From the reveal
Time for the glorious return of the Greasegun and Thompson (in the main campaign and multiplayer).Funny how the M1 Garand has made an appearance in the past three CoD's. I'm actually kind of tired of seeing it at this point, but there are plenty of other WWII weapons that I'm stoked for.
Maaaaan, I've been on Omaha Beach more than I've been to Margate at this point!
lol I like thatIt's funny, people keep saying how the Normandy Beach-landing has been done a zillion times in games, but how many games (not including MP-only titles like Day of Defeat or BF1942) have actually featured it?
- MOH: Allied Assault
- MOH: Frontline (which was a pseudo-console port of Allied Assault)
- Call of Duty 2 (which focused on the Pointe du Hoc sector)
- Company of Heroes' 1st tutorial level
What else is there? Conker's Bad Fur Day? We've really only done the Omaha/Utah Beach landing like, twice as far as mainstream WW2 shooters go. Yet you'd think it's like the WW2 equivalent of the Hoth level or something the way people talk about how many times its been done.
It's funny, people keep saying how the Normandy Beach-landing has been done a zillion times in games, but how many games (not including MP-only titles like Day of Defeat or BF1942) have actually featured it?
- MOH: Allied Assault
- MOH: Frontline (which was a pseudo-console port of Allied Assault)
- Call of Duty 2 (which focused on the Pointe du Hoc sector)
- Company of Heroes' 1st tutorial level
What else is there? Conker's Bad Fur Day? We've really only done the Omaha/Utah Beach landing like, twice as far as mainstream WW2 shooters go. Yet you'd think it's like the WW2 equivalent of the Hoth level or something the way people talk about how many times its been done.
D-Day itself has been dealt with a LOT, though. Brothers in Arms did it, Call of Duty 1 did it, etc etc. It's not all about the beach landing. That particular battle is cool and all, but I think only two WWII games have taken place in the Pacific Theatre at ALL?
Tbh it just looks like more of the same!
The campaign won't last long for sure and the multiplayer will be stale after a couple of matches.
Though I'm getting sick of these types of shooters since they don't seem to innovate much with their genre. It's a shame really!
D-Day itself has been dealt with a LOT, though. Brothers in Arms did it, Call of Duty 1 did it, etc etc. It's not all about the beach landing. That particular battle is cool and all, but I think only two WWII games have taken place in the Pacific Theatre at ALL?
Call of Duty WWII |OT| Boots on the ground where they belong
Ryse: Son of Rome was where it jumped the shark for me.It's funny, people keep saying how the Normandy Beach-landing has been done a zillion times in games, but how many games (not including MP-only titles like Day of Defeat or BF1942) have actually featured it?
- MOH: Allied Assault
- MOH: Frontline (which was a pseudo-console port of Allied Assault)
- Call of Duty 2 (which focused on the Pointe du Hoc sector)
- Company of Heroes' 1st tutorial level
What else is there? Conker's Bad Fur Day? We've really only done the Omaha/Utah Beach landing like, twice as far as mainstream WW2 shooters go. Yet you'd think it's like the WW2 equivalent of the Hoth level or something the way people talk about how many times its been done.
Time for the glorious return of the Greasegun and Thompson (in the main campaign and multiplayer).
Im thinking this is day 1 for me. Now I must decide on ps4 or xb1. Have they announced a marketing deal as far as which console gets dlc content first?
What am I supposed to gather from this? I'm directly comparing it to Call of Duty 2
We've literally come full circle. What's old is new again and if that's your thing then cool.
Since this is a Sledgehammer game I would've liked to see them continue with Advanced Warfare and further refine the gameplay. It was their own identity in the call of duty series.
Same goes for Zombies. That's Treyarch's baby. Let other developers incorporate their own co op mode into the series.
It's funny, people keep saying how the Normandy Beach-landing has been done a zillion times in games, but how many games (not including MP-only titles like Day of Defeat or BF1942) have actually featured it?
- MOH: Allied Assault
- MOH: Frontline (which was a pseudo-console port of Allied Assault)
- Call of Duty 2 (which focused on the Pointe du Hoc sector)
- Company of Heroes' 1st tutorial level
What else is there? Conker's Bad Fur Day? We've really only done the Omaha/Utah Beach landing like, twice as far as mainstream WW2 shooters go. Yet you'd think it's like the WW2 equivalent of the Hoth level or something the way people talk about how many times its been done.
It doesn't have to be future though. They could've expanded on what the first black ops did with cold war missions, they could've done the Korean war, hell they could've done their own take on the drug war in Colombia.Same era but they might have something new to offer. COD1&2 aren't exactly deep. There is other COD devs who might have something Future too.
Hell, I would take some MOH Airborne or Brothers in Arms mission set ups which nobody really took anywhere. Sure, it's COD but I'm looking forward to mission scenarios and game play possibilities, even if stuck in a church and fending off Nazi's and Panzer tanks from the bell tower. That was neat in those two games and both set up differently, Airborne had you dropping in while the tanks circled the town area and you could tackle it in a few ways.
Looks like a huge step back for the franchise, not sure if I'll be able to stand the really boring grey colour palet for 10 hours plus, the whole thing seems to lack the creativity and variety the series was has been known for since MW. After having what was one of the best COD campaigns ever with Infinite Warfare, to regress back to a limited WW2 setting is a real, real shame. I'm still curious to see how it all pulls together, hopefully the trailer isn't a good representation and the campaign goes in a surprising direction
In one gameplay demo, I see a brief moment where the player caught a clip thrown by another character. Condrey explains that this is, in part, about moving away from the idea of a single super soldier, solving war problems on his own. Part of being this squad and working together was about helping each other out in a very different way than in previous games. This is [you] relying on your squad, and so that was a mechanic where you can rely on your squad members to help you, and in that case when youre low on ammo your squad can share ammo. Thats apparently one of several mechanics where your team can help. Certain members of your squad have certain attributes that can help you, and if you are in proximity to one of your squad members, and you need their help you can... its an active ability.
Not all of your squad are going to see home again according to Condrey who, with a laugh, tells me: Yeah theres possibilities of important members of your squad dying The question is, will that affect the support you get from them? You can be separated from guys with key abilities that would change how you play if youre not with the ammo guy then you have less ability to replenish your ammo. Its unclear what line is drawn between scripted deaths and more emergent ends, however; COD, as always, wants you to feel it when key people die. The human loss of your squad is an important emotional impact, says Condrey, and therell be times that youre separated and you may lose people that are emotionally important to you, so all of those things can happen, yeah.
From the reveal
Still, I NEED maps to be old school and not 3 lane esports garbage. F that esports catering and focus on uber competitive funnel maps
And we still gotta know the perks. Dont want any sixth sense or lightweight dead silence marathon combos
There needs to not be infinite sprint as it affects map design
This will be the CoD that I will buy day one! After IW i was about to give up on the franchise (the MP is horrible, not to mention the reward system and loot crates).
This seems like CoD in the right direction, day one!