Toronto is building like crazy right now, though.
They have 241 buildings over 100m tall, 134 built in the last 10 years and 208 proposed or being built... and there's a TON more likely on the way. (just a fun note... that's more buildings over 100m than the entire EU)
Most of these are residential and they're all selling out before they put a shovel in the ground. The city approval board is overloaded, the provincal municipal board is overloaded. The suburbs are building like crazy, too.
I think at one point in the last 5 years, the majority of building cranes on the planet were in Toronto. How much more can they do?
It's true there is already a comical amount of construction going on, but it's clearly not enough. And meanwhile I've got two cousins with detached houses blocks away from subway stations.
One idea might be to build a bunch of medium-density housing.
I just think it's a really, really big issue and the powers that be still don't quite appreciate how big of a deal it is. If we have to throw an even more comical amount of resources at it we should.
I'm quite fine with the idea of living in a North American Tokyo.