The honeymoon is over with Trudeau what with the turn back protest and Trudeau's limp response to it. Everything hinges on electoral reform for me. PR has been promised by Canadian politicians for literally more than a hundred years now. And if the Liberals don't bring it in they will ensure that I'll never vote for a Trudeau led party over this.
...because when Canadian Labour Congress Youth and the Canadian Federation of Students lead a protest against something, it's surely indicative of a larger trend, and not, you know, a bunch of whiny NDP types doing the only thing they know how to do.
I'd be a little less dismissive of them if they weren't spouting the same entitled talking points year in, year out, but until they show that they're interested in doing anything other than demanding free university and high-paying jobs straight out of school, there's really no reason to take them seriously.
As for electoral reform, I think you're vastly overestimating popular appetite for changing how we vote. I suspect that, if anything, federal changes will only happen after PEI changes their system in a few weeks, and we can see how it works in action.
He's done nothing useful for us other than escalate taxes to a soon to be unbearable degree. I don't expect he'll accomplish anything tbh. Won't matter thou because people are happy having a world darling for its leader as opposed to someone who gets things done.
Unless you make over $200k a year, your taxes almost certainly didn't go up...and if you do make more than $200k a year, then suck it up, because the increase there is pretty negligible.