Picked up the game today; it's more of the same, so everyone will know what to expect. The old character types/races are exactly the same, which is a little disappointing (new hair or clothes would have been nice, but I suppose it won't matter once you get armor, and I'm sure there will be new armor...right?), but there are two new character types: A lizardman/shaman and a catman/berserker.
My old character is a level 22 Barbarian warrior, so the problem for me is, if I load up the character into a new game on the beginner setting, it's FAR too easy, and I still need to get a few more levels before I can play on the next setting up and not get killed.
Might have to break out the Codebreaker and make myself level 24 before importing.
But I think I'm going to start a new character anyway, since I never did get to use magic in the original game.