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Capture The Flag Sucks


Wyzdom said:
Halo2 fans are very sensitive or something? This forum is full of hate thread but you ban this guy. Yeah right. GAF has never been coherent but damn, do you mods HAVE TO keep it that way? I suppose there's different degrees of banning and you gave the guy the smallest one?

There should be a rule here that says "you only have the right to make a thread about positive stuff". It would make more sense. Or it would be about time i become a mod here.

** you guys needs "soldiers mod" that are fair, completely unbiased and go by the book.



Wyzdom said:
Halo2 fans are very sensitive or something? This forum is full of hate thread but you ban this guy. Yeah right. GAF has never been coherent but damn, do you mods HAVE TO keep it that way? I suppose there's different degrees of banning and you gave the guy the smallest one?

There should be a rule here that says "you only have the right to make a thread about positive stuff". It would make more sense. Or it would be about time i become a mod here.

** you guys needs "soldiers mod" that are fair, completely unbiased and go by the book.
The issue was NOT that he was bashing Halo 2, or CTF, or anything. A thread on a previous topic was locked, and he made ANOTHER topic complaining about it. As long as you want to talk about "going by the book," well...here's "the book:"

TOS said:
A. Moderation of the GA Forum is not by committee. All decisions with regards to thread closure and movement, permanent and temporary bans, and membership issues are made by the GA Forum administration and are final. That being said, constructive criticisms and suggestions are welcome, provided they are directed to GA Administration via private e-mail, at forum@gaming-age.com.

E. No posts should be made regarding your opinion of another user's actions or behavior. You may not discuss the rules and regulations of this board on the forum. Any and all discussions regarding these matters should be discussed by EMAIL ONLY.
Since I'm feeling nice, I'll put away MY banstick.


Oh, and for what it's worth, CTF is OK, I suppose, but translocators are bullshit. I hate them to the point of almost never playing CTF, or just sticking on defense if I do.
Wyzdom said:
Halo2 fans are very sensitive or something? This forum is full of hate thread but you ban this guy. Yeah right. GAF has never been coherent but damn, do you mods HAVE TO keep it that way? I suppose there's different degrees of banning and you gave the guy the smallest one?

There should be a rule here that says "you only have the right to make a thread about positive stuff". It would make more sense. Or it would be about time i become a mod here.

** you guys needs "soldiers mod" that are fair, completely unbiased and go by the book.
1) He got a 2 day ban.

2) He was banned because he created a new thread complaining about Halo 2 and his thread being locked, not because of his opinion of Halo 2. You can dislike the Halo series and not get banned on Gaming Age!

3) You will never become a mod here.

Ranger X

I let you go on this one. Maybe i remember too much fucked up stuff going on here and step on the wheel too fast.
Thanks anyway coz i didn't remember this one:

"E. No posts should be made regarding your opinion of another user's actions or behavior. You may not discuss the rules and regulations of this board on the forum. Any and all discussions regarding these matters should be discussed by EMAIL ONLY."

Looks like i'll Email you next time. Oh yeah and for the mod thing, i don't care, got not enough time anyway.
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