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Canada's new $20 bill.

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New 20.



I like.
Only on 20's and change I believe. Our premiers are on the other bills. I haven't seen a 100 or a 1000 in a while so my memory is fuzzy.


The Queen is on 20, and the 1000 I believe. I think there is actually someone on the hundred although it may well be the Queen.

BTW, I REALLY hope they don't keep updating the bill as the Queen keeps getting older...because her mother was over 100, and by that point...and then shitty old Charles will be on our money. Crap.

I like the bill, though. A nice, darker green.


I just noticed the other day that they updated the coins with an older version of the Queen.


asking dangerous questions
Cool - It's about time the $20 Bill got updated to look like the $5 and $10.
Pretty ugly though. Why does the picture have to be the present queen...
SKluck said:
Honestly, does the royal family do ANYTHING in this day and age? What power do they have?

the only contribution they make is attracting tourism in the uk. Officially the queen has to rubber stamp a lot of the governments work + the honours list but she isn't involved at all.

Despite being of a Northern Ireland Protestant backround i'm of the opinion that we don't need a monarchy anymore. But we shud keep it as long as Prince Philip is around. Everything that man says is untentional hilarity gold.

Do you still throw spears at each other?
-- (on meeting Aborigines in Australia)

If it has got four legs and it is not a chair, if it has got two wings and it flies but is not an aeroplane, and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it.
-- (as spoken at a 1986 World Wildlife Fund meeting)

How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to get them to pass test?
-- (Asking a driving instructor in Oban, Scotland)

You can't have been here that long, you haven't got a pot belly.
-- (as told to a Briton in Hungary)

"If you stay here much longer you'll all get slitty eyed." (1986) : Said to British students in China.

"Do you know they have eating dogs for the anorexic now?" (2002) : Said to a blind woman with a guide dog.

"Deaf? If you are near there, no wonder you are deaf." (1999) : Said to young deaf people in Cardiff, referring to a school's steel band.

I also recall him telling a kid he was too fat to be an astronaut


Ozzy made a good point about usa money, it all looks the same, if u blind or can't see very well u are fucked"


miyuru said:
How come they're only making the new 20's now, but the 10 and 5 were updated a while ago.

Because there has been an outburst of counterfeit $20 bills within the last few months, and the counterfeitors are getting too good.


Warm Machine said:
Only on 20's and change I believe. Our premiers are on the other bills. I haven't seen a 100 or a 1000 in a while so my memory is fuzzy.

1000 dolla billz?!?!? wtf?!

I still think Australia's notes are the best... so easy to distinguish... I like the green ones... they're my favourite... mmm


That's a pretty good design. I don't know why so many are bagging on the Queen. :p Yeah, she looks old, but she's not that bad off. Maybe when she reaches 100 she'll start looking rather ragged, but still.

And I didn't realize Canada had redesigned their paper money. I guess the little Canadian bills I have are all from the late 1980's or so and had the older design.
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