Spike Spiegel
Just throwing this in here, because A) Thor the Mighty Avenger is the best, and B) unless we get a complete hardcover collection down the road this will never get collected with the rest of the series.
Captain America and Thor: the Mighty Fighting Avengers, from Marvel Comics
I know I just said that Atomic Robo was this year's best FCBD story, but man, Marvel's offering is a close second. Created by Roger Langridge and Chris Samnee -- the same team that brought you the sadly canceled Thor: The Mighty Avenger, for which this is more or less the lost 9th issue -- this one manages to tie into both of Marvel's summer movie offerings and still stand on its own as a great all ages story with a tale of how Captain America and Thor teamed up with King Arthur to stop Loki from stealing the Holy Grail.
I'm going to go ahead and go through that one more time, just so we're all on the same page here: This is a comic book where Captain America and Thor team up with King Arthur to stop Loki from stealing the Holy Grail. And it's free.
The only downside is that if you're like me, it brings back the sting of Thor: TMA getting canceled with a reminder of just how great that book was. At the same time, though, it's the perfect stepping stone for kids coming out of the Thor movie wanting to read more that could lead them right into the two TMA trades and the aforementioned Brian Clevinger's brilliant Captain America: The Fighting Avenger one-shot. It's a nice piece of marketing on Marvel's part that's also a genuinely great story in its own right, and again: That's what FCBD is all about.