Azala, it's not that it must be there, in fact I'd say a majority of the time a group of guys would rather just go hang out at a pub. But it's always fun to round up the group and go to the peelers no less. But I digress, agreeing to disagree will have to do here.
To me, this is akin to getting angry that your husband reads the occasional smut rag or watches some porn every so often. I may cherish the woman I marry until the end of time, and never think to go against that, but I doubt very much if I'll cherish her to the point that I'll never want to see another naked woman.
and yes, to clarify, both parties do agree. I'm not the type to sneak around with my business. I'm up front in all my doings, and if my doings (in general, not just going to a strip joint)are not accepted.. well.. hey, it was fun while it lasted, better luck on your next relationship.
ChrisReid said:
Nope, I'm pretty sure most "bachelor parties" don't actually bother with strippers, and not everyone has a party to begin with. The people who have strippers for bachelor parties on the eve of their marriage are the same people who went to strip clubs before they got married and are the same people who will continue to sneak them in from time to time afterwards.
Eh, you're assuming that in all these cases, it's required that you sneak off to such events. Not really the case. My now married friend and I have gone to the peelers once or twice since his marriage 4 years ago. He loves and cherishes everything about his wife, and this is just another place for him to go blow off some steam.
His wife knows about it every time, and she doesn't care in the least. She knows at the end of the night, he's coming home to her, and he wouldn't risk that for a quick fling. I know it too, because I've seen his strength of faith tested.
aoi tsuki said:
Why place yourself in a situation where you're going to be tempted?
Because some things really aren't that tempting. I've been to the strippers a handful of times, seen some seriously gorgeous women dancing around naked infront of me, and never once been tempted to do anything other than hoot and holler.
It's also not a problem if you're able to brush temptation aside in favor of rational thinking. If you're the type that'll boink anything that makes itself available to you, and you have no control over that fact.. yeah.. I could see you taking a pass on any temptation.
But don't assume that's the case for everyone.