Witness is a 1985 American crime thriller film directed by Peter Weir and starring Harrison Ford as Det. John Book (all the puns) and is about a detective protecting a young Amish boy who becomes a target after he witnesses a murder in Philadelphia by going undercover as one of the Amish people
I just watched on TV with 4 of my friends, never heard of it before, and we couldn't stop laughing and no weed was involved.
Time for milking
You might think this was a comedy but no, its presented as a thriller
People are mean?
The consensus was that this movie was the low point of Fords career and might ruined his career. So we looked it up and saw it got 8 oscar noms and won 2, 1 of which was for best original screenplay. I've never been so shocked in terms of anything about movies.
People in 1985 must've been high all day, everyday. This is a teeeeeerrible movie.
What does GAF say about this drivel?