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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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So...this happened.

What is with Brian Mulroney sucking up to awful American presidents via performing "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling"?

I didn't mention this since it was only recently pointed out to me but the woman's brown eyes were altered to be blue...yeah...that puts a far more horrific spin than I previously thought.
NAFTA is Mulroney's baby, he doesn't want his lagacy to be erased.

Mulroney and Trudeau have talked privately on how to handle Trump in the hopes of keeping Free Trade a thing

both Brian and Donald are neighbors in Florida

it was a Cancer charity event


If you gotta suck up hard to hold down the fort here...
Maybe replace Banon's kooky plans with better ideas.
Trump is loyal to those he likes, I think. Make it happen. lol

I want Trump to think that he and Trudeau are the two pretty boys of North America so Trump can associate and be influenced by better people than Putin or Bannon.


If you gotta suck up hard to hold down the fort here...
Maybe replace Banon's kooky plans with better ideas.
Trump is loyal to those he likes, I think. Make it happen. lol

I want Trump to think that he and Trudeau are the two pretty boys of North America so Trump can associate and be influenced by better people than Putin or Bannon.

You think Bannon is going to like having Trudeau stick his French speaking nose in his business? He'd poison that well so quickly it'd make our heads spin
A phobia sounds like a condition that needs treatment. I can see the irony with homophobia, as a response to those that describe homosexuality along the same lines. I don't have a clue where to begin with Islamophobia. I'd rather just talk about diversity, inclusion and tolerance. I certainly feel that there should be no mention of specific religions in any law.

...So good thing this isn't a law, it's a non-legally-binding motion that just directs a committee to study whether hate crimes against a religion are on the rise.

If I become a member of the CPC, do I have to vote in the riding tied to my permanent address? Because I haven't changed my address yet, and I'm at a five-hour drive from there.

See Section 2.2 of the CPC leadership rules. It's your permanent address according to Elections Canada. The good news is that voting is being done by mail, so you don't need to vote in person.

Just watched part of the debate between Chong and some other guy who i couldnt tell who he was.

Quite like Chong, though i feel his stances or at least the way he explains them will alienate a large part of the conservative base. Saying things like "we should adopt stances like the liberal party and make membership free" is bad politics/rhetoric (even though what he said was good).

For what it's worth, most CPCers I know dislike him immensely for that reason. They already don't like what he has to say, but they dislike his personality even more. I've had a few people launch into rants about how he comes off as really holier-than-thou, which isn't a criticism that I've heard applied to anyone else in the race.

So...this happened.

What is with Brian Mulroney sucking up to awful American presidents via performing "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling"?

I like Mulroney, and I probably hold a higher opinion of him than most people. I get that he wants to protect the Canada-US relationship. But this is still just as cringeworthy as when he did it for Reagan.

If you could get details, I'd appreciate it. The less money I have to pay to the CPC the better.

I've asked for more details -- if I get them, I'll pass it along!
If you gotta suck up hard to hold down the fort here...
Maybe replace Banon's kooky plans with better ideas.
Trump is loyal to those he likes, I think. Make it happen. lol

I want Trump to think that he and Trudeau are the two pretty boys of North America so Trump can associate and be influenced by better people than Putin or Bannon.
Don't expect Trump to last long,

Vice President Pence, UN ambassador Haley and SoS Tillerson have all spoken in favor of maintaining Western alliances and keep an eye on Russia.

Trump on the other hand has been doing the 180 opposite.

It's just a matter of time until the FBI find the smoking gun and that the Senate loses patience with him.

McCain and Graham are waiting for more evidence before throwing Trump under the bus


Don't expect Trump to last long,

Vice President Pence, UN ambassador Haley and SoS Tillerson have all spoken in favor of maintaining Western alliances and keep an eye on Russia.

Trump on the other hand has been doing the 180 opposite.

It's just a matter of time until the FBI find the smoking gun and that the Senate loses patience with him.

McCain and Graham are waiting for more evidence before throwing Trump under the bus

This is what we all hope, but can I really pin my hopes on the GOP to do the right thing? lol

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
(And respectively: that's not a thing, no you're not, I highly doubt it, and that has zero relevance to Canada.)
As someone who has been on the receiving end of such disgusting assumptions for daring to criticize misogyny in
some forms of
Islam, I find that to be extremely rude. Do you have any evidence of that whatsoever? Has bloodydrake been dismissive of women's rights and LGBT issues in the past or shown that they don't care unless Islam is involved?

First of all, you absolutely are speaking for someone else when you try to define their political views the way you're doing right now. I have a hard time seeing how you can believe you're not doing exactly that.
Excuse me, but he's the one who first got labelled as "alt-right" by matthew first. Why is it OK for matthew to do that, but not for someone else to retort similarly?


As someone who has been on the receiving end of such disgusting assumptions for daring to criticize misogyny in
some forms of
Islam, I find that to be extremely rude. Do you have any evidence of that whatsoever? Has bloodydrake been dismissive of women's rights and LGBT issues in the past or shown that they don't care unless Islam is involved?

Excuse me, but he's the one who first got labelled as "alt-right" by matthew first. Why is it OK for matthew to do that, but not for someone else to retort similarly?

Strictly speaking, Matthew said they were spouting alt-right viewpoints, not that they were alt-right as a person or whatever. And Matthew is entirely right. Many of the things they said were exactly that. Their response was to basically call Matthew a crazy leftist, which I have a hard time believing anyone who reads this thread agreeing is a valid characterisation. So there's the fact that I think Matthew's assertion at least makes more sense.

But that's beside the point. I was pointing out hypocrisy. I would not really care that much about the labeling except that apparently that labeling is some kind of heinous crime. If you think something is wrong you should probably not do it.

Like, hell, it's not like labeling Matthew a centrist is some kind of compliment from me either. I think centrism (at least as practised in Canada traditionally by the Liberal Party) is an empty and kind of broken philosophy built on power brokering rather than any kind of real ideals. It's not a good thing to me. Given Matthew's reply to me after I posted that I suspect he knows this too. ;)

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Could the NDP ever change their name?

Removing the "New" would be bad, because I don't see the point to associating yourselves with the party of the same name south of the border. It could be confusing.

What about Labour?
For what it's worth, most CPCers I know dislike him immensely for that reason. They already don't like what he has to say, but they dislike his personality even more. I've had a few people launch into rants about how he comes off as really holier-than-thou, which isn't a criticism that I've heard applied to anyone else in the race.

Like, as someone attempting to go into politics, and talking to people on the inside its very clear you dont say certain things. Any admiration for the libs federally will piss off cons, downplay taxing carbon and talking about the environment despite if your going to do it and instead say your going to expand the economy and cut taxes and leave it at that.

a lot of the environmental cons have moved green or liberal overtime as the neoliberal/social con reform wing has gained more control of the party. like environmentalism is part of the classical conservative ideology so im happy Chongs going in that direction but he's being brain dead and not playing to his base like he should

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
I'm all for a name change, it would confuse the fuck out of people costing them votes
Yeah, I bet you'd like that. Never change.


The NDP couldn't even hold his seat in Toronto-Danforth, so yeah.

Still have 44 seats total though, second-most they've ever won in an election. Even without him, they're still relevant, which is why we discuss them so much.

That doesn't mean they'll generally ever do very well in Ontario.


Like, as someone attempting to go into politics, and talking to people on the inside its very clear you dont say certain things. Any admiration for the libs federally will piss off cons, downplay taxing carbon and talking about the environment despite if your going to do it and instead say your going to expand the economy and cut taxes and leave it at that.

a lot of the environmental cons have moved green or liberal overtime as the neoliberal/social con reform wing has gained more control of the party. like environmentalism is part of the classical conservative ideology so im happy Chongs going in that direction but he's being brain dead and not playing to his base like he should

The gradual alienation of the PC-wing and center-right voters will commit the party forever to the opposition so I'm not even sure what the CPC candidates are doing by doubling down on their rhetoric.

Still have 44 seats total though

I mean, sure that's one way to spin it, but that's ignoring the collapse of the NDP vote in even their stronghold ridings. Megan Leslie lost her Halifax riding -- which has been held by the NDP since 1997!
As someone who has been on the receiving end of such disgusting assumptions for daring to criticize misogyny in
some forms of
Islam, I find that to be extremely rude. Do you have any evidence of that whatsoever? Has bloodydrake been dismissive of women's rights and LGBT issues in the past or shown that they don't care unless Islam is involved?

Maharg covered most of it, but just looking at his post history, it's pretty clear that he's only concerned about LGBT or women's rights in the context of how much he can use them as a cudgel to attack Muslims. It's like how most conservatives expend tonnes of energy trying to keep trans people out of bathrooms and limit abortion rights, but suddenly they care deeply about women wearing hijabs. It's disingenous concern trolling, and it deserves to be called out. If that means calling a viewpoint alt-right, then so be it.

Like, hell, it's not like labeling Matthew a centrist is some kind of compliment from me either. I think centrism (at least as practised in Canada traditionally by the Liberal Party) is an empty and kind of broken philosophy built on power brokering rather than any kind of real ideals. It's not a good thing to me. Given Matthew's reply to me after I posted that I suspect he knows this too. ;)

You make it sound like such a bad thing!

Could the NDP ever change their name?

Removing the "New" would be bad, because I don't see the point to associating yourselves with the party of the same name south of the border. It could be confusing.

What about Labour?

Yes, it would be much better for them to associate themselves with the ongoing trainwreck over in the UK.
Seriously, though, the name change idea comes up every couple of years, and has since at least the '60s. The New Politics Initiative was the last serious attempt, but Peter Stoffer did raise the idea after the 2015 election. Depending on how the leadership election goes, it could certainly come up again.


They could do National Democratic Party. It'd maintain the acronym, and it would make sense for the provincial parties as well because the NDP is actually one party.


The gradual alienation of the PC-wing and center-right voters will commit the party forever to the opposition so I'm not even sure what the CPC candidates are doing by doubling down on their rhetoric.

I mean, sure that's one way to spin it, but that's ignoring the collapse of the NDP vote in even their stronghold ridings. Megan Leslie lost her Halifax riding -- which has been held by the NDP since 1997!

A lot of the NDP major and historic riding losses were in Atlantic Canada. In a wave liberal election the NDP were always in danger of losing the ridings they held in Atlantic Canada.They strengthened their hold on BC a bit in the last election even though they may be in danger of losing all of their BC's seats if they are not careful at this point in 2019.

Sean C

I mean, sure that's one way to spin it, but that's ignoring the collapse of the NDP vote in even their stronghold ridings. Megan Leslie lost her Halifax riding -- which has been held by the NDP since 1997!
Despite the length of time they held it, I wouldn't really cite any of the Atlantic ridings the NDP lost as examples of strongholds. The NDP's roots in the Atlantic are shallow. They rode in in 1997 on the backlash against Liberal EI reforms, and stuck around afterward due to incumbent entrenchment and the combination of Liberal weakness and Jack Layton's popularity.


the word national invokes nationalism

It does, but I doubt it would confuse people into thinking the NDP are fascists.

They could also do Social Democratic Party, but how fitting that name might be depends on where the party goes from here. Right now there's a lot of talk about the CPC finding a new direction, and I think the same is true for the NDP as well.



WTF. holy hell that dude avoids the question like neo avoiding bullets.

Apparently, Nick Kouvalis is still working for Kellie "I stole a photo of a woman suffering from an eating disorder and altered it to suit my bigotry" Leitch, just not as the campaign manager (he's volunteering): http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...ative-leadership-leitch-says/article34068481/

Also: Yes. She really did this. Original picture:

Leitch's beyond fucked up twisting of said image:

This woman is disgusting human being. Zero integrity. So much for firing Kouvalis, such a piece of shit.


Cool Smoke Luke
As someone who has been on the receiving end of such disgusting assumptions for daring to criticize misogyny in
some forms of
Islam, I find that to be extremely rude. Do you have any evidence of that whatsoever? Has bloodydrake been dismissive of women's rights and LGBT issues in the past or shown that they don't care unless Islam is involved?

There is no evidence of that because frankly I haven't engaged in all that much dialog around politics online over the years, usually i just converse with people IRL which my work provides a pretty broad spectrum of Ideology to discuss things with..

Pretty much only when hot button items become so pervasive that I find myself discussing them online( Bill C-16 , Trumps rise to power ect).

I would guess the worst you can say is I find the idea of Compelled speech so abhorrent that I wouldn't support Bill C-16 in its current form before it was passed.(It passed so the discussion is moot).It was never an issue of not supporting Transgender persons human rights.
I also hate Elitist Politicians that act like they are entitled to lead(like Trudeau and Dalton Mcguinty) and promise the moon and lie and act like "so what? that's just politics"

Suggesting I don't support woman's rights is ridiculous and has absolutely no merit in reality whatsoever, but adds to a false description of me along with little herp derp "your an idiot" jabs by some others its a pretty easy way to just shut down anyone that wants to discuss vs just cheer leading.
I was hoping people would click on the link. :p
Silexx is right!! LOL everyone should listen to the audio... the ending is worth it! :)
I got a weird text.

I have a friend who is an uniformed swing-voter who has voted for all 3 parties in his life.

He texted me something nonsensical. He is angry about Trudeau flopping on electoral reform and expanding pipelines, and now says he will be voting; CONSERVATIVE


wait for it... then he said Trudeau takes too many selfies with immigrants and doesn't care about ''Canadians''

he is a child of an immigrant too, irony

these are the type of people, (uniformed people) who the Conservatives target.

oh it's true, it makes no sense if you are mad about the pipelines expansion.. then vote Conservative just because of derp immigrants.


Man, I get to hear my older family members complain about immigration while speaking a foreign language.

I had a friend who complained about Trudeau allowing refugees and complaining about immigration...he is an immigrant.

Also, he was rooting for Trudeau during the election... Like wut?

I made sure to screen cap his post cheering for Trudeau and pasting it under his post complaining about Trudeau allowing in refugees.


Another thing that bothers me is when I see people who are about 20ish year old and have Serbian sounding names who are against refugees...


Tony Clement ‏@TonyclementCPC 5 hil y a 5 heures

Way to go CBC. Taking a serious issue (illegal crossings) to shout me down on the air. Your tax dollars at work.

You should have called the CBC the enemy of the people Tony. Next time I guess.


Man, I get to hear my older family members complain about immigration while speaking a foreign language.

My folks complain about "muh economy/muh children not having jobs because of the immigrants/the deficit is too high" and get irritated whenever I point out how Harper was the one who racketed up the deficit after Chretien and Martin left him a surplus, not to mention hurt Canada's economy (they consider him "the best Prime Minister we've had in a while"). Also: Trudeau's vacations are bad because taxpayer's money.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
My folks complain about "muh economy/my children not having jobs because of the immigrants/the deficit is too high" and get irritated whenever I point out how Harper was the one who racketed up the deficit after Chretien and Martin left him a surplus, not to mention hurt Canada's economy (they consider him "the best Prime Minister we've had in a while"). Also: Trudeau's vacations are bad because taxpayer's money.

It's amazing how people don't understand how the economy works. Jobs aren't a thing that magically shows up. Jobs come via need. So how do you ensure jobs? You bring in people as bringing in people grows the buying base so now there's more people to sell to, more people to manufacture for. More specialists are required to support the companies that expand to support those jobs. The more people you have the more internal industries you can support.

The issue is people see downfall of industries which is also need based either from the viewpoint of the company or the people or perhaps the world. So this gives them the idea we aren't doing enough as if we can control the worldwide demands of industry.

Another thing people don't understand is debt. A dollar today isn't worth a dollar tomorrow due to managed inflation. You increase GDP, by immigration, and you lower the share of debt relative to GDP. Inflation then lowers the impact of the debt further. If debt remains steady or increasing steadily it isn't an issue.

It's really aggravating having discussions with people when they don't understand the basics of macroeconomics.


My folks complain about "muh economy/muh children not having jobs because of the immigrants/the deficit is too high" and get irritated whenever I point out how Harper was the one who racketed up the deficit after Chretien and Martin left him a surplus, not to mention hurt Canada's economy (they consider him "the best Prime Minister we've had in a while"). Also: Trudeau's vacations are bad because taxpayer's money.

To be fair, Harper had a deficit because of the whole Great Recession thing. He was on track to balance the budget. And the Liberal's campaigned on deficits of 10 billion dollars, but what we're actually getting is much larger than that. I think criticisms of the deficit being too high are definitely valid, both from the perspective of deficits at all being bad but also from the perspective of it being materially larger than they had campaigned on. It is true that their plan doesn't increase the debt-to-GDP ratio, but that's not really what they campaigned on.

In what ways do you believe Harper hurt Canada's economy?


Sorry for asking, haven't been able to keep up lately, but why are the conservatives so against islamaphonia but want to pass a motion that replaces islamaphobia with anti Muslim bigotry. Is or just semantics for them?


Thinking about it, campaigning with specific numbers is pretty silly. Circumstances change, and really we do want our leaders to adapt to changing circumstances instead of rigidly following what they promised. Perhaps it'd be better to focus on communicating the values and broader approaches you would use to govern.

PS. Liberals like to trot out the federal debt-to-GDP ratio to show that it's really low and we can afford to borrow more. But that's kinda deceptive since Canada is very different from most countries in that it is a federation where the provinces are actually quite substantial. If we want to compare our debt load to other countries it would be more accurate to use the overall public debt to GDP ratio. And that ratio isn't really low. It's not super high either, but there is a dishonesty in using the 30ish percent number instead of the 80ish percent number.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Sorry for asking, haven't been able to keep up lately, but why are the conservatives so against islamaphonia but want to pass a motion that replaces islamaphobia with anti Muslim bigotry. Is or just semantics for them?

The parties that don't hold much sway always look for wedges.

They are always in a state of campaign. A motion isn't really anything. They are simply playing games.


Sorry for asking, haven't been able to keep up lately, but why are the conservatives so against islamaphonia but want to pass a motion that replaces islamaphobia with anti Muslim bigotry. Is or just semantics for them?

The usual explanation is that a "phobia" is a disorder so you can't really fight it and that it's perfectly reasonable to fear certain aspects of islam (fundamantalism, sharia, etc.).

But the real reason is mostly opposing for the sake of opposing and trying to make people believe that the Liberals are favoring muslims over the rest of Canadians.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
I had a friend who complained about Trudeau allowing refugees and complaining about immigration...he is an immigrant.

Refugees and legal immigrants have extremely different entrances to Canada. It's possible to be for legal immigration and against asylum requests, and he's someone who probably went through the standard immigration process so he would know.

Another thing that bothers me is when I see people who are about 20ish year old and have Serbian sounding names who are against refugees...

That reads a bit racist. You can be against the one, that doesn't mean you're against immigration (often skilled) to meet Canada's labour and economic needs.
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