ly mentally and physically defective?
Fletcher Christian and his band of mutineers, along with several able-bodied and assuredly compliant Tahitian men and women, came upon the Pitcairn islands in 1790. They decided to settle there. Today the British Overseas Territory is a veritable idyll of sun-drenched atolls, exotic fruits and systematic inbreeding and statutory rape.
pop: 27 (in 1790)
pop: 50 (in 2011)
rare photograph of Steve Christian:
How does this work? How do you maintain such a small population over such a long period of time and not have them turn into genetic monstrosities? How long until population decline does the whole affair in? Any Pitcairn GAFfers willing to chime in?
Fletcher Christian and his band of mutineers, along with several able-bodied and assuredly compliant Tahitian men and women, came upon the Pitcairn islands in 1790. They decided to settle there. Today the British Overseas Territory is a veritable idyll of sun-drenched atolls, exotic fruits and systematic inbreeding and statutory rape.
pop: 27 (in 1790)
pop: 50 (in 2011)
In September 2003, a baby was born on the island for the first time in 17 years (Pitcairn Miscellany, 2003). Another child, Adrianna Tracey Christian, was born on Pitcairn on March 3rd, 2007 (Miscellany, 2007).
In February 2005, Shirley and Simon Young became the first married outsider couple in recorded history to obtain citizenship on Pitcairn (Miscellany, March 2005).
rare photograph of Steve Christian:
How does this work? How do you maintain such a small population over such a long period of time and not have them turn into genetic monstrosities? How long until population decline does the whole affair in? Any Pitcairn GAFfers willing to chime in?