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Can you name this comic series (late 80's, very cryptic hints)

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First tragedy, then farce.
With all of the comic book threads scouring the board, my love for the new spidey movie and the great news that Hal is coming back to green lantern I decided to head back to my parents house this evening and grab my old collection, but one comic I allways loved is MIA.

I dont know if it was a special series or if it was a Batman series (my dad bought it for me at a wallmart while we were on vacation, which usually resulted in crap, but not in this case).

All I can tell you is that it was set some time in the future and most of Batmans enemies had been murdered, and Batman was arrested and put on death row (I think). The Joker meanwhile had become extremely successfull and semi popular with the people.. I dont remember how it ended, but Im sure it was all Jokers doing...

all I remember is that at the end, it flashed back to the 'today' world of Batman with a homeless guy shaking batmans hand. Then it turned out the homeless guy was from the future and was sent back because one of the great heroes of today would eventually fall and become the most vile supervillian ever and more or less destroy the earth, and he was sent back to find out who it was by looking at a point in their life when they nearly fell to evil.

It then showed him shaking the hands of most of the DC crew, which led me to believe that there might have been more in this series of comics.. if anyone can help me, you will forever be my hero.


First tragedy, then farce.
Just found a synopsis of the armeggedon storyline, that sounds like the one..

I remember really liking that issue of it.


LOL Joker had a latenight talk show in that issue.

Also funny that the story takes place in the early 21st century, and a kid Batman helped out in an earlier Detective Comics issue died fighting in the 'Gulf Oil War.'


You're looking for either Batman Annual 15 or Detective Comics Annual 4. I'm not sure on which one it is. All of my comic knowledge is off the top of my head, as I'm too lazy to bother looking stuff up. And yeah, I realize how sad that is considering I have broadband.
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