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Charlie and the chocolate factory games coming from high-voltage and take-two


Is it just me, or does this sound like a terrible idea? The only reason the new movie isn't a definitive raping of our childhoods is because Tim Burton is making it... A video game based on this however, smacks of bad licensing gone amok. Can't we just go ahead and have another industry crash already so we can just get rid of all of this crap and go back to good and innovative games that aren't controlled by marketing departments?

Extremely generic quotes from the press release below:

"We are very excited to be working with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment on a videogame adaptation of Tim Burton's vision of the classic Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," said Christoph Hartmann, Senior Vice President of Publishing at Global Star Software. "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has entertained audiences around the globe for over forty years, and the bright and colorful settings, iconic storytelling and beloved characters are a perfect match for this medium."

"The unique nature of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory content offers a rare opportunity to create a great interactive extension of the fiction," said Jason Hall, Senior Vice President of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. "Working with Global Star, we look forward to launching an engaging video game based on this extremely imaginative property."


The only reason the new movie isn't a definitive raping of our childhoods is because Tim Burton is making it...

No, it's because the original movie is a rape of the book and this one will probably actually be closer in tone to the actual source material.


Considering the fairly fantastic job High-Voltage did with the Haunted Mansion license, I'd hold out some hope and maintain a shred of confidence in this. HM had more creative level design and play mechanic ideas than you'd ever expect for something meant as a movie marketing tie-in (though the source was the actual Disney ride).


being watched
brandonnn said:
Considering the fairly fantastic job High-Voltage did with the Haunted Mansion license, I'd hold out some hope and maintain a shred of confidence in this. HM had more creative level design and play mechanic ideas than you'd ever expect for something meant as a movie marketing tie-in (though the source was the actual Disney ride).


I was just about to post the same thing. Haunted Mansion was one of my favourite games of last year...but a lot of overhyped titles to shame.


not an idiot
High Voltage Software is an amazing developer... they also made the awesome awesome Inside Drive series. I love them.


Chili Con Carnage!
oooooh i wanna play as an oompa loompa, fighting back against my oppressive chocolate hoarding master with karate (tiny powerful fists) and singing.
teiresias said:
No, it's because the original movie is a rape of the book and this one will probably actually be closer in tone to the actual source material.

Add to that that Burton's not been on his strongest form in recent years.
Tortfeasor said:
Can't we just go ahead and have another industry crash already so we can just get rid of all of this crap and go back to good and innovative games that aren't controlled by marketing departments?

1. A crash would never accomplish what you want. it would just delay the inevitable return of the cash-in licenses once the industry bounced back. Just look at the industry crash in the 80s and how little it prevented crappy licenses from reaching the NES after it's recovery. Wanting another crash is foolish and will never accomplish any of the nostalgic notions of "the good ol' days".

2. Ye have little faith and vision. This is Tim Burton's take on the book/movie and he's quite the visionary. Who knows what additional craziness might await us in his vision. Also HV has been doing pretty decent this generation with the already mentioned Haunted Mansion game (which was doomed to fail due to consumers thinking it tied in with the terrible movie, when in fact is was actually based off the Disneyland ride.) HV also did the Hunter games and is near completion on the new Leisure Suit Larry game (think what you will but I think this game looks fun and funny).



teiresias said:
No, it's because the original movie is a rape of the book and this one will probably actually be closer in tone to the actual source material.
When Gene Wilder is the star, little things like sticking to the source material, shrink into insignificance. :p
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