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Catch crumpled paper, throw it in the can (internet game)

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i could've done better i hit like the first 10 in a row and then missed like 30 straight

but i shot down the damn plane by accident

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Wow, I am just SO bad at this. I'm normally quite good at flash games, but something about this one I just can't get.

It seems a bit broken too, occasionally I can't throw it, I keep gesturing like normal and eventually just have to click and let it drop. My cursor reappearing is annoying too.

1430 so far. Oh well, beating Alpha *doesn't feel any better*


I got like 13000 last time this game was posted..

the key is to throw it straight at the trash... no tossing it..
Posted many times before, but I'll repeat my top score, which is 71 170. The more you play it, the more in tune with it you get. I also never go for the planes; it's far better just to keep trying to get multiple shots in the can in a row. I haven't played for a long while (and intend to keep it that way :) ) but the best motion to use is to have your arm bent in a 90 degree angle and then straighten it by moving forward and upward at the same time. If you've got the right motion, you can be sure it's going to go in. I never actively try to do it that way though, but that's what usually works.
Kurashima said:
Posted many times before, but I'll repeat my top score, which is 71 170.

That means nothing without proof! :p


Come out of retirement and defend your supposed GA airtos title beeyatch!!!!
i must have played this game 10+ times and i still really really suck, i dotn think ive ever got more than 4000 and i just got a great score of 370 wooooo


holy shit shogmaster


that's my current best. sometimes it just clicks for me and i do really well, and then other times i just miss and miss and miss.
Wow, congratulations. Doesn't it bug you just a bit that you couldn't make it to 100 000? ;) Anyway, I've played "partial games" a while ago where the most I could get is 42 000 or so. If I play a game until it finishes, I'll force myself to play until I beat my old record, which I don't see myself doing. So I'm going to stay in retirement, and put Shogmaster's achievement out of my mind.


EmSeta said:
Am I the only one infantile enough to make masturnation gestures with his hand every time I lose?

Everytime I get it in, I pump his hand into the air. When I miss I make him scratch his head or butt.


My best is 3745.

On the plane, though, I'm not sure if it affects your "consecutive shots" multiplier, but you can toss the ball directly up, hit the plane, catch the ball on its way back down and still get it in the trash.

For all my lack of skill, that'll forever be my biggest contribution to players of this game :)



Looking for Pants
I was in the zone during this game. I could have gone forever, but decided to stop at 100000.

Here is my proof, notice the bar is still full. It took about a minute of doing nothing for the game to end.

Lathentar said:
I was in the zone during this game. I could have gone forever, but decided to stop at 100000.

Here is my proof, notice the bar is still full. It took about a minute of doing nothing for the game to end.


Holy shit...


What do you do with the plane? I haven't hit it or caught it yet (if you are supposed to catch it. probably not). How much is it worth?

aoi tsuki

i got fed up with this game, and intentionally threw one behind my chair. Try it!

But yes, this game is OLD...

Edit: You arm needs to be pointed straight down for this to work.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Hold the paper until the plane is above your head, toss it straight up, nab the 400 or so points, and then catch the paper on the way down, and continue by lobbing it into the trash.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Awesome. Some more experimentation. Even if you "juggle" the ball to strike the plane, you can still lob it in the trash and continue a "combo". Only true misses break the combos.


That's good. When I posted about that above, I was not (and still am not) good enough to actually have a combo going, hit the plane and then hit the trash too.



Running off of Custom Firmware
A combo is when you hit the trash can in a sequence. It adds to the multiplier with each one you sink without failing. (Failing, in this case, is hitting the floor.) Say, 100 pts the first time, 100x2 the second time, 100x3 the third time, etc. Planes are worth 400 (but don't add to the multiplier.) Sinking flashing papers is worth 200 (times the current multiplier, if any.)

So, you can sink a couple of trash cans, then juggle a piece of paper vertically, taking out a plane for a quick 400, catching the paper on the way down, and lob it into the trash without that juggle counting as a miss, breaking your combo.

4950 is my high score.


i have joined the ranks of lathentar of making 100000+ points and then stopping


i actually would've kept playing but people were waiting on me
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