Yeah but he had, wait for it...numbered companies!
Front page of Journal de Montréal.
LOL, the horror! He used Quebec and Canada-incorporated businesses to responsibly manage some money... that asshole.Yeah but he had, wait for it...numbered companies!
Front page of Journal de Montréal.
I was going to say that that story seemed like there could be some wiggle room in there, but then I saw this on CBC: Megan Leslie rules out NDP leadership bid: 'I don't want it'
That's about as definitive as you can get!
Cullen said he's leaning towards no, Topp ruled himself out, Notley's spokesperson said she wouldn't be going for it, and now Leslie is out. With no obvious frontrunner, this could be a really interesting race to watch.
the way I see it right now is that the NDP are strong locally at a Provincial level with direct regional interests of that province but Federally is a big fat mess because the interests of urbanites don't mesh with the interests of the ruralites, east vs west, English vs French doesn't mesh in the NDP Federally.
I can't see the conspiracy theorist tea sipping urbanites who want to stop oil banding with the blue collar union workers who depend on the energy sector
NDP strong on a provincial level? Since when? o_o
Never happen again and their last 'strongholds' provincially are tenuous at best these daysNDP strong on a provincial level? Since when? o_o
NDP strong on a provincial level? Since when? o_o
I blame Provinces on thisWhen are we getting legalzied Marijuana I'm sick of waiting.
I could see Notley eventually running, but I can't believe anyone thought she would right now. Without her the ABNDP would steer itself into a tree right now, which wouldn't be good for any level of the NDP.
I think it's a function of the fact that the NDP in the rest of the country is in such dire straits. None of the other provincial NDPs are in any position to act as a farm team. They need to find a new leader in Saskatchewan after getting blown out for the third consecutive election last week. They're about to get blown out in Manitoba, so I'd imagine they'll be looking for a new leader there very soon. Every indication seems to be that next year's BC election is going to go poorly for them. They don't have any seats in New Brunswick. They don't have any seats in PEI.They're practically non-existent in the Nova Scotia and Newfoundland-Labrador legislatures. Who knows what's going on with them in Quebec. I've heard some people say Jagmeet Singh is a possibility out of Ontario, but he'd be a pretty big longshot at this point.
Basically, Alberta is the only place where there are any prominent NDPers left. I was a little surprised anyone had even brought Notley up, but I don't think anyone from her cabinet has made much of an impression on a national level.
Maybe they'll look to municipal politics in hopes of finding another Layton? I'd have said Gregor Robertson from Vancouver would be an interesting possibility, but apparently Robertson isn't interested.
I liked your Garth avatar better.Leitao's a clown (as is the rest of this government...). As usual, Couillard pulled on his leash the day after this declaration and said they'll "work with the federal government and don't know the details yet". So they have absolutely no idea what's going on with that. I wonder if Trudeau's government does.
Good news for Stump (and every other Canadian living outside the country!): Expats Will Get Chance To Win Back Voting Rights In Supreme Court Hearing
I wonder if the government will even fight the case? Are they obligated to, or can they just drop it since it's no longer their policy?
I'd rather the supreme court actually rule on it so that there is precedent and we won't have a future government try this again, but I can totally see the government just dropping the case.
I think it's pretty likely that the NDP winds up with more or less a placeholder leader for the next election. Not officially, but I don't think the top tier (of whom them being run out of every government in the country should actually produce a few good candidates) is going to bring its A-game to this time around. Trudeau will get a second mandate and no one whose career is already established wants to lose to him when he's most likely to win. So it'll be someone with something to prove and not a lot of experience, and they'll be expected to lose, but in challenging they will raise their stature rather than lower it.
Also the more moderate NDP possibilities will be looking at what happened to Mulcair and how Layton's vision of a moderate, electable NDP is going down in smoke, and just go "nah, not this time."
The government can ask reference questions in Canada (unlike the U.S.), So there'd be no need to waste a bunch of time and money throwing a case to gain a ruling.
Found this in Poligaf-US, apparently this is one of our new parties.
Good news for Stump (and every other Canadian living outside the country!): Expats Will Get Chance To Win Back Voting Rights In Supreme Court Hearing
I wonder if the government will even fight the case? Are they obligated to, or can they just drop it since it's no longer their policy?
n a 6-3 vote, the high court says a mandatory, one-year minimum sentence for a drug crime when the offender has a similar charge on the record constitutes cruel and unusual punishment, a violation of section 12 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Ah, the unregistered political organization New Constitution Party of Canada, publisher of the Your Ward News newsletter that one year ago started publishing material that may violate Hate Speech laws. And apparently uses Comic Sans.Found this in Poligaf-US, apparently this is one of our new parties.
Found this in Poligaf-US, apparently this is one of our new parties.
Went looking for Poligaf and found Popgaf sitting next to it by mistake.Found this in Poligaf-US, apparently this is one of our new parties.
Joining the proud political tradition of the Rhinoceros party or no?
Yep. Layton was a once in a lifetime leader for the NDP. His death reset the party back to where it usually is.
Any word if Dewar would consider running? Though he has the same issue Leslie had: no seat
Found this in Poligaf-US, apparently this is one of our new parties.
Went looking for Poligaf and found Popgaf sitting next to it by mistake.
That was a shock to the system for a hot minute.
Went looking for Poligaf and found Popgaf sitting next to it by mistake.
That was a shock to the system for a hot minute.
bros you need to learn how to use subscriptions
How much will it cost tho?
0 you just need to click subscribe once every time we start a new thread and then click subscriptions when you want to find the thread!!
Do you mean that ribbon on the top of the thread that says "Subscribe"?
I've done that several times over the past couple years, but where do I go to find the list of threads I've subscribed to???
on desktop it's the very top of the page:
Control Panel, Subscriptions, Search, Neogaf, Theme then your PMs on the right side
on mobile it's on the main page with the list of subforums.
When GAF was giving the error for https I couldn't click on the subscription link at the top of the page. It was very annoying.0 you just need to click subscribe once every time we start a new thread and then click subscriptions when you want to find the thread!!
So, this is pretty awesome. Love the fact that Trudeau started nerding out on Quantum Computing during his event at Waterloo
There'll only be so many more Harper-era laws for the Supreme Court to strike down. I'm getting nostalgic.
Since gutter demanded it!
In all seriousness, at least for me here in BC, since the last election the NDP has been an absolute joke. Adrian Dix killed any sort of momentum they could have gained by not going dirty against Christy Clark and now they are a lame duck opposition.
I think it's a function of the fact that the NDP in the rest of the country is in such dire straits. None of the other provincial NDPs are in any position to act as a farm team. They need to find a new leader in Saskatchewan after getting blown out for the third consecutive election last week. They're about to get blown out in Manitoba, so I'd imagine they'll be looking for a new leader there very soon. Every indication seems to be that next year's BC election is going to go poorly for them. They don't have any seats in New Brunswick. They don't have any seats in PEI.They're practically non-existent in the Nova Scotia and Newfoundland-Labrador legislatures. Who knows what's going on with them in Quebec. I've heard some people say Jagmeet Singh is a possibility out of Ontario, but he'd be a pretty big longshot at this point.
Basically, Alberta is the only place where there are any prominent NDPers left. I was a little surprised anyone had even brought Notley up, but I don't think anyone from her cabinet has made much of an impression on a national level.
Maybe they'll look to municipal politics in hopes of finding another Layton? I'd have said Gregor Robertson from Vancouver would be an interesting possibility, but apparently Robertson isn't interested.
Maybe they'll look to municipal politics in hopes of finding another Layton? I'd have said Gregor Robertson from Vancouver would be an interesting possibility, but apparently Robertson isn't interested.
BC's provincially is the second strongest province for the NDP right now. Unless something horrible happens to the BC NDP between now and election day they are pretty much going to do as well as the last few provincial elections(Around 30-40 seats).Also Clark's kinda poor approval rating right now may actually influence the results of the next BC provincially election a bit. I'm not sure who the NDP chooses now for the leader position in the next election, but it may or may not be a sacrificial lamb. I found this interesting piece by Eric Greneir on the NDP's future.
HahahahahFound this in Poligaf-US, apparently this is one of our new parties.
James Nicholas Sears (born Dimitrious Sarafopoulos[1] ca. 1961)[2] is a Canadian perennial candidate and professional pickup artist who also goes by the name Dimitri the Lover.
During his subsequent internship he was judged "immature" and entered psychotherapy in 1990. Following complaints from female patients, Sears' medical licence was revoked by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario in 1992 after pleading guilty to two counts of sexual assault.[2]
Found this in Poligaf-US, apparently this is one of our new parties.
Found this in Poligaf-US, apparently this is one of our new parties.