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Captain America: Civil War | Production Thread

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Off-topic but Wendy Williams is a pretty entertaining show. How you doin'? Anyway Mackie has said some dumb stuff but nothing too crazy. He was clearly hamming it up with Wendy, same as Downey did in his interview that people are taking too seriously. I bet his wife beat his ass for those comments when he got home.

Anyway you guys are going to flip your shit when you find out he is ok with the NSA looking through everything with the "if you have nothing to hide" argument.

Literally laughing my ass off at this. I was reading it and just heard Wendys voice in my head out of no where. It's proably not that funny but I'm tired lol. xD


No one has posted any of these yet?
Guys he barely says anything in that interview. I want to see some kickass afrofuturism as well because it's an amazingly great aesthetic, but he's hardly confirmed anything of the sort.
No one has posted any of these yet?
This was a major subplot of earlier drafts of Avengers, IIRC (just as the return of Hydra was a plot point in the *really really* early drafts that had the Red Skull, I think). Tony riding the nuke into the wormhole was supposed to directly mirror Steve's own act of self-sacrifice in CA:TFA. It's part of why IM2 spent so much time teeing up Tony's daddy issues along with the rest of the Avengers buildup.
I'm not really all that up to date with this Civil War movie but isn't there not enough superheroes / supervillians in the MCU to warrant making this kind of movie?


I'm not really all that up to date with this Civil War movie but isn't there not enough superheroes / supervillians in the MCU to warrant making this kind of movie?

Its unlikely that they adapt the comicbook so much, that they need so much heroes and villains.


I'm not really all that up to date with this Civil War movie but isn't there not enough superheroes / supervillians in the MCU to warrant making this kind of movie?

It's Civil War in name only, much like Age of Ultron has little to do with the comic.

Feige has pointed out that the events in AoU will lead to a public debate whether or not these heroes should roam around unchecked, and there will be a initiative to create a government-branch of some sort that superheroes will have to answer to.


I wonder if we will see every superhero's choice. I don't think so.

But they would need to make a choice which will maybe be expressed in their solo movies?

Would be a little cool to see all of them line up to make that choice in Civil War.

Captain America, Iron Man, Ant Man, Black Panther, War Machine, Falcon, Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Bruce Banner etc.


I wonder if we will see every superhero's choice. I don't think so.

But they would need to make a choice which will maybe be expressed in their solo movies?

Would be a little cool to see all of them line up to make that choice in Civil War.

Captain America, Iron Man, Ant Man, Black Panther, War Machine, Falcon, Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Bruce Banner etc.

I'm guessing Stark, Widow and Fury,s allegiances will be known by the end of AOU to us.


I just wonder how we will get to know the other hero's choices. Will that be in their solo movies in Phase 3? And what effect will it have on all the TV shows.
It's Civil War in name only, much like Age of Ultron has little to do with the comic.

Feige has pointed out that the events in AoU will lead to a public debate whether or not these heroes should roam around unchecked, and there will be a initiative to create a government-branch of some sort that superheroes will have to answer to.

Imagine if the after credit clip is Norman Osborn getting sworn in to lead the initiative against super heroes and it ends with him putting on the goblin suit. I know it would never happen but that would be an amazing way to introduce Spider-Man.


Imagine if the after credit clip is Norman Osborn getting sworn in to lead the initiative against super heroes and it ends with him putting on the goblin suit. I know it would never happen but that would be an amazing way to introduce Spider-Man.

Depends on what happened at the Spider-summit.



I'm thinking that if me and neoxon don't see age of ultron or ant-man together it has to be a high priority that we see this in theaters.

Seeing guardians of the galaxy with him made me change my mind on internet meetups. It was actually a lot of fun.


It's Civil War in name only, much like Age of Ultron has little to do with the comic.

Feige has pointed out that the events in AoU will lead to a public debate whether or not these heroes should roam around unchecked, and there will be a initiative to create a government-branch of some sort that superheroes will have to answer to.

This is where i'm really excited about. This is speculation on my part but i'll spoiler tag it just in case.

Includes talks about rumors regarding Ant-Man
With the talk about Ross being in Ant-Man and that coupled with the ending of TiH, what if Tony has been building another team behind the back of the Avengers, led by Ross. The ending in TiH makes no specific mention of when that happened. And Tony tells Ross that 'We're putting a team together' and Ross responds with 'Who's we?" and Tony just smirks which can be interpreted that he means him and Ross. And it makes sense since Fury initially declined Stark for the Avengers program. And with Tim Roth saying that there were plans to include him in AoU perhaps he's being included in Civil War.


This is where i'm really excited about. This is speculation on my part but i'll spoiler tag it just in case.

Includes talks about rumors regarding Ant-Man
With the talk about Ross being in Ant-Man and that coupled with the ending of TiH, what if Tony has been building another team behind the back of the Avengers, led by Ross. The ending in TiH makes no specific mention of when that happened. And Tony tells Ross that 'We're putting a team together' and Ross responds with 'Who's we?" and Tony just smirks which can be interpreted that he means him and Ross. And it makes sense since Fury initially declined Stark for the Avengers program. And with Tim Roth saying that there were plans to include him in AoU perhaps he's being included in Civil War.

You dont have seen the Consulant, am I right?

Its established, that Ross hates Stark and dont want to work with him.
So...who is going to take the role of Spiderman? It has to be someone with ties to both The Captain and Iron Man. I'll recommend Black Widow, also a prominent role by her can help pave the way for more cool superhero female movies that are watchable.


So...who is going to take the role of Spiderman? It has to be someone with ties to both The Captain and Iron Man. I'll recommend Black Widow, also a prominent role by her can help pave the way for more cool superhero female movies that are watchable.

There has not be a character who has to take the role of Spider-Man since its very unlikely that the Comic will be adapted. Its just the similar concept.


You dont have seen the Consulant, am I right?

Its established, that Ross hates Stark and dont want to work with him.

Forgot about that one. But still Ross looks like he hit rock bottom in the ending scene of TiH so Stark might give him a purpose. Still need to wait till Ant-Man to see if the rumors are true.


So...who is going to take the role of Spiderman? It has to be someone with ties to both The Captain and Iron Man. I'll recommend Black Widow, also a prominent role by her can help pave the way for more cool superhero female movies that are watchable.

Based on the initial reveal event, I am going to say Black Panther. He is going to be the "stuck in the middle, going back and forth" hero.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
? What has the Consulant One Shot to do with Agent Carter and the TV show and how fits Tony Stark and Thunderbolt Ross in?

Just to show the the One Shots don't seem to be absolute canon from going by the Agent Carter TV show and short film.


The Agent Carter TV series seems to have superseded/contradicted the Agent Carter One Shot though.

Unless something big happens in Episode 5 (which I haven't seen yet), I think it's too early to talk about contradictions. The narrative of the one-shot is adapted to fit in short-film form, but the plot itself could potentially fit in
after the show's end.
We'll see how it plays out.


The Agent Carter TV series seems to have superseded/contradicted the Agent Carter One Shot though.

Marvel has confirmed that the Agent Carter One Shot happens at the end of the series. How does it contradict anything that has happened?

Forgot about that one. But still Ross looks like he hit rock bottom in the ending scene of TiH so Stark might give him a purpose. Still need to wait till Ant-Man to see if the rumors are true.

The Consultant only confirms that SHIELD sent Tony there, it doesn't provides any information about what Stark and Ross talked about.
I'm actually so excited to see Black Panther that Spiderman not being in this isn't as big of a deal.

Dudes a republican and doesn't support feminism, I ain't here for that. Plus all the Mel Gibson crap.

Though I do have to say I was completely crushed when I learned he wasn't as amazing as I thought. I was rooting for you RD.

link showing he doesnt support feminism?


So what's the over/under on how many heroes you expect to appear in this?

The civil war story would naturally have nearly all of them (especially given the MCU roster is vastly smaller than the comics) but if you put all of them in it you might as well make it an Avengers film, and it's still meant to be a Cap film, with Cap's supporting cast and a Cap villain.
There's Cap, Black Widow, Iron Man, Bucky, Falcon and Crossbones confirmed, with Baron Zemo and Black Panther as newcomers. Thor is deconfirmed, and Hulk seems like he's only appearing in the Avengers films.

How many more can they realistically put in, if any? Assuming none of the team die in AoU, then Hawkeye, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Vision would seem like natural fits as supporting characters, but at some point it's overstuffed and lessening the "big team up" aspect of the Avengers films.


So what's the over/under on how many heroes you expect to appear in this?

The civil war story would naturally have nearly all of them (especially given the MCU roster is vastly smaller than the comics) but if you put all of them in it you might as well make it an Avengers film, and it's still meant to be a Cap film, with Cap's supporting cast and a Cap villain.
There's Cap, Black Widow, Iron Man, Bucky, Falcon and Crossbones confirmed, with Baron Zemo and Black Panther as newcomers. Thor is deconfirmed, and Hulk seems like he's only appearing in the Avengers films.

How many more can they realistically put in, if any? Assuming none of the team die in AoU, then Hawkeye, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Vision would seem like natural fits as supporting characters, but at some point it's overstuffed and lessening the "big team up" aspect of the Avengers films.

The heroes are already listed in the OP:

Captain America
Iron Man
Black Panther
Black Widow
Winter Soldier

And maybe Hawkeye.

I don't think we should expect any more than that.

I'm hoping all the Netflix (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage) heroes show up for it.

They won't turn up in Civil War. Iron Fist won't even have had his own Netflix show at that point, and probably not Luke Cage either.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Having the Netflix heroes show up in the movies could be good if subtle & well done. If Daredevil gets huge, maybe Matt Murdock gets a little lawyer time in Civil War.
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