with you, used to do the same thing myself. However, for new games you can't beat savings with GCU, 2 day shipping is free as well with me, just like Amazon prime. If they happen to have a cheaper price, I can pm it at Best Buy and get 20% off that price, so there is literally never a time when Amazon cant beat GCU's pricing. Up to you where you go but just letting you know what Best Buy can offer![]()
Hey man, I literally meant nothing by my post. I too am an elite plus member and I'm just saying that you're idea is great. Anything you do on the side I just consider a hustle, I didn't mean it in a negative way. kudos for you for doing it, people get the games they want cheaper with free shipping and you get points. EVERYONE WINS.
Why would I feel any type of way about that? They are get the games for the same price you'd pay.
Keep doing what you doing man, all I was saying in my post is I wish I thought of it, it was smart and helpful to the gaf community as well as yourself.![]()
You must have one helluva cool store because they're not suppose to do that at all. That's what they call double dipping.If this was 3-4 yrs ago I would be right there with you, used to do the same thing myself. However, for new games you can't beat savings with GCU, 2 day shipping is free as well with me, just like Amazon prime. If they happen to have a cheaper price, I can pm it at Best Buy and get 20% off that price, so there is literally never a time when Amazon cant beat GCU's pricing. Up to you where you go but just letting you know what Best Buy can offer![]()
Yeah I'll vouch for blaze. Even if he was making crazy profit (which he isn't), I'd be cool with it. The dude's getting people games at 20% off with free launch day delivery. It's a mutually beneficial deal.
edit: Oh and while I'm here, I'm still looking for a NSMB U eshop code.
What games? For upcoming games, it's no contest. I'd be very surprised if Amazon was competitive with their video game pricing anymore. All they do is pricematch competitors now for their video game deals. Even Target is doing a better job with doing their own video game deals lately.
Looking for $50 or less in Gamestop Credit. Able to pay via amazon or PayPal. Please hit me up if you have any, thanks!
It's not tied. I even sold my own Pikmin 3 code recently.I got a pikmin 3 code from the mk8 promotion. Dunno if i should use it or not.
Will sell for 15$ if the code is not tied to the CN account i redeemed it with. It not tied, isnt it?
Either a 16 or 32gb VITA memory card. Just looking for a good deal.
16GB RAM 4x4 (desktop)
PM me a quote please
Positive feedback for blazenumb1, got me a copy of The last of us remastered quickly and efficiently, thanks!
Positive feedback for blazenumb1 great guy extremely helpful.
Positive feedback for battousai11. Quick, friendly, trustworthy!
Heya! I have a couple of things I want to sell or will trade for. All prices are shipped. Buyer pays fees. Message me for details or something!
Dragon Quest V (Complete) - $35 - Sold
Hatsune Miku Project Diva f - $25 - SOLD
Fire Emblem Awakening - $30
Wonderful 101 - $20
Ni No Kuni Steelbook - $12 - SOLD
Paper Mario 3DS Game - $12
Atelier Rorona - $15 - SOLD
Ar Tonelico Qoga - $18 - SOLD
Sword Art Online Vita Game (Don't know if English codes of these even exist yet, if at all)
Disgaea 4 Vita
Vita 32 gig memory card
Deception IV (Vita)
Positive feedback for Bii. Gave me a price break and helped out big time with my post office trying to dick me over.
Positive Seller Feedback for 898. Thanks for the code!
So if I attach my own NNID to this console, do I not have these games anymore?WTS Wii U with 16 games for $425 obo
Adult owned. No box but will be packed nicely.
-Wii U Black -32 GB-: the system itself has hairline scratches on top surface. I took the best pictures I could. Its hard to catch without appropriate lighting.
- Gamepad. Scratch in screen BUT on screen protector (phew). Due to stylus use
-Wii U Pro Controller
-Chargers for both!
-Gamepad stand
-16 digital games. Note: these are linked to hardware. Nintendo may allow me access in future if they link to my account ID. These games include:
Mario Kart 8, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Wind Waker, Super Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, Nintendo Club Sports (tennis and bowling), A Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Kirby nes, Mighty Super Force, Earthbound, Donkey Kong nes, Punch Out nes, F-Zero nes, Balloon Fight nes, Mega Man ii nes
The five major titles included add to $300 alone.
Please let me know if you want a link to my ebay history
Also, please be aware that you will want to create your own NNID account for any subsequent purchases you make should you want access to your games in the future.
In excellent working condition
Wondering how much you'd sell Wolfenstein for separately, if you're interested?WTS: Playstation 4 with box, controller, cables and system. Includes Wolfenstein
Asking $350 shipped - Pics upon request.