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Check Out The Package On That Game...


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I was just curious, do most of you hold on to the boxes your games come in? I can remember when I was younger, I'd hold onto just about every pointless piece of packaging (meeting my alliteration quota) that came with a game. Sometimes I'd even stick the boxes on my wall in a tacky celebration of my dorkdom. These days, I usually just chunk them. Of course, games don't really come in boxes anymore, with the obvious exception of PC games, but even so, I couldn't see myself holding on to them. Maybe it's a testament to how crappy the packaging has become. I can remember Duke Nukem 3D coming in a very sleek looking box with a fold open lid and a mouse pad inside. Packaging is part of the consumer experience, but it seems the current crop of stuff just makes me not want to care anymore. Maybe it's just me...


works for Gamestop (lol)
I still have boxes for all my games since the SNES era.

Actually, make that the regular Gameboy era


Yes I keep everything, my games are opened using an exacto knife so that I can keep the plastic cellophane / shrink wrap intact.


I hav alot of games, so when I was akid I used to imagine that my room was a video game store, I'd put the games in a nice display pattern and then ask some one from my family to come in and then ask them what they wanted to buy today. :p (I used also sell cucumbers)


I buy games to play them, not to stare at the boxes. If they don't come in a DVD case then the boxes either go in the closet or the trash.


Queen of Denmark
I always tried to keep everything, but in the days of cardboard game packaging, it became difficult; I liked to keep the games in their original boxes, which would inevitably deteriorate from years of removal and replacement in the cabinet.

Now that we're in the era of DVD cases, I can actually keep the packaging without it becoming all ratty, and that's what I do -- even the promotional materials included in some games. I don't know why, really -- just a habit. I've also taken to keeping GBA carts in a separate place so that their boxes remain intact.
Firest0rm said:
I hav alot of games, so when I was akid I used to imagine that my room was a video game store, I'd put the games in a nice display pattern and then ask some one from my family to come in and then ask them what they wanted to buy today. :p (I used also sell cucumbers)

My N64 and PC boxes are mostly pretty beat up and disorganized. The newer systems that use DVD cases are much easier to store.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I have stacks upon stacks of PS2, GC and XBOX boxes and over 400 DVDs. All empty.

I take the discs out and keep them in these things...


All color coded. Green XBOX, Purple GC and Blue PS2. PC is Red and DVD's are in a series of caselogic notebooks.
I keep all my N64 carts in a plastic crate, my GBA games strewn about, and all my (more than 150) PC games in a big folder with all the manuals and CD case inserts kept in a folder.

Most of my current gen stuff is in the proper DVD cases, but for any I don't have cases for (review builds etc) I throw them in other CD folders.

I want to be careful and neat, but it just doesn't become me.
I keep all my PC boxes since '95 in other boxes, in storage. A select few get to stay out on the display shelf. Currently the jewel cases and CDs are kept separte.
All my console titles have their cases and are in stands.

If a registration card or flyer for a Geforce DDR falls out during the initial unveiling, I don't worry about it.

way more

I've kept all my pc boxes since 96'. There is quite a collection of good shit but I don't know what to do with them, they just take up space. I think when I move back to college my mom will throw them out.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
DaCocoBrova said:
I have stacks upon stacks of PS2, GC and XBOX boxes and over 400 DVDs. All empty.

I take the discs out and keep them in these things...


All color coded. Green XBOX, Purple GC and Blue PS2. PC is Red and DVD's are in a series of caselogic notebooks.

Yeah, I've seen some of those storage bins. That color-coding idea you're using sounds smart. I may have to copy it as it'd fit in well with the rest of my anally-organized room. As for me, I used to have the box to every SNES, N64, GB/GBA game I had, then one day I got on this 'minimalism' kick and decided to throw away every thing that I didn't really need, and as they were just eating up space, they were dumpster-bound. A decision I regreat on my weaker days.


I save everything. Kind of the collector in my I guess, even though i'm not one of those hardcore gaming collectors.

I guess if I decided to take the stance of not caring about the packaging and stuff I might as well just pirate.
I keep all my original boxes because the companies pay for them and that affects the cost of the game for me. Throwing that away is liking throwing away money. It can also really hurt if you intend on reselling or trading the game in.
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