Matlock said:I don't remember that skit, wtf. :|
I'm thinking that's his wife in that scene too.isamu said:And also, who is the asian chick in the "Slowmotion laundry mat" skit(the attractive second one, obvously)? I swear she's the hottest chick in the entire show! Dave mentioned that his wife is asian. Could his wife be one of the asian chicks in the show?
GamePnoy74 said:I'm thinking that's his wife in that scene too.
Barrage said:Dave's Wife is in an episode of Season 2. It's the one where he's complaining about people who come up to him and pitch ideas.
Barrage said:Dave's Wife is in an episode of Season 2. It's the one where he's complaining about people who come up to him and pitch ideas.
Fixed2BeBroken said:I always wondered if the Old Asian guy in that one skit where they are rolling dice and get robbed by Charlie murphy is His Wife's Father.
isamu said:Hmm, interesting. She's pretty cute. KInda looks like she's either Thai, Cambodian or Philipino
Blackace said:I know she is Asian... maybe even Thai... He starts the Racial Draft skit by talking about how he and his wife talk about which half of Tiger is hitting the ball better
loxy said:That's what I thought. Also that was really his son in the "Nick Cannon is hillarious" skits, right?
pollo said:shes filipina
shes mad cute too.
The Experiment said:Wasn't Vida on Chappelle's Piss On You?
isamu said:Vida was not in Piss on You.
Ford Prefect said:A lot of the girls on the show are good looking, but she's just gross.
Amakusa some people here have no taste for females. She's fucking hot, I'd hit it and beat it out across her back. She's not one of those skinny toothpick girls from what I cans from that first pic, she has the perfect amount of meat on her bones.
Are you fucking kidding me? She's beefy as HELL, and probably has quite the gut underneith that tight little outfit. Plus she has an oddly manly look about her face that I can't quite put my finger on. Maybe it's just her overall size....and those spaces in her teeth. You're one to talk about taste in females. :lol She's far as hell from being skin and bones. Plus she has an overall porn-star-slut look that really turns me off.Amakusa some people here have no taste for females. She's fucking hot, I'd hit it and beat it out across her back. She's not one of those skinny toothpick girls from what I cans from that first pic, she has the perfect amount of meat on her bones.
dskillzhtown said:That is Gloria Velez I think.
Actually I am sure that is her. She has been in a few Chappelle skits. The wig makes her look not that hot, but it was important to the scene.