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Capcom of the non-strafe issue in RE4


When IGN flew to Japan to make the RE4 video interview, Capcom brought up the strafe issue which they are aware of. They said:

Of course we know about the non-strafe issue that are bugging some american fps purists. However, this game is not a fps. This is a Resident Evil game, and the second you throw in something like a crazy dodge or a quick sidestep, you now have taken the step past Resident Evil and gone into the FPS genre.


Of course we know about the non-strafe issue that are bugging some american fps purists. However, this game is not a fps. This is a Resident Evil game, and the second you throw in something like a crazy dodge or a quick sidestep, you now have taken the step past Resident Evil and gone into the FPS genre.

I agree wholeheartedly.

I want RE4.

I don't want FPS RE4.

Capcom told the FPS purists to Fuck Off.

Good job Capcom.
The controls in RE4 are horrible. The game needs the strafe feature! Leon is turning slowly around like an AT-AT in Star Wars BattleFront.


Since someone brought this up again, I will say it again, the controls of RE4 are clunky and sluggish, and I am not a FPS purist, period.
Being able to walk while holding your gun out SHOULD NOT BE A LUXARY. It's not something that's relegated to a certain type of game, it's in EVERY GAME, since CONTRA. If Capcom can't realize this, they should expect bitching.
resident evil 3 had a crazy sidestep dodge. :/
Which 90% of the time you do by ACCIDENT. Sometimes to your death. (Remembers dieing several times fighting Hunters because Jill did the dodge move every time he pushed the raise gun button)


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I want a zombie busting game with controls as smooth as Ninja Gaiden. Make the horror come from immersiveness, environment, and tension NOT shit ass controls.


Of course we know about the non-strafe issue that are bugging some american fps purists. However, this game is not a fps. This is a Resident Evil game, and the second you throw in something like a crazy dodge or a quick sidestep, you now have taken the step past Resident Evil and gone into the FPS genre.
Wow, that has to be one of the most stupid things I've ever heard from an actual game developer.

Yup, no doubt about it! You add a strafe, and you've got a first-person shooter! Remember what happened when they added the strafe to Super Mario Sunshine? It totally became a first-person shooter. When they added the punch to Super Mario 64, it became just another boxing game. When they added the megaton hammer to Zelda, it became nothing but a nail-driving game.

God. They are dumb.


And even i am moderately surprised
"Of course we know about the non-strafe issue that are bugging some american fps purists. However, this game is not a fps. This is a Resident Evil game, and the second you throw in something like a crazy dodge or a quick sidestep, you now have taken the step past Resident Evil and gone into the FPS genre."

yes, because we like our game to be laboured with the same inherent problems that it was stuck with at conception, this is the same reason why we haven't improved the AI either....

Fucking idiotic wanky reasoning ahoy! It's the purist Americans that want IMPROVED CONTROL. Only the elite Japanese centric gamers understand that adhering to what we though was good control 7-8 years ago is what makes this game sooooo good. *FUCKING MASSIVE YAWN* RE4 DEMO IS FUCKING AWFUL. SORT IT OUT YOU FUCKING WANKERS. WE ARE LOOKING AT A 4 out of 10 GAME AT THE MOMeNT AND ONLY DESPERATE GC FANS CANT ACCEPT THAT THE DEMO IS A FUCKING SHAM!

... i really wish i was fucking joking as well.

edit : Oh, but they aren't zombies... they are VILLAGERS !!!! ... oh, fucking GREAT!!! pass me the fucking kleenex! that makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE (CAPS LOCK PROVES MY POINT TOO!)


Dino Crisis let you shoot while walking. I don't understand why they can't have that in RE.

And if they didn't want to turn it into an FPS, maybe they should've have stuck Leon so damn close to the screen. In past RE games you could at least see what's behind you and to your side.


DCharlie said:
"Of course we know about the non-strafe issue that are bugging some american fps purists. However, this game is not a fps. This is a Resident Evil game, and the second you throw in something like a crazy dodge or a quick sidestep, you now have taken the step past Resident Evil and gone into the FPS genre."

yes, because we like our game to be laboured with the same inherent problems that it was stuck with at conception, this is the same reason why we haven't improved the AI either....

Fucking idiotic wanky reasoning ahoy! It's the purist Americans that want IMPROVED CONTROL. Only the elite Japanese centric gamers understand that adhering to what we though was good control 7-8 years ago is what makes this game sooooo good. *FUCKING MASSIVE YAWN* RE4 DEMO IS FUCKING AWFUL. SORT IT OUT YOU FUCKING WANKERS. WE ARE LOOKING AT A 4 out of 10 GAME AT THE MOMeNT AND ONLY DESPERATE GC FANS CANT ACCEPT THAT THE DEMO IS A FUCKING SHAM!

... i really wish i was fucking joking as well.

edit : Oh, but they aren't zombies... they are VILLAGERS !!!! ... oh, fucking GREAT!!! pass me the fucking kleenex! that makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE (CAPS LOCK PROVES MY POINT TOO!)

wow...someone needs to calm the fuck down.


And even i am moderately surprised
"wow...someone needs to calm down."

i'm serious

if people are playing that demo and getting the hardons they seem to be getting, then i'm utterly confused because i'm utterly serious in saying that the demo is one of the least enjoyable gaming experiences i've had in a while.

I think the final game will be a lot better than the demo, but the demo as it stands is just crap.


DCharlie said:
"wow...someone needs to calm down."

i'm serious

if people are playing that demo and getting the hardons they seem to be getting, then i'm utterly confused because i'm utterly serious in saying that the demo is one of the least enjoyable gaming experiences i've had in a while.

I think the final game will be a lot better than the demo, but the demo as it stands is just crap.

Other than the lack of strafing (i dont care myself), what was so horrible with the demo? Certainly not the graphics, and don't bring up the AI because we have no idea how the AI for the complete game will be. We played through the first area.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
This is the biggest crock of shit I've read all month; just Capcom making excuses for once again failing to address serious control issues in the 537th installment of this series. Fuck the viewpoint....I'd like to be able to maneuver like a normal human being in this game, for once. FOR ONCE. Please. I guess that's too much to ask of them.

Another example of a big Japanese developer afraid of changing an old and outdated formula.


As long as the 180 degree turn is still incoporated I don't think I'll have much of a problem. I wasn't expecting the game to become Metal Arms, nor is their any law of game design that says that Capcom must implement full FPS controls. I'm kind of getting tired of this argument anyways--I doesn't make sense to say that the controls are not releastic because as far as I can tell, no one in real life strafes or runs while shooting a gun. Now, you can make an argument about the controls being frustrating and I wouldn't disagree with that opinion.


ge-man said:
As long as the 180 degree turn is still incoporated I don't think I'll have much of a problem. I wasn't expecting the game to become Metal Arms, nor is their any law of game design that says that Capcom must implement full FPS controls. I'm kind of getting tired of this argument anyways--I doesn't make sense to say that the controls are not releastic because as far as I can tell, no one in real life strafes or runs while shooting a gun. Now, you can make an argument about the controls being frustrating and I wouldn't disagree with that opinion.

Yeah I am tired of it too. Everytime there is a Metroid Prime or RE4 thread (this one is legit though), it ends up in a controls suck whine fest. People who only wants to play fps games shouldn't buy a gamecube.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I bet the people who are bitching are the same people who wanted Venessa to be able to move while shooting in PN03

I'm sure that if they did incoporate strafing in RE4, they would have to rework the game again. Strafing would take away a lot of challenge from the game
DCharlie said:
"wow...someone needs to calm down."

i'm serious

if people are playing that demo and getting the hardons they seem to be getting, then i'm utterly confused because i'm utterly serious in saying that the demo is one of the least enjoyable gaming experiences i've had in a while.

I think the final game will be a lot better than the demo, but the demo as it stands is just crap.

Its a dilemma, most die hard RE fans disagree with you. Capcom doesn't want to alienate them because they will ensure that the game will do well. Would I care if they add strafe, no. I would play either way, the base just comes first. In reality the die hard and non die hard fans will always disagree on something.


Wario64 said:
I bet the people who are bitching are the same people who wanted Venessa to be able to move while shooting in PN03

I'm sure that if they did incoporate strafing in RE4, they would have to rework the game again. Strafing would take away a lot of challenge from the game
That's like saying that we should be playing with broken 1970s Atari 2600 controllers on today's games because it adds to the challenge.


SantaCruZer said:
Yeah I am tired of it too. Everytime there is a Metroid Prime or RE4 thread (this one is legit though), it ends up in a controls suck whine fest. People who only wants to play fps games shouldn't buy a gamecube.

You are tired of it, too ?

I wonder why you brought it up again ?


I'm sorry to say, but anyone who has a problem with the controls in RE4 need to get their hand-eye coordination skills examined.


maskrider said:
You are tired of it, too ?

I wonder why you brought it up again ?

People have been wondering if capcom would add strafe in the final version or not, so I brought it up for clarifaction now that it's confirmed.

But that doesn't have to mean that this is negative news.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
-=::[Eagle-Vision]::=- said:
The only people that complain about the controls in the demo are the people that thinks it should be played like a FPS ¬¬U...
You mean having the full range of maneuverability of a normal human being? Wow, maybe these FPS developers are onto something...
Wario64 said:
I'm sure that if they did incoporate strafing in RE4, they would have to rework the game again. Strafing would take away a lot of challenge from the game

Yes because I love the challenge in my game to come from shitty controls.

"I'm sure that if they did incoporate better cameras in sonic adventure, they would have to rework the game again. Better cameras would take away a lot of challenge from the game"


demon said:
You mean having the full range of maneuverability of a normal human being? Wow, maybe these FPS developers are onto something...

sorry but no game has a full range of maneuverability of a normal human being :)


And even i am moderately surprised
"Other than the lack of strafing (i dont care myself), what was so horrible with the demo? "

poor controls, terrible AI, uninteresting enemies, poor quality sound, lack of anything remotely clever, same game i've played X times in the series, "they are zombies... or ... are they?...."

"Certainly not the graphics, and don't bring up the AI because we have no idea how the AI for the complete game will be. We played through the first area."

okay - so the demo (presumably a show case of what is to come) shows amazing graphics, but has shitty controls, crap ai, and shite gameplay... not aimed at you,but i thought the whole purpose of a demo was to attract people to a game?

"The only people that complain about the controls in the demo are the people that thinks it should be played like a FPS ¬¬U..."

utter crap. It should just have good control FULL STOP.


I'm sorry to say, but anyone who has a problem with the controls in RE4 need to get their hand-eye coordination skills examined.

You can always adjust yourself to the controls no matter how shit they are, some people simply choose to accept them and some will complain while they will still play it.

That's nothing about anyone's hand-eye coordination skill.


And even i am moderately surprised
"I bet the people who are bitching are the same people who wanted Venessa to be able to move while shooting in PN03"

check the logs - i've been one of the biggest "PN03 is the best game on GC" fans on the board....


Junior Member
RE4 with straff= Doom 3.

Just play the game. If it sucks, at least it wont suck because Capcom didnt take a chance.
RE0 really pushed the RE formula to the limits as it was, this direction might not be the best but do we really want RE0.02?

Reminds me off all the Metroid Prime BS from like 2 years ago...


not aimed at you,but i thought the whole purpose of a demo was to attract people to a game?

It has. The RE4 demo has attract alot of positive attention on various videogame sites and magazines. IGN, Gamespot etc. I haven't seen a single site that says the RE4 demo is shit.


You homies gotta recognize that strafing is a fad. The reason people are complaining about no strafing is because they got no game.


maskrider said:
You can always adjust yourself to the controls no matter how shit they are, some people simply choose to accept them and some will complain while they will still play it.

That's nothing about anyone's hand-eye coordination skill.

The problem is, there's no definition about what's "shit" and what isn't. If someone can't get used to the controls, which have been proven to work, then it's simply the player's fault.


And even i am moderately surprised
"RE4 with straff= Doom 3"

no offence, but that is utter bollox. RE4 with strafe = less frustration, more fluid action. To be doom 3, they'd have to impove the graphics significantly, and give much more freedom of view and make every enemy appear behind you....

"Just play the game. If it sucks, at least it wont suck because Capcom didnt take a chance."


"RE0 really pushed the RE formula to the limits as it was, this direction might not be the best but do we really want RE0.02?"

and what exactly are they giving us?!
RE without the zombies , with an altered view point, and FREE style Shenmue action! i'm not saying the final game won't be good, but the second coming that many GC fans are painting it to be looks way off the mark...

"Reminds me off all the Metroid Prime BS from like 2 years ago..."

welll, not quite, i didn't get to play a shitty demo of Metroid prime before playing the final version which is one of the greatest games ever....

"Yeah I am tired of it too. Everytime there is a Metroid Prime or RE4 thread (this one is legit though), it ends up in a controls suck whine fest. People who only wants to play fps games shouldn't buy a gamecube."

yes... all i want to play is FPS!!!


SantaCruZer said:
Yeah I am tired of it too. Everytime there is a Metroid Prime or RE4 thread (this one is legit though), it ends up in a controls suck whine fest. People who only wants to play fps games shouldn't buy a gamecube.


Let the naysayers whine.

Fuck them.

I will buy RE4.

That is all that matters.


The problem is, there's no definition about what's "shit" and what isn't. If someone can't get used to the controls, which have been proven to work, then it's simply the player's fault.

If you have to, you can always get used to living in a stink toilet, too.

Unless you are saying the game is not for everyone except the die hard RE fans, then the controls should at least be more flexible and have a choice for those who must use clunky and sluggish controls that work.


Idono, I'll probaly still pick it up , the trailers make it look like a cool game but from the sounds of things the only truly evolutionary thing about the game is that the story might not be EXACTLY the same thing as it was the past 18 million titles but instead something slightly different. I mean, going by the trailers it looks like things have been tweaked and fine tuned but if the thing being messed with is a poor model to begin with you can only bring it so far.

They need to give the series a gameplay booster shot , adopt a control scheme similar to medal gears with the basic gameplay remaining pretty well the same , make shooting zombies and using items something that can be done without going to an options menu. Right now it's as though capcom and mikami themselves have admitted that what makes an RE game truly an RE game is shitty controls.


This "get used to it" argument is so stupid. I guess, theoretically, you can get used to anything to some degree, but why should I and why should anyone else?

Hell, I played through the first two Resident Evil games, but I still fucking hated the controls. I guess I "got used to it," but I never liked the controls and still don't. The controls are too bizarre to ever really become second-nature.

It's stupid that Capcom is still placing an unreasonable learning curve in its games when better control schemes are available.


Is it correct that you can't move at all while firing? I mean, can you at least slowly move back while firing on an enemy, or do they make you turn all the way around?
Only thing I don't understand is this desire that the villagers should have better A.I, crazed villagers who obviously are not very smart. What do you want Halo A.I?


And even i am moderately surprised
"Only thing I don't understand is this desire that the villagers should have better A.I, crazed villagers who obviously are not very smart. What do you want Halo A.I?"

i have no issue with the shite AI per se...
i have issues with people saying shite like "oh... you can't hide, because they can sense where you are ... BY SMELL!!!!"
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