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Buzzfeed News - Carter Page met with Met With A Russian Spy

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Much more at the jump above.

NEW YORK — A former campaign adviser for Donald Trump met with and passed documents to a Russian intelligence operative in New York City in 2013.

The adviser, Carter Page, met with a Russian intelligence operative named Victor Podobnyy, who was later charged by the US government alongside two others for acting as unregistered agents of a foreign government. The charges, filed in January 2015, came after federal investigators busted a Russian spy ring that was seeking information on US sanctions as well as efforts to develop alternative energy. Page is an energy consultant.

A court filing by the US government contains a transcript of a recorded conversation in which Podobnyy speaks with one of the other men busted in the spy ring, Igor Sporyshev, about trying to recruit someone identified as “Male-1.” BuzzFeed News has confirmed that “Male-1” is Page.

The revelation of Page’s connection to Russian intelligence — which occurred more than three years before his association with Trump — is the most clearly documented contact to date between Russian intelligence and someone in Trump’s orbit. It comes as federal investigators probe whether Trump’s campaign-era associates — including Page — had any inappropriate contact with Russian officials or intelligence operatives during the court of the election. Page has volunteered to help Senate investigators in their inquiry.




At this point it would be more shocking if someone in Trump's circle did something selfless for the common good of the American people.


Tears in the rain
It really is starting to feel like Trump will be in jail by year's end. We are long past smoke here. We in the center of the inferno!


it is still the craziest version of bizzarro world I'm in where the Republicans are defending the president and campaign of someone who actively colluded with the Russians. The same party calling Obama a pussy for being too "weak" on Russia only like two years ago.

I still want off this ride, and will continue to blame everyone who did not vote or did and didn't vote Dem for this mess. Just insane the disaster we willingly walked into.


never left the stone age

Barron is in fact doing his best to cyber the pee-pee tape from Russian intelligence servers. He's a true patriot.

it is still the craziest version of bizzarro world I'm in where the Republicans are defending the president and campaign of someone who actively colluded with the Russians. The same party calling Obama a pussy for being too "weak" on Russia only like two years ago.

I still want off this ride, and will continue to blame everyone who did not vote or did and didn't vote Dem for this mess. Just insane the disaster we willingly walked into.

That's always been their M.O though. Literally anything Republicans do is for America and is really good and anything a Democrat does is evil incarnate. They're the double down party.


Carter Page is a fucking idiot, case in point:


I loved seeing this unfold live.

You can tell the only reason he's there is because he know he fucked up and he's trying to help himself out by appearing forthcoming, except he also has to avoid talking about anything he actually did because it hasn't come to light yet.

Basically, a "oh god please offer me immunity first I'll roll over and turn on anyone you want oh god help me please" interview.


It really is starting to feel like Trump will be in jail by year's end. We are long past smoke here. We in the center of the inferno!

Doubt it. Remember it takes a Republican Congress to impeach and convict. I'd say smart money is still on nothing ever happens.
A US intelligence official said investigators intend to question Page eventually, but that he was not considered a high priority. “There’s so many people that are more relevant,” the official said.



That's always been their M.O though. Literally anything Republicans do is for America and is really good and anything a Democrat does is evil incarnate. They're the double down party.

Not always, but definitely the past 30 years. But that's not the part that gets me. It's the fact that Americans keep letting this blatant hypocrisy slide. For christ's sake, they let Republicans get away with blaming Dems for SCOTUS obstructionism when they literally spent a year in unprecedented obstruction of Obama's nom.

America is genuinely an awful country now. Fuck that "America is great" bullshit. We're a fucked up, twisted version of our idealized selves. Little more than a Grand Theft Auto satire.


With Trump probably having committed the highest amount of treason since Aaron Burr tried to make himself a king in the Louisana Territory...I truly hope that the GOP goes down in infamy.


With Trump probably having committed the highest amount of treason since Aaron Burr tried to make himself a king in the Louisana Territory Jefferson Davis became head of the confederate states...I truly hope that the GOP goes down in infamy.

Dear lord. Today's the kind of news day that might keep me from going home. I might just get In-N-Out and sit in my car and listen to AC360 while I eat so that I don't miss a single second of the disaster unfolding in our nation's capitol. Christ.
The Russians looking for information on what the US was doing about alternative energy is interesting. Since the whole Russian economy and Putin & co's fortunes all depend on petroleum and natural gas, they would see any forays into alternative energy as a threat.

Could Trump's attempts to basically delete climate science from NASA, the EPA and every other government department be part of a quid pro quo deal he has with Putin? It'd be crazy if the big climate change denial push we're seeing of late was the result of a Russian conspiracy.


Unconfirmed Member
it is still the craziest version of bizzarro world I'm in where the Republicans are defending the president and campaign of someone who actively colluded with the Russians. The same party calling Obama a pussy for being too "weak" on Russia only like two years ago.

I still want off this ride, and will continue to blame everyone who did not vote or did and didn't vote Dem for this mess. Just insane the disaster we willingly walked into.

It's evidence that partisan politics are reaching a boiling point here in this country.

The parties need to be dismantled before one or both take us all down with them.
Doubt it. Remember it takes a Republican Congress to impeach and convict. I'd say smart money is still on nothing ever happens.

Not that his word is gold,


If concrete evidence is found they will turn on him. Until then, they will play dumb because the fallout in 2018 from an impeachment will be impossible to calculate the damage the GOP will take on heading into the midterm. Same with 2020

In the meantime leaks keep happening and the investigations continue on.


It's evidence that partisan politics are reaching a boiling point here in this country.

The parties need to be dismantled before one or both take us all down with them.
Oh look, someone blaming it on the Dems and we're not even off the first page.


Not that his word is gold,


If concrete evidence is found they will turn on him. Until then, they will play dumb because the fallout in 2018 from and impeachment will be impossible to calculate the upcoming damage the party will take.

In the meantime leaks keep happening and the investigations continue on.

The 2018 argument is so fucking short sighted, since in 2020, there will be another House, Senate, and a presidential election. There's no escaping accountability from the voters should we learn more about the Trump campaign's cooperation with Russia.

Republicans pushing off impeachment for the fear of a pushback election in 2018 highlights the fact that the GOP never wants to be held accountable. They'd rather ignore the big issues until they're out of power, and then throw the responsibility on the Dems, while the GOP obstructs.
it is still the craziest version of bizzarro world I'm in where the Republicans are defending the president and campaign of someone who actively colluded with the Russians. The same party calling Obama a pussy for being too "weak" on Russia only like two years ago.

I still want off this ride, and will continue to blame everyone who did not vote or did and didn't vote Dem for this mess. Just insane the disaster we willingly walked into.

There's definitely a "team" mentality that's a lot more prevalent to conservatives. If your team is fucking up, you either get defensive or you just withhold your support, and usually quietly. And I honestly get the impression they feel this is completely normal, expect everyone is like this, and even this is the way things ought to be. It's the other team's responsibility to keep yours in check, you're supposed to try to deflect and minimize the damage.

It's not even really a new thing, either. They finally died out for the most part a couple decades ago, but for a long time there were 'Dixiecrats' that pretty much were typical southern conservatives but never made the switch to the Republican party during the realignment because, well, they were democrats and they're always gonna be democrats, dagnabit.


At this point Trump is either knee deep in bed with Russia or he is mentally unfit.

Either way he shouldn't have his finger on the nuke button.

Shame he will get away with it because the american system is so broken and ideology rules it all.
Two party system is dead and only fuels corruption


There's definitely a "team" mentality that's a lot more prevalent to conservatives. If your team is fucking up, you either get defensive or you just withhold your support, and usually quietly. And I honestly get the impression they feel this is completely normal, expect everyone is like this, and even this is the way things ought to be. It's the other team's responsibility to keep yours in check, you're supposed to try to deflect and minimize the damage.

It's not even really a new thing, either. They finally died out for the most part a couple decades ago, but for a long time there were 'Dixiecrats' that pretty much were typical southern conservatives but never made the switch to the Republican party during the realignment because, well, they were democrats and they're always gonna be democrats, dagnabit.

It's the level it's been turned up to, though. There used to be lines that even your own team wouldn't defend you for. Things Trump said during the campaign would have been universally condemned by both parties only 20 years ago, let alone 30. Yet we had huge portions still defending him and supporting him.

And now we have constant revelations of his support of the Russians/by the Russians, and the entire party has just decided to irresponsibly go off the cliff with this monster. Like, do they have any self-respect left? Any at all? I don't even know how a normal person can be Republican anymore without being all sorts of polluted by this monstrous ideology.

I just want to comment about how insane it also is in this universe where Buzzfeed continues to break major stories.


A US intelligence official said investigators intend to question Page eventually, but that he was not considered a high priority. “There’s so many people that are more relevant,” the official said.

Not going to break out the happening gifs.

Where are the summons? Charges?

I need to see some actual actions.


I just want to comment about how insane it also is in this universe where Buzzfeed continues to break major stories.

WaPo was a ghost of it's Woodward and Bernstein days until Bezos came along. When money and great talent are brought into news outlets, fantastic work comes out of it.
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