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CD Audio - When You Get That One Disc That Won't Cooperate...

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Sierra made it easy for PC gaming nerds with an appreciation for game music scores, but I'm finding that Virgin, in their short life as a game publisher, decided to make things exceedingly more difficult than they need to be.

Case in point, The 7th Guest and its music written by The Fat Man himself. The soundtrack came with each copy of the game, burned onto the second disc. The problem is that it's one of those ugly multi-session jobs that makes Windows say "Hey, you've just got data on this thing." I need to extract it. Well, okay, I want to extract it. I'm not a fan of running cables, either, but if that's the *only* option I have, a nostalgic gamer's gotta do what a nostalgic gamer's gotta do.

Any hints/tips to get Windows to see the CD-Audio session on this disc?


You know, I've been ripping into m4a with iTunes for so long, that I forgot that I had CDEx installed. (I know, I know, EAC's twin, we'll save the discussion over which one has the requisite "evil" goatee for another thread.) But apparently it's just one, very long track. I ripped it into an uncompressed WAV file, I'll split it once I find the individual song names.

Thanks for making me dig deep into my Start menu. :p
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