Just rewatched a bit of Endgame last night and I dont remember the Hulk looking this bad. Man what happened there. Go back and watch it Hulk looks like poop.
Not the CGI, the poor art design aging poorly. The older Hulk looks better.cgi not aging well, who would of guessed
The whole frickin' movie looks like a cartoon - why does Hulk stand out to you guys?
nobody in this industry understands light
Good Marvel Movies:Other stuff looks funky, but Hulk stands out even more. Maybe its because his design was changed a lot I don't know. Was just something I noticed when FF threw a re watch yesterday. Especially the scene with the Ancient one and the end scene where he is running with all the avengers.
I dont know maybe its because they slimmed him down a bit and tried to make him more "human". Its just one of the worst looking Hulks and in every scene he comes off a super CGI. Thanos still looks pretty good in comparison.
But ya overall the whole movie is just super CGI. That end scene just made me think that probably none of these people were actually on set anywhere with each other and half of them were actually just CGI not even actors in CGI suits or anything. Just straight up video game. At some point I wasnt sure if I was watching avengers or playing my copy of Squars avengers LOL. Especially when Cap was fighting Thanos with Thors hammer I was like hmm I did that exact lightning move in the game.
Good Marvel Movies:
Might be it honestly.
- Winter Soldier
- Civil War
- Guardians 1
- Thor: Ragnarok
Yeah, for sure. I'll check out the Disney + shows, and Dr. Strange 2. I have a major soft spot for Moon Knight, and read that a lot as a kid.MCU is at its best when they're not trying to be superhero movies. Winter Soldier works well as a spy thriller and Guardians just feels like some weird Star Wars/Trek knock off thing.
I've heard wonderful things about Ragnarok, but I've yet to watch it. The superhero genre is so goddamn played out at this point, I have no idea how people are still managing to get excited.
Yeah, for sure. I'll check out the Disney + shows, and Dr. Strange 2. I have a major soft spot for Moon Knight, and read that a lot as a kid.
MCU is at its best when they're not trying to be superhero movies. Winter Soldier works well as a spy thriller and Guardians just feels like some weird Star Wars/Trek knock off thing.
I've heard wonderful things about Ragnarok, but I've yet to watch it. The superhero genre is so goddamn played out at this point, I have no idea how people are still managing to get excited.
Infinity war was pretty good too. I think the best of the Avengers films. First one was good but go back and watch it loses a lot of its charm. Second one was meh. Endgame was pretty much useless except for the last battle scene.
IMO Endgame was just made to make $$$ and so the Russo's could have their "shocking" ending of killing everyone. In the end Endgame's whole plot was nothing since Hulk says it they return back in time and bring the stones back (off screen). So all that time travel stuff was convulted nonsense to undo the snap and lead into a final battle.
Infinity War and Endgame could have been merged into one movie getting rid of all that time travel, fat thor, professor hulk, everyone moping around about the snap. If Thor had killed Thanos it would have been pretty satisfying in the end and a good ending to the entire saga. You still could have found a way to kill of Tony and maybe time travel Cap back to the 40's if needed without making an entire 2 and a half hour movie of mcguffin after mcguffin just to get to killing Thanos.
Weirdly I prefer the pre-MCU movies. Maybe I was just the right age, but Raimi Spider-Man, Blade 1 + 2, and the Fox X-Men films (for the most part) left way more of an impression on me
Just rewatched a bit of Endgame last night and I dont remember the Hulk looking this bad. Man what happened there. Go back and watch it Hulk looks like poop.
They didn't undo the snap BTW, they just brought everyone back who were snapped away. And everyone dying is part of the Infinity comic storyline, you can't put that story on screen without doing the most important part.
Immortal hulk is both current and a character defining run. I can’t recommend it enoughI should look further into Hulk's comics. There have to be some classic runs
Because at most studios this work is shopped out to..artists are not payed to the push the limits of the cgi....they are not payed to find new and better ways to make things more realistic. They are paid to do the bare minimum in the fastest time possible. This is why cgi in film has not improved much in the last 15 years. Trust me , most artists who work on this stuff would love to make the cg better. If Avengers 14 looks like shit but makes 5 billion dollars, why would Disney care if it looks better.
This is probably the best reason I’ve seen for why something like Jurassic Park still can “look” and feel better than a modern film, because it was true artist and master craftsmen working on it, not farmed out to the cheapest bidder.
All the technology in the world won’t turn a visionless grunt into a true artist.
Good Marvel Movies:
Didnt read the comic book. Watched some of the cartoon though and like that better where each avenger outsmarted Thanos for each stone.
I just think ENDGAME was a 2 hour 30 minute mcguffin chase to kill Tony and Widow and they could of cut all the time travel stuff and made one movie instead of 2. The only really good thing was the final fight. The rest was just busy work go here go there stuff that in the grand scheme of things didnt need a 150 minute movie.
Immortal hulk is both current and a character defining run. I can’t recommend it enough Immortal Hulk Vol. 1: Or Is He Both? (Immortal Hulk (2018-2021)) eBook : Ewing, Al, Bennett, Joe, Ross, Alex, Bennett, Joe, Ewing, Al: Kindle Store Immortal Hulk Vol. 1: Or Is He Both? (Immortal Hulk (2018-2021)) eBook : Ewing, Al, Bennett, Joe, Ross, Alex, Bennett, Joe, Ewing, Al: Kindle
Good Marvel Movies:
Might be it honestly. The difference is just staggering.
- Winter Soldier
- Civil War
- Guardians 1
- Thor: Ragnarok
I've heard it's good too. I bought the first hardcover but waiting for the 2nd one before reading it. Isn't it more horror centric and psychological?
I should look further into Hulk's comics. There have to be some classic runs
2003 Hulk still looks great:
I don't think the cgi in The Incredible Hulk (2008) has aged very well.
Straight from the Blu-ray Disc.
I don't know if you're joking or not, but I liked the Arrowverse at the beginning. Crossovers were fun and different and the whole thing was light hearted TV you can relax to. But it all got dragged out for far too long with the same stories being told by the end.Arrowverse > MCU