Some Movies For Sale. All items shipped from CT, USA.
USA Only
Would prefer if bought more then 1 movie. Willing to work on deals if you want a few.
$5 shipping for 2, anything after will be depending on qty.
Will be listing games later.
V For Vendetta - $5
Ferris Buellers Day off, bueller... bueller... edition - $7
Let The Right One In - $8
The Rundown - $5
Donnie Darko - Directors Cut - $10
I Love You Man - $4
Zombieland - $5
The Silence of The Lambs - $7
Kill Bill Vol 1 - $7
Star Trek (2009 - Sleeve Slightly Damaged) - $4
The Matrix (Case Slightly Damaged) - $4
Planet Earth - 4 Disc Set - Outside Box Cover Damaged - $17
IMAX Blue Planet - $7
Encounters At The End of The World - $12
Blade Runner 5 Disc Collectors Edition - Disc 3 Broken, Box Damaged - $5
Drag Me To Hell - Stickers on Case/Inside Clip Broken - $4
UP - Sticker on Case - $4
Adventureland - Sticker on Case - $4
Inglourious Basterds - Sticker on Case - $5
Watchmen Directors Cut - Slightly Damaged Outside Box - $6
The Untouchables - Slightly Damaged Case - $5
The Departed - $4
Mr Deeds - $2
Michael Clayton - Widescreen Edition - $3
Zoolander - Sealed - $6
The Green Mile - Damaged Case - $4
LOTR - Fellowship of The Ring - Widescreen - $4
The Last Samurai - Widescreen - $4
Pans Labyrinth - Sticker on Case - $4
No Country For Old Men - Sticker on Case - $4
Gangs of New York - $3
Sin City - $3
Uncharted Drakes Fortune - $8
Uncharted 2 Among Thieves - $8
Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception - $8 (Used Generic Case)
SSX - $10
Little Big Planet - $7
Assassins Creed 2 - $7
Assassins Creed 3 - $7
Mirrors Edge - $9
Final Fantasy XIII - $8
Fifa Soccer 11 (No Manual/Generic Case) - $3
Ghost Recon Advance Warfare (Stickers on Case) - $5
XBOX 360:
Gears of War (Damaged Case) - $3
Sega Superstars Tennis/XBLA - $5
Lost Planet Extreme Condition - $5 (Stickers on Case)
Perfect Dark Zero Collectors Edition - $5
Halo 3 - $5
Halo 4 - $7
Condemned Criminal Origins - $7
Bayoneta - $10
Battlefield 2 - $7
Guitar Hero 2 - $4 (no Guitar…

Grand Theft Auto IV - $7
Assassin's Creed - $7
Beautiful Katamari - $15
Bioshock - $7
Official 360 Wireless Headset - $20
Original Xbox :
Hunter the Reckoning - Redeemer - $3
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow - $3
Ghost Recon 2 2011: Final assault - $3