Buy these shoes and our corporation will give a sliver of the profit to some poor kids. Spend your money on as many products that monetize "virtue" so that you feel good while being a self-indulgent consumer who creates even more waste and pollution in the process. Feel good about the fact that you are enriching ultra-wealthy executives because they put a colored flag on their meaningless social media profile.
Buy this indulgence from me and you'll shave off some years in purgatory for your fam, my fam. It's a sheet of paper officially signed and sealed by our Holy Father the Pope and it will help you out after you die. Hang it on your wall or just wear it like a bib if you want, I don't care.
Which method of buying virtue do you prefer? Which one has better payoff? I'm looking to buy some virtue and was looking for some advice from GAF. If you have any links to mommy blogs that shill overpriced virtue products please let me know. Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP brand is getting kind of expensive and so I'm looking for virtuous alternatives.

Buy this indulgence from me and you'll shave off some years in purgatory for your fam, my fam. It's a sheet of paper officially signed and sealed by our Holy Father the Pope and it will help you out after you die. Hang it on your wall or just wear it like a bib if you want, I don't care.

Which method of buying virtue do you prefer? Which one has better payoff? I'm looking to buy some virtue and was looking for some advice from GAF. If you have any links to mommy blogs that shill overpriced virtue products please let me know. Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP brand is getting kind of expensive and so I'm looking for virtuous alternatives.