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Can we have the politics forum back if we promise to be respectful of each other?

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Little Mac

Gold Member
While we are at it can we have a forum where we discuss what console is the best if we promise to be respectful of each other?

Joe Rogan Lol GIF by UFC
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Gold Member
Most of us don’t want it back. People aren’t able to discuss things without being emotionally involved. It’s hard to engage with someone who isn’t willing to discuss other view points, and most people just aren’t willing to change their perspective or be open to learning without being disingenuous. When I join any form of discussion I’m capable of admitting I’m wrong given that facts are there to prove it, I barely if ever have seen that in our political threads. Let it die and good riddance, we almost lost the entire community because of that shit.


As a European with center left leaning principles who values democracy, freedom of expression and edgy jokes, i'm always a bit flabbergasted that American political chatter is so divisive. I have plenty of center/right leaning friends who I work with have plenty of laughs with


The problem with America and it's current political state is that the republicans are a bit wacky at the moment, ever since 2016. Almost no policy position, the only strategy seems to be is to make Americans unproductively angry and bitter. Going as far as to undermine their own democracy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith_special_counsel_investigation

I think this is why it's good that we don't have the politics forum.


Half the forum goes into meltdown over the design of a character in a video game, I can't imagine a politics forum going well.

Also if you want people to see a different perspective on an issue or think about something from another angle, it can be challenging enough to do that in person considering how a lot of people aren't prepared to dismantle the comfortable world view they have constructed for themselves within whatever ideological framework they choose to subscribe to.

So trying to do that on a nameless and faceless forum is even more unlikely. A lot of people seem so militant in their beliefs that they don't even have the steel to watch a short video arguing the opposite of what they think without feeling uncomfortable.

Speaking broadly, people seem to learn what works and what doesn't through lived experience and are then prepared to change their stance or adopt one.
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It is regrettable the Ukraine thread was closed. A lot of effort went into keeping that one misinformation free, like the covid thread.

A few questionable sources were posted like Zeihan, but they were seldom. Sources for stories like biolabs, Americans bombing the pipeline, and satanic supersoldiers were reduced to rubble. Russian propaganda that gets amplified. So many people fall for that shit or want to cause trouble.

On the more genuine side, it is sometimes better to avoid giving an excuse by referring to a title rather than personality. The US Administration rather than Biden government.

And that's another thing. A lot of people will stupidly shoot their mouth off about failings in their own civics, let alone foreign govs, from the opinion of mouthpieces. They don't even know how their government works, let alone what words mean. Such as not knowing their own federal emergency services require state request or accusing obvious capitalists of being communists. That sort of stupidity.

Then there's those that expect people to watch their propaganda videos instead of articulating their own thoughts succinctly and plainly. They can't even see that they don't have their own opinion.


No way nothing good will come of it except for bans. It’s a very stupid idea and part of the reason this form is awesome. I hope it never comes back and I predict it never will. We could not Keep a thread open on the assassination attempt, so I’m guessing never.
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Not gonna lie, perhaps it's because of my dark world-view, but I did enjoy the dumpster fire that was the Politics forum. The meltdowns, childish arguments, and timely bans were a true sight to behold.

That said, the community as a whole is probably better off without it .
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Who wakes up and thinks "Wow, I would really like to discuss politics with NEOGAF users"?

There is a bunch of "case and points" on this exact thread. People here, including myself, are capable of being really emotional and irrational about shit.

The only place where discussions about politics are productive and somewhat polite, is in person.
Because it takes actual effort. You have to SPEAK. The useless centrists leave, you can't openly be a dick, without the threat of retribution, so on.

A place where people loose their fucking minds over someone calling a canonically genderless/any gender character "they", is the last place I would want to discuss politics with.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
A lot of people seem so militant in their beliefs that they don't even have the steel to watch a short video arguing the opposite of what they think without feeling uncomfortable.
I'd say it's probably more like

"He's a total asshole and this is why:

[Insert 40 minute video by YouTuber nobody's ever heard of]"
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Can we have at least a topic about the Ukrainian special operation inside Russia? :)
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You know I enjoy discussing politics, on either side of the aisle, as long as people are civil and respectful and thoughtful.

But last time around I had to ban hundreds of people and close the politics forum. The time before that basically set the stage for the destruction of the community.

Politics pits us against each other and brings out the worst in a lot of people. It also attracts the wrong crowd, people who have an ideological agenda on either side who come here to promote their tribe.

I’m looking forward to a nice and relaxed time on here for the 2024 election season where we talk about our common interests, like Olympic beach volleyball, and remain friends instead of being at each other’s throats.
I appreciate your stance.

For me, I would like a place to discuss real world incidents like the assassination attempt on Trump or the civil unrest in the UK, just to dissect the facts as they come out.

Even if people were asked to keep politics out of those discussions though, it would probably be hijacked to make it political.

I wouldn’t want to moderate it myself.
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Gold Member
I appreciate your stance.

For me, I would like a place to discuss real world incidents like the assassination attempt on Trump or the civil unrest in the UK, just to dissect the facts as they come out.

Even if people were asked to keep politics out of those discussions though, it would probably be hijacked to make it political.

I wouldn’t want to moderate it myself.
It would be nice to have threads like that so we can collate facts and articles to stay up to date with on going events. But these incidents are obviously politically motivated and that sort of discussion will be inseparable from the threads. Bans will come flying in left and right, pun intended.
If it were to come back, though...

I'd start with an objective of having full transparency and respect for opposing thought, removed from GAF in all the ways that could negatively affect GAF.

Sister site rather than part of GAF. Still controlled by GAF admin / staff, though.
Nobody allowed to use their GAF user name, avatar, a similar name, similar avatar, or tell anyone who they are.
Nobody allowed to guess or comment about who might be who on either site. If you do that, instant ban.
No gaming discussion allowed.
Many warnings before a ban for small offenses, but ALL warnings come with a temporary suspension that increases in length.
A full list made available of topics that are off-limits or beliefs that are not allowed.
No tolerance for insults, personal attacks, being disrespectful, etc. Nothing but good-faith arguments.
If people go even a little over the line, they get banned for a week, or longer if they keep it up.
If a thread is closed, a reason is given, so people know what behavior to avoid in the future.

Would it work? Probably not, but I think it's fun to consider what steps could be taken to keep the benefits of a politics forum while mitigating the negative aspects.
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Brothers we need this, good idea, you will see my love for Xbox is the same as for my love and support of the Conservative mandem, Tory Tory hallelujah. Im the type of person that enjoys a proper bit of parliamentary procedure and up for an adult debate about politics, not the type to stir the barrel or wind anyone up.


You know I enjoy discussing politics, on either side of the aisle, as long as people are civil and respectful and thoughtful.

But last time around I had to ban hundreds of people and close the politics forum. The time before that basically set the stage for the destruction of the community.

Politics pits us against each other and brings out the worst in a lot of people. It also attracts the wrong crowd, people who have an ideological agenda on either side who come here to promote their tribe.

I’m looking forward to a nice and relaxed time on here for the 2024 election season where we talk about our common interests, like Olympic beach volleyball, and remain friends instead of being at each other’s throats.

Honestly, I miss the Politics forum exactly for that reason: It makes people lose their fucking minds and I love the drama and it makes for excellent reading.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
no thanks. twitter has gone to shit thanks to politics and this forum is a breath of fresh air thanks to no politics.


This is a gaming forum.
There is no need to discuss politics, wars, etc. These subjects are highly confrontational and will lead to nothing but friction between users.
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I don't want a politics back here but I do want the invasion of Ukraine back and only allowed to have updates on things happening in the war with no bs sprinkled in. I miss going to that thread multiple times a day. It was the main place I got to see what was going on :(


Certain console warriors constantly go after other users favorite systems in threads they have no business being in the first place considering they made themselves clear they aren't a fan of that company with unwarranted and unprovoked attacks because they can easily get away with it (sometimes even being awarded gold for it) making every topic derailed and unbearable. What makes you think things will be any different with politics?
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I would like being able to discuss current events (even though it can veer into politics).

But, it does too often veer further into just fighting, agendas… all that.

It just ends up not being worth it.

Older I get, the more I respect the “don’t talk about politics or religion” mantra.


Gold Member
You know I enjoy discussing politics, on either side of the aisle, as long as people are civil and respectful and thoughtful.

But last time around I had to ban hundreds of people and close the politics forum. The time before that basically set the stage for the destruction of the community.

Politics pits us against each other and brings out the worst in a lot of people. It also attracts the wrong crowd, people who have an ideological agenda on either side who come here to promote their tribe.

I’m looking forward to a nice and relaxed time on here for the 2024 election season where we talk about our common interests, like Olympic beach volleyball, and remain friends instead of being at each other’s throats.
Its sad Politics divide us as much as it does

My neighbor is on the total other side of the ballot box but we are still great friends as I don't hold it against anyone how they want to vote

Now having played Baseball if anyone is a Yankees fan that is the line in the sand :)


I think it would get out of hand quickly.

That said, can we limit the Disney and Star Wars threads. Sometimes I feel it's become a Disney marketing forum here ...
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