Hey, if anyone else has any video game "shit" they want to "get out of their house," let me know
I have a copy of monkey ball banana blitz for wii that's pretty much worthless...
Hey, if anyone else has any video game "shit" they want to "get out of their house," let me know
Positive seller feedback for SmokeMaxX. Thanks!
WTS PS2 Games in various conditions, prices are for shipped
Complete with manual
Dark Cloud - Sold
Driver 3 - $3
Onimusha 3 - $10
Dance Dance Revolution Supernova 2 - $5
007 Agent Under Fire - $5
Pac-Man World 2 - $5
Indigo Prophecy - $11
Burnout 3 Takedown - $10
Case and disc, no manual
Soul Calibur 3 $8
Tekken 5 - $10
Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks (banged up case) - $7
Gran Turismo 4 - $4
MLB Power Pros 2008 - $6
Loose discs
Maximo: Ghost to Glory (Gamestop case) - $6
Armored Core 3 (Gamestop case w/ manual) - $5
Guitar Hero II - $3
Killer 7 - $12
Shadow of Destiny - $7
The Red Star - $14
NBA Hoopz $3
$65 for the whole lot, offers accepted
Want To Buy
[*]Virtual Boy stand and Visor, I know this is difficult to get, but my recently acquired Virtual Boy is lacking that and eBay prices are just too high to even consider buying them, if you have any of these or know where I can get them I would appreciate a lot a PM.
Brown Nose Bear has 2 of the games your looking, 10 clicks north of yours.
A good condition Wii(Glorified Gamecube edition). Black, Comes with Wiimote+ Nunchuck, component cables, Sensor Bar and the Mayflash sensor Bar that hooks to the PC, and a copy of Mario Galaxy. Looking for $55. Prefer google wallet payments.
Sly cooper Thieves in Time for PS VITA. $7 google Wallet
A Good condition PSPGO 16GB, comes with component cables as well for playing your PSP on a tv, and charger. Looking for $50 google Wallet.
A Dualshock 3 in good condition. Comes with charging cable. Asking for $25 Google Wallet
Want to sell NBA 2K15 PC digital download code for $15 google wallet. Will send the code immediately upon payment.
Prefer Google Wallet but can do Paypal.
WTT my Majora's Mask New 3DS XL (with IPS screen) for your New 3DS XL (with IPS screen and firmware 9.2 or lower).
It was set up to check the screen and firmware, then formatted, wiped down with a microfiber cloth and returned to its original packaging (down to the foam thing between the screens); it's effectively in NIB condition.
To determine your system's screen type, tilt it forward until you can't see the bottom screen at all and check whether the top screen stays colorful and fully legible or becomes white and cloudy (example image).