The toy always looks worse than the prototype because the promo photos are typically done on a... I forget what they call it, like a one-up or something. It's like, if the figure is 6 inches, the one-up is 12 inches and allows the detail to be shown.
You can buy one-ups (if that's what they're called, the term sounds wrong) at auctions, or you could in the past. I remember seeing Spawn and Toy Biz Marvel one-ups going for quite a bit.
Anyway, the easiest thing to do is find out the company and check their site for a forum, or perhaps a forum for enthusiasts of the toy line, and see if users posted photos of new toys. I know that for Transformers, a lot of my purchases have been decided once I saw the figure standing on someone's shelf, so I could tell exactly what my money would get me.
As far as BBTS and shipping, I'd assume it's the same as most other online places... reputable, but there's always a few people who had a lost order or some kind of payment problem, but not enough to steer clear of the site.