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Call of the Mild Wild


Just got back from seeing Call of the Wild with my 6 year old son.

Quick review - solid movie, heavily modernized, only mildly woke. Some/most changes were absolutely expected given the target audience and modern 'sensibilities'. Super fun, though.

Before I took my kid to see this, we read the book together. It, alongside White Fang, are classics of my own childhood and I didn't want my kid to only have this version be his first experience. This also let us discuss all the differences after the movie - my son's first words were 'that was nothing like the book'.

This was definitely rewritten in the age of woke, but thankfully, pretty tastefully.

Examples -
- genderswap of Francois to a woman.
- they get rid of the Indian attack at the end and turn the main villain into a rich guy
- thorton finds gold, then says no man should have more gold than he needs to eat and throws it back
- in the bar fight, instead of buck killing the bad guy and being found innocent of murder [by the crowd] due to provocation, here an Indian comes out of the crowd to stop and judge the fight, sees the rich guy has a gun, and rich guy gets thrown out of bar. So instead of it being a commentary on the law of club and fang as it applies to people, it feels like... gun control? Felt odd.

It's all an affront to the original, sure, but quite tame and expected...

Other modern smoothing:
-in the book, Buck sees food stolen by the strong and learns to steal himself to survive... in the movie, he sees food stolen and donates his entire meal to the weak dog
- in the great rabbit hunt.... he releases the rabbit after he catches it
- in the fight with Spitz, when spitz loses he just wanders off rather than being mauled by the mob
-far, far less violence and general wild. In the book, the wild is harsh, deadly, unforgiving... in the movie, it's more just a mildly dangerous adventure, unless buck is there to save you

That said, the movie is playful, fun, and well done. It's a solid family friendly movie. It strips out most everything the book was about, but still retains a fun story and at least gets some of the call of the wild correct.

Recommendation is to do as i did... read the book, watch the film, discuss. And still worth watching with the kiddos even if you have no interest in reading a masterpiece, you heathen.
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Just got back from seeing Call of the Wild with my 6 year old son.

Quick review - solid movie, heavily modernized, only mildly woke. Some/most changes were absolutely expected given the target audience and modern 'sensibilities'. Super fun, though.

Before I took my kid to see this, we read the book together. It, alongside White Fang, are classics of my own childhood and I didn't want my kid to only have this version be his first experience. This also let us discuss all the differences after the movie - my son's first words were 'that was nothing like the book'.

This was definitely rewritten in the age of woke, but thankfully, pretty tastefully.

Examples -
- genderswap of Francois to a woman.
- they get rid of the Indian attack at the end and turn the main villain into a rich guy
- thorton finds gold, then says no man should have more gold than he needs to eat and throws it back
- in the bar fight, instead of buck killing the bad guy and being found innocent of murder [by the crowd] due to provocation, here an Indian comes out of the crowd to stop and judge the fight, sees the rich guy has a gun, and rich guy gets thrown out of bar. So instead of it being a commentary on the law of club and fang as it applies to people, it feels like... gun control? Felt odd.

It's all an affront to the original, sure, but quite tame and expected...

Other modern smoothing:
-in the book, Buck sees food stolen by the strong and learns to steal himself to survive... in the movie, he sees food stolen and donates his entire meal to the weak dog
- in the great rabbit hunt.... he releases the rabbit after he catches it
- in the fight with Spitz, when spitz loses he just wanders off rather than being mauled by the mob
-far, far less violence and general wild. In the book, the wild is harsh, deadly, unforgiving... in the movie, it's more just a mildly dangerous adventure, unless buck is there to save you

That said, the movie is playful, fun, and well done. It's a solid family friendly movie. It strips out most everything the book was about, but still retains a fun story and at least gets some of the call of the wild correct.

Recommendation is to do as i did... read the book, watch the film, discuss. And still worth watching with the kiddos even if you have no interest in reading a masterpiece, you heathen.

Thanks for the write-up. Sucks that the book got bastardized like that!
I found it offensive that Buck became the alpha of the pack. That promotes toxic masculinity. It's 2020 and we still have these horrible role models for kids teaching them to be strong leaders.

Clearly Buck should have been prepping the alpha at the end, having discovered his fluid sexuality and showing kids that it okay to be the bottom bitch betas.

Seriously, though, Thornton throwing away the gold is the most retarded thing I have ever heard. That's his fucking food, supplies, everything for surviving a harsh northern winter.
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Thanks for the write-up. Sucks that the book got bastardized like that!

I was fully expecting it, which is why me and my boy read the book first. They kept some things that i didn't expect, like buck getting hit by a club [done by shadow with a yelp], and thorton dying [by rich guy rather than indians]...

Ultimately a win... not only did my kid get to read CotW, but we got to discuss it in depth and talk about what changes were made, and got to hear his 6 year old commentary on how silly some of the changes were. [6 year old boys are suprisingly based, lol]


Better still just watch Togo on Disney +. Why film a classic book like Call Of The Wild if you're going to "neuter" it so heavily?

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Cutty Flam

Sounds like some bullshit to me. I sort of remember the book. I was supposed to read it but at the time I was always skating through my homework so I could play more. I remember feeling that he was very alone and roughing it hardcore

But those changes should not have been made. The book was showing how harsh living can get, idk why they'd try to tone it down. it's what the book was about wasn't it? The cold, harsh winter and surviving it?


Sounds like some bullshit to me. I sort of remember the book. I was supposed to read it but at the time I was always skating through my homework so I could play more. I remember feeling that he was very alone and roughing it hardcore

But those changes should not have been made. The book was showing how harsh living can get, idk why they'd try to tone it down. it's what the book was about wasn't it? The cold, harsh winter and surviving it?

Yes, every theme of the book is harsh. Call of the Wild is a brutal book, about the harshness of reality. Struggle, hard work, survival instinct.... chapters like 'the law of club and fang', and the 'toil of trace and trail', all as Buck transitions from a farm dog back to a primordial beast.

Movie is still good, like i said, but it's impossiblè not to criticize it for smoothing a few too many edges for kiddos.


Thanks all for the recommendations... heston's version and togo are now on the list.

I heard alpha was pretty good too. At least, i think that was the name, about the 'first' wolf/dog.


Harrison Ford has been phoning it for a while so I didnt have any interest in him really. And the fact you're supposed to have an attachment to a CG animal doesn't seem plausible against a backdrop of real people.

The entire movie just seemed so un needed. I liked the original book but nothing I've seen about this made me even want to see it on Netflix or whatnot.
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