CBS: Officials intercepted Manafort speaking to Russians about the 2016 campaign


There's nothing to be found here, right?

I mean, that's what this administration has said.

I bet every fuckin' link is right in here.


I thought it would just be shady Ukraine stuff, but if this is coming out...fuck me, I think they have the Trump-Russia smoking gun.
Yeah I posted this in the NYT thread for Manafort, but wasn't sure if it should have been its own thread. Probably for the best, because I think that this is pretty significant especially since it also infers that Trump is caught on record in all of this (of course he is).

This is exactly why he moaned about Obama putting in 'tapps' in Trump Tower, because there were listening devices and he was picked up on through incidental collection, via Paul Manafort.

A part of me wonders, if they are more savvy than most are giving them credit and by that I mean, they almost did seem aware. On some levels, I think these guys come across as total buffoons, but then on others, I think 'Damn they are playing the game.'


If Orange Con Man is on tape, he is literally humanity's first case of an evolved being manifested as Murphy's Law.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
part of me wonders, if they are more savvy than most are giving them credit and by that I mean, they almost did seem aware. On some levels, I think these guys come across as total buffoons, but then on others, I think 'Damn they are playing the game.'

Possible that an investigator or other party confronted them or nunes with an incontrovertible quote they could only have gotten from surveillance.


I'll have to see the details to judge, but this is a pretty big deal, I think. More of a case needs to be built,because very few federal investigations are built on any one piece of evidence. But this is a good thing. At the very least I grow more and more confident that Manafort is fuuuuuuucked.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
A movie about all this shit is gonna be made in fifty years and people will rate it down for the leaps of logic and coincidences that permeate the plot. This shit is just too preposterous.
Possible that an investigator or other party confronted them or nunes with an incontrovertible quote they could only have gotten from surveillance.

Yeah I'm inclined to agree with that, but then also, my suspension of disbelief is almost stretched so far that it becomes almost reasonable to think that they really are 'Playing 4D Chess' (lol). I say that because, how could these guys seriously believe that they weren't going to be put under a microscope and that they were actually going to get away with this?

Did they seriously believe that 'Hey Sessions can just block everything nbd.'? That reasonable people wouldn't be scrutinizing them heavily? Are they all seriously that self-absorbed/narcissistic and delusional that they thought they could just waltz right through the U.S. Federal Government?

We know that Putin and Russia's main agenda is to sow strife, chaos, discord, loss of faith in Democratic institutions, etc., but are Trump and crew all oblivious to this, or are they fully knowingly committing to that agenda anyway? Or is the financial ensnarement that strong and fully realized for all of these people?

There are so many questions. It's all so damn fascinating that's for sure, no doubt about it.


I don't think that's a thing.

But now it's a band name. Boom.

Yeah I'm inclined to agree with that, but then also, my suspension of disbelief is almost stretched so far that it becomes almost reasonable to think that they really are 'Playing 4D Chess' (lol). I say that because, how could these guys seriously believe that they weren't going to be put under a microscope and that they were actually going to get away with this?

Did they seriously believe that 'Hey Sessions can just block everything nbd.'? That reasonable people wouldn't be scrutinizing them heavily? Are they all seriously that self-absorbed/narcissistic and delusional that they thought they could just waltz right through the U.S. Federal Government?

We know that Putin and Russia's main agenda is to sow strife, chaos, discord, loss of faith in Democratic institutions, etc., but are Trump and crew all oblivious to this, or are they fully knowingly committing to that agenda anyway? Or is the financial ensnarement that strong and fully realized for all of these people?

There are so many questions. It's all so damn fascinating that's for sure, no doubt about it.

Rich people can be stupid.

See that medical ceo guy.. the moron. Fuckstick something. You know the one. They've never had to deal with consequences, and trump likely thought president means dictator. As you can tell by his executive orders and failed, everything.

Russia is the only one playing chess. That's why the Russian lawyer literally sent them an email saying them as much. Putin wants to undermine our faith in government, weaken nato, and get his pals off the magninsky list + invade other nations without any trouble. The more this becomes a circus, unfortunately, that was his goal. But the nation needs to deal with the fallout first. Then go pm the defensive. 2017, Republicans don't mind Russians hacked our election to get trump in office. Just keep repeating that.


Trump's Obama wiretapping accusation seems like a desperate peace-of-mind tactic now. Like, the idea was gnawing away at him so much, he thought that by making a wild accusation he could chill himself out when everyone eventually said "he didn't wiretap you, you're crazy."

I guess he never considered that they'd tapped Manafort instead.

Edit: They've gotta be going after Manafort for leverage at this point. They want him to flip.

All previous reports indicate that Mueller's team doesn't want to do deals with anyone. They want everyone involved to go down all the way.

Short of an actual smoking gun on Trump, there's not much he could offer them that they'd take unless that position has changed.


I think Trump said the wiretapping because he knew he said some shit over the phone. So if he did get wiretapped (or someone else wiretapped he talked to) he could use it as a "got you".

That or he's just an idiot that is easily manipulable and listens to whatever Fox and Friends has to say.
Rich people can be stupid.

See that medical ceo guy.. the moron. Fuckstick something. You know the one. They've never had to deal with consequences, and trump likely thought president means dictator. As you can tell by his executive orders and failed, everything.

Russia is the only one playing chess. That's why the Russian lawyer literally sent them an email saying them as much. Putin wants to undermine our faith in government, weaken nato, and get his pals off the magninsky list + invade other nations without any trouble. The more this becomes a circus, unfortunately, that was his goal. But the nation needs to deal with the fallout first. Then go pm the defensive. 2017, Republicans don't mind Russians hacked our election to get trump in office. Just keep repeating that.

Yeah I definitely agree with you. I personally believe that is the most likely reality, but damn is it crazy to think that the people in the Oval Office were that damn delusional, and that there's essentially a cult of delusional Americans that propped them up into this position in the first place, although more and more I'm beginning to think that the #MAGA cult is actually relatively limited in number, and that their scope and influence has actually been projected upward.

I wonder just how deep Russia's voting interference ran beyond just ideological internet warfare, and whether or not physical tallies were indeed messed with on some levels.

And yeah, Russia/Putin are definitely the chess players in this, and it does look like their plan has actually worked quite effectively, but what's the next move for them? And what is America's response, both internally and geopolitically?


Yeah it was obvious Manafort being tapped off and on since 2014 was gonna turn into something. Hannity and his shills have jumped right back on the Trump was telling the truth about wiretaps while everyone else lied including republican leadership


Yeah I definitely agree with you. I personally believe that is the most likely reality, but damn is it crazy to think that the people in the Oval Office were that damn delusional, and that there's essentially a cult of delusional Americans that propped them up into this position in the first place, although more and more I'm beginning to think that the #MAGA cult is actually relatively limited in number, and that their scope and influence has actually been projected upward.

I wonder just how deep Russia's voting interference ran beyond just ideological internet warfare, and whether or not physical tallies were indeed messed with on some levels.

And yeah, Russia/Putin are definitely the chess players in this, and it does look like their plan has actually worked quite effectively, but what's the next move for them? And what is America's response, both internally and geopolitically?

You can Google reports, but most of our intelligence agencies confirm the interfering to get trump to win,and it's ongoing. I don't think you need to hack voting booths when you're poisoning with propaganda. I mean it's our game plan we've used against other nations(the usa) just didn't see it coming with social media. We can't discount how effective psyops are.

White supremacy, and longing for the good days( when minorities couldn't vote, or women) has always been here. Even after the civil war, which wasn't fought by the slaves, but on the behalf of the slaves, robbed black people and any underclass the opportunity to fight for their own dignity on their terms. So now you get passive racism. Legally you can't own slaves. Legally, prisoners can do forced labor. More prisoners than we ever had slaves here. Japanese internment camps, treatment of the irish. I mean the list goes on and on for america. With no real lessons learned. We are literally repeating it currently with Muslims and the lgbtq community, as well as mexicans. This is how you know it's always here, in some form. You say delusional, but there is a system that supports their beleifs. It's called the justice system.

I'm not sure about Russian moves. But America won't learn from mistakes until it's too late like any empire. It's proven to have no will to make things right for its people. The wealthy, whom are globally diversified, will be fine. And that's who poor Americans( half @ poverty level, last time I checked) want to succeed over themselves. Electing Donald trump was a open door for literal billionaires to run the country and steal from the poor. It's what Rome wanted, so fuck rome.

(Sips more wine)
Let's not forget that many of the Russians involved were also under surveillance by US allies. The US IC has been getting quiet reports about this from the Dutch, British and German security services even before the election.

Big pieces of the puzzle may not even get out in the open and just end up as summaries in Mueller's report.
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