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Castle |OT| It is okay to have a man-crush on Nathan Fillion

Rash said:
I am absolutely awed by the fact that this show wasn't canned after its first season.

And no, I haven't watched the show, but when I first heard of it, for some reason I couldn't help but predict failure. And that's especially because of Nathan Fillion's inclusion. I love Fillion, but the guy usually can't pick a good project. I'm very happy that Castle's working out for him.

I'm going to chalk this up to the list of shows I need to watch.
I felt the same way. All the previews annoyed the hell out of me. The "playful banter" and sexual tension they tried to sell in the previews made this look so annoying. And my previously proclaimed hatred of Stana Katic. But catching an episode here and there got me hooked.


I am sure I read somewhere that Stana Katic is pregnant, so will be interesting to see how they work that in to the show. I think her clothing was something to do with that too.
So tonight's episode has taken on a level of unintentional hilarity. Our antenna went out for a moment, but since coming back the sound is off by about a second or two on ABC. So Castle tonight is like watching a badly dubbed Kung Fu movie.:lol


Gold Member
I'm a big fan of Fillion and it is nice tonsee that he has probably landed what will be a 6-7 year run on a tv show, it just saddens me that he probably won't become the movie star that he could have been. Guy does comedy mixed with violence better than anybody. He could have been such an Indy or Nathan drake.....
Ratings were up since last week in preliminaries, but might go down.
Deadline said:
Castle (3.2/8) is runnig 19% higher from last week but will likely go down in the finals because of a Dance overrun and ABC's preemption in Milwaukee for the NFL game.


but ever so delicious
I doubt the show will drop in ratings by much, It seems to be pretty solid.

This weeks episode was good. As always, it's just enjoyable and a bit of fun. Still lots of flirting between the two characters but i've always enjoyed how they have done it, to me it's believable and continues to be.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
One of the weird little things I've always liked about this show is the intro. "Castle, Castle, Castle!" "Becket, Becket, Becket."

I dislike how they changed it this year. It breaks up the rhythm!
From Ausiello:

Ask Ausiello said:
Question: Is Stana Katic pregnant? Don’t get me wrong, she is as stunning as ever; her wardrobe choices on Castle, on the other hand, are suspicious. — Peter

Ausiello: She is not pregnant. In related news, the puffy blouse Katic was wearing in Monday’s episode released the following statement exclusively to Ask Ausiello: “My bad.”

So guess she isn't pregnant then.


but ever so delicious
I didn't think she was pregnant, she still wears the tightest pants on the face if this planet. I think she has always worn slightly loose fitting tops.

And what lucky bastard is dating her? :lol
evlcookie said:
I didn't think she was pregnant, she still wears the tightest pants on the face if this planet. I think she has always worn slightly loose fitting tops.

And what lucky bastard is dating her? :lol
Eh, she does nothing for me. It is the face. Something just off about it. She is the one aspect of the show that made me avoid it most of the first season.


PhoncipleBone said:
Funny episode so far. Guess this will be a small group of us on the boards eh?
Sadly yes =( just finished it...good episode. Next weeks looks awesome though.


I've been watching this series right from the beginning, and it is pretty good. I like that it doesn't take itself too seriously all the time.

Fun show.


Me too, I'd go as far as saying it's my favourite show on TV at the moment (and yes I am aware of things like Mad Men). But for me, as I don't watch a great deal of TV, Castle offers exactly what I want/need from a weekly show: something that doesn't take itself too seriously as someone mentioned above, and is simply fun and instantly accessible (without feeling like mindless drivel). A tough balancing act, but one that Castle pulls off with aplomb.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Overall liked the episode but there were some awkwardly cheesy parts. Usually the show is great about avoiding those kinds of moments, but this week I rolled my eyes a couple times.


i love season 1 but i only watched the first 2 episodes of season 2. should i watch the rest of that or can i continue with s3?


but ever so delicious
GDJustin said:
Nice ep this week. Sad Beckett was sad :(

It was a nice episode. But about sad Beckett being sad, i have to agree. Although i find her facial acting (whatever it's called :lol ) to be outstanding. I can always tell when she has this little crush on castle, is sad, angry, happy, flirting etc etc. She does it so well. Her line delivery and general acting ability may not be amazing, but i can just tell a lot by what her face is saying during scenes.

"The clever quips of castle" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ta5K7SU1V1M . Fillion was born to play this role :lol
I am still disappointed that Fillion doesnt do the audio book recordings in character. So sad.

But next week looks like a steampunk convention. Should be great.

On the ratings though:
Livefeed said:
With a minute of "Dancing" overrun, "Castle" (11.9 million, 3.0) rose 7% compared with last week and performed in the vicinity of new CBS shows "Hawaii" (12 million, 3.5), down 3% from last week, and "Molly" (12.3 million, 3.8), up 3%.


I'll watch anything with Nathan Fillion, there I said it. It does not however make Castle any less of a good show. Just finished catching up on season 2 in time to start season 3. So glad they have gotten atleast a three season run out of it.
.la1n said:
I'll watch anything with Nathan Fillion, there I said it. It does not however make Castle any less of a good show. Just finished catching up on season 2 in time to start season 3. So glad they have gotten atleast a three season run out of it.
Oh, it will be around for some time. I still havent seen much of season 1 or 2, but anytime I caught episodes of them I enjoyed them immensely. But I have been keeping up with season 3.


but ever so delicious
Latest ep was good. Castle had some hilarious moments, time traveling idea, looking for a hi-5 to lainey(sp?) :lol

Looks like Becketts love interest has now been introduced. I wonder if it will be a quick romance like last season or stick around or the majority of it. If it's the majority, i look forward to how they intend to balance it all.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I love this show... another solid and fun fun fun episode.


.la1n said:
I'll watch anything with Nathan Fillion, there I said it. It does not however make Castle any less of a good show. Just finished catching up on season 2 in time to start season 3. So glad they have gotten atleast a three season run out of it.

Its staying, for a while.... :lol

ABC must be crazy if they don't get at least 2 more seasons out of it

Anyway, episode was hilarious, I loved the part when he doesn't want to take Beckett's call :lol


This and Lie to Me are pretty much the only US TV shows I'm watching right now.

Fun stuff, Fillion comes across as charming and hilarious, really likable.
Loved the "seriously?" exchange. Good episode so far.

And they are being a lil obvious with the product placement for Taylor Swift in this episode. How convenient that Alexis's special song is Taylor's new single.


PhoncipleBone said:
Loved the "seriously?" exchange. Good episode so far.

And they are being a lil obvious with the product placement for Taylor Swift in this episode. How convenient that Alexis's special song is Taylor's new single.
Loved the ending between Beckett and Castle. next week looks awesome


but ever so delicious
Also loved the ending, It was a nice open ended touch, especially with the i love you section :lol

Enjoyable episode as always.

jax (old)

forgot to mention that their piss take of grey's anatomy (some other show did it first) was stlll frankly really really amusing. You could tell that the writers were having fun


:lol :lol
Just flew through the first 2 seasons, and caught up with the third in about a week. I. Love. This. Show. The cast has GREAT chemistry, and Fillion is hilarious.
Ah, a serial killer! These kinds of episodes are the best. The killers in them almost feel like a boss monster. Hope it's a 2-parter.
Good episode, even though it didn't make total sense to me near the end.

I'm waiting for an episode where Alexis or Castle's mom somehow get mixed up in the main storyline, either getting kidnapped, or being a witness, or whatever.
Good stuff this week. The first interrogation was probably the longest dramatic scene without a comedic interruption ever on Castle.


This was a damn good episode. Hope we have more of them this season.

This guy has to come back this season. Needs to tie into earlier this season when the medium told Beckett that someone named Andrew would save her.

ThLunarian said:
I'm waiting for an episode where Alexis or Castle's mom somehow get mixed up in the main storyline, either getting kidnapped, or being a witness, or whatever.

I'd bet on it.


but ever so delicious
Good episode. I was wondering what heart felt moment they would throw at the end between the two.

Part of me would like to see castle get shot in the finale for some reason :lol


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Excellent episode this week. Unfortunately Castle, moreso than any other show I watch, is undone by its static running time. Every week they catch the "killer" but I'm like "Well, there is an entire commercial break left, sooo...."

Also, Castle's figuring out of what was really going on was truly ridiculous, as was Alexis's B-plot.

And yeah I agree with everyone about his family. The writers have shown AMAZING restraint not getting his mom or daughter involved in any cases. On a lesser show they would happen to stumble into critical roles in a case like every 3rd week.

jax (old)

I enjoyed the episode. Breaking the formula of not beating the case in 1 was great for the show and much needed.

Procedurals needs a kick up the butt and season3 is time to start doing so.

The daughter is a sexy little thing.


but ever so delicious
A good episode as always but nothing really noteworthy to talk about. Poor castle though with all the strippers :lol


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
evlcookie said:
A good episode as always but nothing really noteworthy to talk about. Poor castle though with all the strippers :lol

Yeah I just watched it too. Fairly "standard" but the Castle standard is pretty high. I did see the twist coming from a mile away, since they went out of their way to mention the dyed gray hair but then didn't bring it back up for 30+ minutes.

Also, Alexis is just ADORABLE. She's not "attractive/hot" in the way that some 17 year old actresses can be (don't lie dudes), but... I just really like her style. It's hard to explain.


I must say I'm really enjoying this show. But I wish Castle's career would be shown more often. It seems that in S3 they bassicaly completely forgot he's a novelist.
AdrianWerner said:
I must say I'm really enjoying this show. But I wish Castle's career would be shown more often. It seems that in S3 they bassicaly completely forgot he's a novelist.

Castle has basically forgotten he's a novelist. Half the time, he doesn't even WANT to write anymore :lol


but ever so delicious
GDJustin said:
Yeah I just watched it too. Fairly "standard" but the Castle standard is pretty high. I did see the twist coming from a mile away, since they went out of their way to mention the dyed gray hair but then didn't bring it back up for 30+ minutes.

Also, Alexis is just ADORABLE. She's not "attractive/hot" in the way that some 17 year old actresses can be (don't lie dudes), but... I just really like her style. It's hard to explain.

Agreed on Alexis, Adorable is pretty much the perfect word to sum up the actress and character she plays.

We also haven't really seen much of castles exwife/girlfriend and becketts new boyfriend. We just got told they exist, a small cameo and that's it :lol
Does anyone watch The Mentalist? They're very similar shows. So similar in fact that the 'dead person in coffin' trick from a few weeks ago was in last weeks Mentalist. Watching it I was thinking, "man, they just did this gag" but then I realized it was Castle who did it. Made me realize that except for the darkness inherent to The Mentalist, they are basically the same show.

I don't like how they've backed down from Castle helping out according with research he's done for past books, or having a contact on the inside somewhere; Now it's just like he's a police officer in training.


but ever so delicious
Why couldn't it have been about birds! :lol

Nice episode as always. I thought it might have been a bit over the top but it wasn't a twist i was expecting, so well done on that.
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