Will we?
I understand it's only available in Las Vegs this weekend.
No there will be another way but it sounds lit will be a lottery system.
Will we?
I understand it's only available in Las Vegs this weekend.
Any deals on now for ps+ cards?
Will we?
I understand it's only available in Las Vegs this weekend.
Today, the PS4 20th Anniversary Edition will be available in very limited supply. We'll tweet out a preorder link shortly after the keynote
Canada! Pre-orders for the PS4 20th Anniversary Edition will be available next week on tuned for details
Canadian Gaming Deals and Discussion Thread 5: Shipwrecked.
Canadian Gaming Deals and Discussion Thread 5: Enzo got Garden Warfare and he didn't even have to pay for it
Buy from futureshop and play it now and return the one you get later with the receipt from the first one?Hey guys. My Captain Toad from FutureShop hasn't even fucking shipped yet and it came out yesterday. Cool.
Also I ordered an iPad last Sunday and it will take until this Thursday to get it. Pretty horrendous shipping.
Just got off the phone with FutureShop. Getting a $20 credit towards my $46.42 Captain Toad. I guess that works!
About Resident evil revelations 2!/en-ca/resident-evil-revelations-2-complete-season/cid=UP0102-CUSA00924_00-BHR2SEASONPATH00?emcid=ps-ga-944&utm_medium=Paid_Search_{ps}&utm_campaign=Network&utm_source=Google&utm_term=ps-ga-944&utm_content=Brand
im a little confused, i know it says add on, but it says complete season with episodes 1-4
so basically it is the full game (divided into episodes) but released at different dates?
Cool. PvZ is free at PS store for PS4. Glad I didnt buy this game.
Cool. PvZ is free at PS store for PS4. Glad I didnt buy this game.
It was worth the $20 I paid. Why is it free? I'm gonna trade my disc copy in now lol.
EA's gift for the PS 20th anniversary, announced at today's conference.
Waited all day to finally learn that from Playstation Canada:
Thanks! Was it that hard to say in advance...
I guess you missed the PSX keynote today? EA is giving away 3 free games on PSN.It was worth the $20 I paid. Why is it free? I'm gonna trade my disc copy in now lol.
I guess you missed the PSX keynote today? EA is giving away 3 free games on PSN.
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare (PS4)
Mirror's Edge (PS3)
Need for Speed Most Wanted (Vita)
The free offer is only for this weekend but I didn't catch what time it ends.
Any deals on Persona 4 Golden?
Will we?
I understand it's only available in Las Vegs this weekend.
EDIT: apparently we have to check twitter:
For a moment I was all "Why is enzo thinking up thread 5 titles" then I went "holy crap we're almost at 20k!"
This has been a crazy fast year for me...
Best Buy removed Marth WFT and Villager from their site. -_-
Yeah I was sorta hungover and am at work now. Claimed pvz on my phone already lol. I bought the other two games already and hated them both (NFS and ME)
Whoa, hold a sec. Why do you hate Mirror's Edge? Just curious.
Now that PvZ is free, who is likely to give me the most for trading it in?
Whoa, hold a sec. Why do you hate Mirror's Edge? Just curious.
Now that PvZ is free, who is likely to give me the most for trading it in?
Whoa, hold a sec. Why do you hate Mirror's Edge? Just curious.
Now that PvZ is free, who is likely to give me the most for trading it in?
Yeah I was sorta hungover and am at work now. Claimed pvz on my phone already lol. I bought the other two games already and hated them both (NFS and ME)
I think EA is hot garbage but I adored Mirror's Edge and Most Wanted. I'm actually impressed they're giving away games of this quality, although I know EA is churning out cheap copies of ME on the regular and I'd guess there isn't a huge demand for MW on the Vita.
I guess I could do that after the sale's over, yeah.
And Sora, like, didn't enjoy the whole momentum and free-running thing, or what? How much time did you put into it? Not trying to give you crap, but Mirror's Edge is one of the most unique games (especially in the AAA space) of the last generation. It deserves to be played through for that alone.
God I really want an open Villager but I don't want to open mine if they're discontinued. Argh. I didn't buy (a second) one on Amazon the morning my order was delivered because I was waiting to see the condition they arrived in, and they sold out before I got back to my office. It's going to be the only Wave 1 char I don't have a dupe of.
In other news, got a price adjustment on my Captain Toad order through Amazon... though oddly after explaining the situation and giving all of the pricing math I was asked what I wanted to resolve the situation. Seems kind of a weird way to do it but hey.
According to Video Game Plus the trinity, Marth, WFT and Villager, are discontinued.
Hey guys! I preordered tons of game from E3 with the BestBuy get xx% off preorders offer. Thing is, Captain Toad Treasure Tracker was marked at 59.99 (iirc), with xx% off it was 45.49$. They shipped it to me on friday and I just realized they did not lower the sale price so they still charged me 45.49$ (reg. price is 44.99 now). Will I still get the xx% off that new price if I call them? (I don't want to call them for a 50cents pricing error if I can't get the % off)
Target didn't even get Captain Toad in stock yet. Laughable.
Even worse is that my order for the game from Best Buy is only at "label printed" status. Thanks for the great weekend, dudes.
Wait for boxing day. It was sold for 39.99 last Black FridayAny PS4 controller deals GAF?