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Canada to introduce new anti-terror legislation, includes civilian oversight


The Liberal government has introduced long-awaited legislation to overhaul Canada's anti-terrorism regime, which will include a "super" civilian oversight body to review security and intelligence agencies.

Last month, the government released a summary of public consultations carried out through town halls, surveys and emails. It found a broad support for more oversight for Canada's security agencies.

"Most of those who were prepared to accept some new measures and powers for law enforcement and national security agencies insisted there be additional oversight and transparency, and more checks and balances," the report read.

"A clear majority of stakeholders considered current oversight to be inadequate, and many believe existing review bodies need more capacity and should be allowed to collaborate on reviews. There was strong support among roundtable participants and online responses for a single, expert, independent, non-partisan body to oversee all of the government's national security activities."

Not yet clear if these are going to be in the bill:

Platform promises from the 2015 election campaign included:

- Greater oversight for Canadian Security Intelligence Service warrants.
- Ensuring Canadians are not limited from participating in lawful protests and advocacy.
- Requiring the government to review all appeals by Canadians on the no-fly list.
- Addressing broad language, such as defining "terrorist propaganda" more clearly.

Sounds good to me.
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