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Capcom of the non-strafe issue in RE4


OG_Original Gamer said:
Only thing I don't understand is this desire that the villagers should have better A.I, crazed villagers who obviously are not very smart. What do you want Halo A.I?

People want Halo AI, Halo controls, Halo aliens, Halo multiplayer, Halo color scheme :)D) and the word Halo in all their games today.


SantaCruZer said:
People want Halo AI, Halo controls, Halo aliens, Halo multiplayer, Halo color scheme :)D) and the word Halo in all their games today.

No, I don't like Halo and I think it is very boring. My comments on RE4 are nothing related to Halo.


DCharlie, you never replied to the comment I made that the RE4 demo is critically acclaimed by all videogame sites and magazines I have read :p

anyway, I am off into the night. Cya l8er all.


And even i am moderately surprised
"DCharlie, you never replied to the comment I made that the RE4 demo is critically acclaimed by all videogame sites and magazines I have read :p"

and 4 million germans bought the David Hasselhoff CD... :p

I couldn't give a shite if it's critically aclaimed, doom 3 got good scores in final review too!


maskrider said:
If you have to, you can always get used to living in a stink toilet, too.

Unless you are saying the game is not for everyone except the die hard RE fans, then the controls should at least be more flexible and have a choice for those who must use clunky and sluggish controls that work.

Bad analogy.

RE4 controls simply work. I'm not saying this because I'm a big fan of RE, it's because it's the absolute truth. RE4 runs on a formula that works best and allows players to become good at the game. If you or anyone else suck at the game, too bad.

Although fully customizable controls never hurt anyone, the controls they offer are still the best for the game.


Bad analogy.

RE4 controls simply work. I'm not saying this because I'm a big fan of RE, it's because it's the absolute truth. RE4 runs on a formula that works best and allows players to become good at the game. If you or anyone else suck at the game, too bad.

Although fully customizable controls never hurt anyone, the controls they offer are still the best for the game.

They adopted that same outdated old formula while added the new red laser pointer for you to aim manually, if they have to keep the full part of that clunky and sluggish control, they should not add the manual aiming red laser pointer then, just make it like the older ones, you will even be firing the invisible monsters behind a wall.

And there is no single control scheme that is "The best for the game", at least not the current clunky and sluggish control, to me and to some here.
DCharlie said:
"Only thing I don't understand is this desire that the villagers should have better A.I, crazed villagers who obviously are not very smart. What do you want Halo A.I?"

i have no issue with the shite AI per se...
i have issues with people saying shite like "oh... you can't hide, because they can sense where you are ... BY SMELL!!!!"

Wasn't that something mentioned when the first images of RE4 was shown before the change of what we see to day. Was it Capcom that said the zombies will be able to smell you, maybe this carried over to the change.


I haven't played the demo, so I can't say how I feel about the control scheme, but a lot of people complained about Metroid Prime and I thought the control setup was perfect. I'm going to reserve judgement until the game is released. I may end up hating it, but I am compelled to buy it simply because it's Resident Evil.

Kinda sad, eh?


maskrider said:
They adopted that same outdated old formula while added the new red laser pointer for you to aim manually, if they have to keep the full part of that clunky and sluggish control, they should not add the manual aiming red laser pointer then, just make it like the older ones, you will even be firing the invisible monsters behind a wall.

And there is no single control scheme that is "The best for the game", at least not the current clunky and sluggish control, to me and to some here.

It's not clunky at all; it's smooth and flowing, and I've gotten real good at the game with absolutely no problems what so ever.

I guess if you were talking about the old RE games, then I could see your point, but really, RE4's fixed the control problems without making any changes whatsoever.

Be aware that all of the above is my opinion of course. :)


It's not clunky at all; it's smooth and flowing, and I've gotten real good at the game with absolutely no problems what so ever.

Spending time adjusting will certainly make your way into any game, just like what I've done with the sluggish SH4 controls, no doubt about it. But the control can definitely be better.

I guess if you were talking about the old RE games, then I could see your point, but really, RE4's fixed the control problems without making any changes whatsoever.

Be aware that all of the above is my opinion of course. :)

Sure, I am certainly also writing mine. :D

Anyway, have posted a lot more than I expected on this again. There will be no more post from me about complaining of the control until I get my hands on the released game on January 27.
Bad analogy.

RE4 controls simply work. I'm not saying this because I'm a big fan of RE, it's because it's the absolute truth. RE4 runs on a formula that works best and allows players to become good at the game. If you or anyone else suck at the game, too bad.

Although fully customizable controls never hurt anyone, the controls they offer are still the best for the game.

Controls best for the game, that got me to thinking.

Is the underlying truth is that the controls are designed around the premise, and content. It seems to me, that in game development player control is the last thing on the list after story, design, character modeling, etc. The control maybe indicative of the overall design, Mikami evolution as game producer and designer of gameplay has to see a different approach at how he go about creating fear in his games. Until this happens the controls will be the same. What could he do to the series that would allow him have a strong sense of fear and a change in controls?

If they keep the villagers running at full speed, strafing would help. Then you have to consider that not one but six villagers could be attacking at the same time, all of them running at full speed, swinging axes, trying to stab you with pitch forks or lop your head off with a sling blade.

Wouldn't you strafe your way into villagers arms anyway, I mean they all attack at once, they don't take turns. Me I'll just play like Mikami does.


not an idiot
Sho Nuff said:
IAWO (I agree with Olimario)

IAWSNWAWO (I agree with Sho Nuff who agrees with Olimario)

The controls suck in Resident Evil, it has nothing to do with being an American or wanting a FPS (that's fucking stupid anyhow, strafe controls wouldn't make it a FPS lol).


not an idiot
Here's how I see it.

Great game + bad controls = good game

^^^ remove the problem (bad controls) and sum the equation and you get a great game. I think what the people here who are voicing their opinion about the bad controls are just frustrated with what could be had the developer not been so bullheaded. One thing I find really odd is how Japanese devs are so senile and bullheaded. They aren't open to change when it comes outside the fold. I mean that if it's not a Japanese idea and implementation, they seems to get real snobby and refuse to believe it's any good. It has to come from "one of their own".

Western developers are just the opposite (almost to a fault). Them fuckers steal any idea under the sun and run away laughing like madmen. Sometimes we can't get them bastards to stop. lol

It's safe to say though that this has been hurting the Japanese game development situation. This generation, this senility has really caught up to them and bit them in the ass... as the Japanese devs hang on to 15 year old implementations.
Kobayashi: The goal has always been to create the perfect resident evil game, but more so what caused all these problems and these remakes to occur was that out initial concept for the game was to create a new innovative resident evil game, we used the words "model change", to change what this basic model, to change the formula that is behind resident evil, because by the time you get to the fourth, to the number four in the series if you dont have something new it gets stale, however thats easier said and done because its very easy to change to little and still have ok this is the same old resident evil ive played 100 times before, or change to much that alienates the fans and say what this isnt resident evil, what are you talking about, to find that sweet spot is much easier said then done, so finally with this new version we were able to come up with something that is enough new and enough old that old fans would appreciate the game and new people might wanna try it out.

I dont know, probably alot of people already know this but devil may cry 1 was the original re4, the official as we see it,as capcom sees it, the official start of re4 when switched over the the cube and that was the re4 version which included promotional movies with leon incased in fog, walking through a deep fog, it changed from their which was shown last year at e3, in which leon is seeing a bunch of different illusions and strange creatures going through walls and attacking him, that was the second time we tried making re4, then there was a 3rd that was never announced and that didnt work either, which brings us to the current version the fourth time weve tried to remake re4 since it came onto the cube and finally we hit onto a successful formula.

The game itself has changed and become more actiony as you've said, however there is still those scares, those shocking scenes that make you jump out of your seats, those are still in the game just now there is a greater emphasis on action and less on horror. When you think about it resident evil was scary because one- you didnt know what was on the other side of the camera and two- your in these very tight,compact environments and theres no place to run or hide so to speak, with this re4 you have these wide vast environments that take away the pressure that theres no place to run or hide, however one thing that has been added is that your against human like, now see i said human like because they arent human opponents but with that aspect comes intelligence and intelligent enemies are always gonna be more scary then enemies that are unintelligent because they will work together, they will trap you, they wil trick you, they will find a way to get you, so theres a certain fear that comes from facing opponents that are as intelligent as you instead of mindless creatures that just walk towards you.

In addition to that by taking the game and putting it into this semi fps perspective now the degrees of which you can see is not just what you can see behind and infront of you in the hallways 360 degrees, so you only, just like you and i can only see what in front of us there could be something to the right to the left something anywhere behind us that is not in our line of sight, so theres that kind of pressure that was not in any re game before.

The controls themselves, is actually an area that was criticized by foreign press alot, have not changed to much from previous re games, however due to the new camera they now match the game alot more dont feel as clunky as they did before, that being said one difference is the targetting system the original re you could only shoot 3 levels, this of course you can aim specific body parts so you have alot more variety.

Initially leon walked alot slower and turned alot slower when firing but then we realised the enemies themselves are alot faster and they were turning quicker to so you had a huge disadvantage, one of the most difficult things is balancing, if the balance between your main character and how he interacts between the enemies, you cant give the enemies to much of an advantage because then the main chaarcter is at a disadvantage and its frustrating to play, you cant give the main character to many advantages cos then its to easy and not a challenge, so initially he was kind of slow so we sped him up a little bit and then after that we tried speeding him up more to see what effect it had, but when you speed up a game to much it changes the game from RE setting to a fps action game that we have tons of, so yes you can assume it is ment to feel slow and ment to create tension and yes we know about the non strafe issue that is bugging some american fps purists, however this game is not an fps it is a RE game and the second you put in a crazy sidestep or a quick dodge you now have taken a step from RE to the fps genre full blown.

One thing that makes this RE unique from others is that there is many different bosses and enemies for that matter, more so then any other RE up until now, there is alot of variation with the bosses so there are a wide variey of ways to beat them, as you have mentioned there are weak points, it doesnt mean you have to shoot those weak points or focus on that weak point to win it just means it will die that much faster if you find that weak point and are able to exploit it. That being said there are also some bosses you need to require on interaction with the environment in order to defeat, ohhhh come on yu cant expect me to give away the answer to the riddle that easy, but i will say this "you can judge a book by its cover".

*Goes to cutscene and gonado hearing a bell ring then going to the church and one says Lord Zadlor"

Lord Zadlor is the ton elder so to speak, who is basically leading the people, in charge of ruling the people, in addition to that he is the ruler of this religion they are all into so he also is sort of like a preacher of sorts. The director mikami who actually created the series feels personally that that enemy is pretty unique among all the different enemies in action games and horror games and he has a unique flavour to him.

With the context sensitive button feature of course in the intro your gonna use it alot but as you proceed through the game your gonna use it again and again and what makes it cool is the fact that weather your pushing down ladders or jumping over fences like you do in the demo version you can also perform special moves with leon, like youve seen his kick whcih later changes into a different move so all these features continue to change and evolve so its just really packed with alot of different animations and actions, which from r&d's perspective is a pain in the ass to animate all these special unique actions for a one shot deal.

Your looking at about 20 weapons, and within the 20 weapons your gonna have your standard weapons, these are actually weapons you can buy in the game thats a new system thats been added, there are sniper rifles, the sniper rifle is a weapon that once you get it you an use it anywhere, theres your strong and powerful rocket launchers and even your handgun which you can modify and it gets strnoger and stronger as you modify it each time.

Theres alot of different environments, not only going through the town, through caves, lakes, a huge castle later in the game, plus addition you can go into tons and tons fo diffrerent buildings, within the town itself, some are larger, some are smaller some have different amounts of floors etc etc.

Concerning the play time the first time through your probably loking at about 20 hours which is very very long for a RE game.

Yoshiaki Hirabayashi: Although we're shooting for reality and i dont know weather US gamers like blood or dont there are gonna be some pretty gruesome scenes, and cutscenes in the game which should be something that scares some gamers. Leon can get his head cut off so its pretty shocking seeing the main character your controllings head fly off his body. Our whole concept we are pushing through with our cutscenes is fear through reality, so we have not taken any camera angles that are just ridiculous that you see in movies these days, we are not taking any camera angles that are not possible for humans to look through that way, there are no matrix-esque spinning around 360 degree camera angles, our whole emphasis was on making the game feel as natural and as realistic as possible. The enemies that appear in it are already weird and strange enough and if you take camera angles on top of that that just are not realistic then theres to much of a spearation between reality and game and people wont be able to get dragged into the world. Through reality we are able to draw into the world the game so that was always the goal to focus on realistic camera angles that can be seen from any perspective.

My main actual work i focus on is animating facial expressions for the characters and let me just tell you that is a pain in the butt big time, especially for this game, up until now we've not done facial motion capture but li sync which is you film a persopn speaking and try and animate the character to those lips but the director felt that didnt look real enough so instead we based the lip movement off sounds of the people speaking and did it all by hand.

Masaki Yamanaka: Leon has changed an awful lot during the last 3 remakes of re4 for the cube, initially it was always planned for leon to be the main character so that hasnt changed but how he looks, acts and his personality have changed an awful lot just because the story has changed.

initially leon was gonna be more of your average every day joe this perosn who has the rookie cop experience plus maybe a little bit more, so hes not 100% sure of himself hes not a strong mature character. Now however he is a secret service agent and with that comes skill, knowledge, patience, experience so he really is a rpo compared to what he was gonna be.

Leon himself is about 3 times the polygons as normal enemies, the reason why is plain enemies you have to have mroe then one on screen at a time so you cant have them be as detailed as leon, when you get to cutscenes that model is even more detailed then the game model so that has even more polygons, leon now looks as though hes about 7000 polygons, final enemies can go anywhere into 10000.

We have put our all into making leon a very cool character, instead of character emphasis should be placed on his personality because through all the cutscenes in the game and the different context sensitive action he can do you really get a sense of his coolness.

Yoshiaki Hirabayashi: If i was gonna say how much we have put into this game compared to others id say about 200% and that would not be an overstatement.

Kobayashi: The thing im excited most about i think we've created an awesome experience that people, gamers, casual games, hardcore gamers, fans of the series, non fans of the series and get into and enjoy.

The whole interview for those who are interested.

Thanks to Keasy4 at IGN forums.


:lol :lol :lol

Nintendroids are amusing:

"Nintendo won't support online gaming."
- Online gaming is a fad! Nintendo must make certain they are profitable in every venture they get into. Screw the fans, VIVA NINTENDO!

"Capcom's RE4 won't improve the controls so that the game remains challenging."
- Capcom knows what they're doing. They've been outputting REs all over the years with the same tank controls. Tank controls make killing slow moving zombies a challenge and therefore they are completely appropriate. It's not an FPS! GIVE US TANK CONTROLS CAPCOM! We want the game difficulty to stem from clunky controls so that we're forced to adapt to it in order to become good at the game, because IT'S NOT A FPS!


IJoel said:
:lol :lol :lol

Nintendroids are amusing:

"Nintendo won't support online gaming."
- Online gaming is a fad! Nintendo must make certain they are profitable in every venture they get into. Screw the fans, VIVA NINTENDO!

"Capcom's RE4 won't improve the controls so that the game remains challenging."
- Capcom knows what they're doing. They've been outputting REs all over the years with the same tank controls. Tank controls make killing slow moving zombies a challenge and therefore they are completely appropriate. It's not an FPS! GIVE US TANK CONTROLS CAPCOM! We want the game difficulty to stem from clunky controls so that we're forced to adapt to it in order to become good at the game, because IT'S NOT A FPS!

Talk about an old, tired and, for the latter, inaccurate arguement.


Man, I don't see what the problem is. If you don't care for it, then don't buy it. It's not like Capcom has given a bullshit excuse for the controls--they been working on this thing for years and have made it clear that issues were heavily considered.

Yes, the game isn't DMC/Ninja Gaiden super fluid or as agile as you typical FPS, but their final control scheme seems to be key to their balancing. Give Leon all the mobility that you can, and you'll probably be god like without making the villagers nearly as tough as you are. I think this is what they mean by saying that game turns into a full blown FPS--the game becomes very fast and purely action oriented. The interview seems to suggest that kind of direction would've worked against the other areas they designed.


That's a really pathetic explanation. And I bet they know that.

I don't know if I'm going to mind the controls. Seems like a lot of people are making a mountain out of a mole hill, but they could still have a point.


I think this is what they mean by saying that game turns into a full blown FPS--the game becomes very fast and purely action oriented. The interview seems to suggest that kind of direction would've worked against the other areas they designed.

Exactly. Adding a strafe obviously won't turn RE into a FPS, but it would cause people to PLAY it as a FPS. People wouldn't ease around corners and sneak around trying to stay alive..they speed around them, see zombies and then move backwards while shooting, strafing to avoid thrown objects and what not. Even if they didn't shoot..avoiding these slow ass zombies would be a piece of cake if you were allowed tons of control over your character.

Yes, part of the fear in RE has always been the limited control over your character. Silent Hill is the same It makes you proceed with caution into new areas, because your character will have a hard time fighting whatever may be lurking around. It makes you conserve your ammo and shoot only when a hit is guaranteed, because your character can so easilly miss. Some people may not like this design, but it has been Resident Evil design for years and this stuff should be no surprise. Some people hated it then, but many people enjoyed it, proving that the design is acceptable.

I wouldn't mind some FPS like controls for RE...hell I wouldn't mind making it a full blown FPS. I think it should be even easier to scare the player with this design because of the "tunnel view" and added immersiveness. And instead of eliminating strafing altogether, I'd make the character suck enough so that doing this was inneffective (like an exaggerated Splinter Cell aiming reticule that really only works well when steady). But Capcom isn't ready for that yet, and that's fine with me. At least they are not sticking with the EXACT same formula and trying something a bit different


How many people were glad with the way RE2 on N64 controlled? I know I was, and I wasn't the only one.

And on the other side of the coin, you guys defending the game, saying that people only mention the tank controls now because it's on GC haven't been here long enough. There was a time when Nintendo fans dissed the tank control scheme.

Personally, though I would like something a bit more flexible, I'm fine with the tank controls. My issue with them is when we are placed in extremely unfair situations with them. For example (RE:CV spoilers)
the fight with that Tyrant on the plane was ridiculously hard. Cramped, closed off space, semi fast moving enemy... it was hard to manuever at all.
Really though, against any fast moving enemy it's hard to do anything unless there is a lot of space to manuever. A dodge button ala RE3 would be nice.


Leviathan said:
That is so true. :lol

It's also fun to watch the critics of RE4.

Its like watching a comedy show. :lol

I think your pathetic attempts at damage control are at least just as amusing.


I've always been a fan of the RE series (although my interest dropped considerably after RE3), and I agree that the controls are one of the things that made the game. With more fluid controls, the game would lose most of the tension and challenge. I guess this says more about the game design than anything else, but it is the truth. But it's true also that the controls are crap, and that I couldn't defend them by saying anything other than removing them would strip the game of its trademark tension-filled feel.

I could understand someone not liking the game because of the controls, but people who call for improved controls without changing the rest of the game's design are missing the point. And they probably never liked the series to begin with.

But you've also got Nintendo fans (who all of a sudden are now the biggest RE fans) trying to downplay any flaws with the controls. Seriously, the only people making sense in this thread are CVXFREAK and maskrider.
for some reason, with gun valkyrie, i got used to the controls...

ABSOLUTELY HATED metroid prime (mabe someday i'll try again)...

and look forward to RE4 even with the so-called 'sluggish' controls...

i think it's because gun valkyrie was new, metroid always had tight controls (until prime) and RE always had shitty controls, so i don't have such high expectations for the controls in RE...


The Amiga Brotherhood
The demo controls and plays fine, and is my number 1 wanted game along with a Katamari sequel.

Considering how much improved the whole RE4 experience is over the earlier games in the series, including the controls, I think it's a bit nit-picky to *still* be complaining that it doesn't let you run around with your gun out whilst simultaneously side-stepping, strafing and looking upwards at a tree ...

As far as RE4 is concerned the controls work, and are much less frustrating than the earlier games whilst still sometimes managing to induce a panic as you find you aren't facing in quite the right direction to deal with the crazed peasant woman coming at you from the left :)


the GC... making people more retarded , one gamer at a time...

Dcharlie. I've never seen soldiers in combat fire a weapon while strafing. How would strafing work in RE4 since you have to stop, and then go into the semi first person?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Leviathan said:
That is so true. :lol

It's also fun to watch the critics of RE4.

Its like watching a comedy show. :lol

I would like to see you explain this one.

AssMan said:
Dcharlie. I've never seen soldiers in combat fire a weapon while strafing. How would strafing work in RE4 since you have to stop, and then go into the semi first person?

So, you are saying that weapons can only be fired when facing directly forward? You can turn your head while moving? I find that hard to believe...


Miburou summed up my thoughts nicely. If you think an RE game has a design issue, the controls aren't going to magically fix everything. They play a relatively minor role compared to the actual game itself. Altered controls won't magically make things better or easier. That said, RE4 is a type of change you've wanted. If RE4 isn't enough of a "FPS" and too much of an action game, then I suggest you go play some other game.
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